
The spinning mass of fire didn't explode like most other fire spells, instead it stayed in one spot and engulfed everything within it before slowly dissipating. The spinning mass of fire hit Amelia's legs as they were the closest part of her body to it when she fell. It engulfed her legs entirely, causing her to scream in pain. Tears trickled down her face from the pain, and she fell limp were she lay.

Mark was surprised seeing her dying from protecting him. This was the first time someone was willing to sacrifice their life for his. He shook his head and concentrated. If he got lost in his thoughts, Amelia might die before he can save her. The spinning mass of fire had seared the wound, but only partially.

"Can you heal others like you healed me?" Mark spoke quickly to Pass.

[No] Pass replied, [I can only heal you because we're one in the same]

Amelia was bleeding from where her legs used to be as he conversed, so he hurriedly tried to stop the bleeding. It scared him to see blood, but he wanted to save her more. He gathered a ball of water around her lower gut and willed her body to heal.

[New spell acquired]

Water Healing(Rank 1 0%)- Water users are known as humanities best healer. Water Healing is the most basic healing spell of water users but also most used healing spell. It uses water to both speed up the bodies natural healing, and provide healing of its own.

After the notification went off, the ball of water diffused into a blue light that surrounded her entire body. He wouldn't be able to grant her new legs with this healing, but he could at least try to save her life.

New tissue began to form over the dead black tissue at the bottom of her gut. The blood had stopped flowing out and tissue slowly started forming and closing the gap in the bottom of her gut. After ten minutes passed, Amelia's life had stabilized.

Even with her life stabilized, Amelia didn't wake up yet. She probably wouldn't wake up for days, considering the damage done to her body..

For the first time in his life, Mark felt like he owed somebody. He felt like he owed Amelia his life, for she had saved it. 'You are the first person to help me, and for that, I will make sure you live. No matter how hard it is, I will heal you,' Mark promised in his mind.

For her to risk her life for him, regardless of whether she was female or wielded fire, he would help her. He hadn't gotten to know her very well, but she had already given him a goal, other than to just survive.

[Mission alert]

Protect and Heal Amelia- A mission spawned purely on your emotions.There are no rewards, but upon failure, your Will will decrease by ten.

Mark didn't worry about the mission. It was already his will, so making it a mission didn't change what he planned to do. He would travel to the capital of Heaven't Wind alone.

[Unlocked hidden profession, survivalist]

[Profession evolving from interaction with Unlimited Potential]

[New profession, Limitless survivalist]

Profession: Limitless Survivalist- The evolved form of the innate hidden profession, Survivalist, Limitless Survivalists have extremely powerful Will, and their survival is eternal.

Effect: Multiplies Will by a factor of ten, ******** ********(Hidden until requirements are met.)

"Huh?" Mark asked out loud due to his confusion. After clearing his mind he asked Pass, "What is this?"

[Your profession was unlocked when your will reached 25]

"So I already had a profession?"

[Yes and no. Your professions hidden ability is always active, whether you have it unlocked or not. Everything else from your profession wasn't available until you unlocked it]

"Then what was my hidden ability?"


"How does that count as an ability?" mark was starting to feel cheated, but Pass didn't answer anymore questions.

Learning about his profession could wait, right now he need to find out how to heal Amelia. His plan was to go to the capital of Heaven't Wind where he would then ask somebody to help him heal Amelia.

"Now can you show me the way?" asked Mark in an unhappy mood to Pass. If he had just shown him the way in the first place, he wouldn't have even been here. His Mana pointed in the same general direction Amelia and he were going before, indicating that Pass was showing him the direction.


Mark had been on his journey for few days now, but Amelia still didn't wake up. Because of how weak he felt he was, he would train every time he took a break from traveling. Everything he did became much easier than before, to the point that he could even make the Water Whips spin as he used them.

His power was getting stronger, and it was happening fast, but not fast enough for him. Most of his spells were nearing the next rank, and his understanding of Mana had increased. He had even fought a slime during this time.

It was a rank one slime, but it was still difficult for him to defeat it, especially with someone tied to his back. He had to keep a constant distance away from it to make sure Amelia wasn't hurt. All of his spells were long range or mid range, so staying far away wasn't difficult, but dealing damage was. He only managed to defeat it when he made the Water Whips spin.

After the first week, he was already starting to get a weird feeling, but it only increased as time went on. If he had to describe it, it would be a feeling of longing or missing something. The feeling would go away sometimes, but every time he thought of talking to Amelia it came back.

It was his first time feeling like this, so he asked Pass, but the only answer he got from him was, [I don't know,] so he could only wait for Amelia to wake up so he could ask her. When he thought of that, a different, but still strange, emotion welled up from inside him. This time however, he pushed the emotion down and ignored it.

He continued his journey, occasionally running into monster and training in his free time. Just like that, another month passed by.