Spatial Bloodline

With twists and turns, flicks and pushes the giant cube started to grow until – RIPP.

The fleshy inner walls of the world serpent ripped apart!

An untold amount of water started to flood the beast, while Yang Fu was soaked in a golden liquid which had burst forth from the serpent's golden veins; invading his pores and orifices making him feel a hot burning sensation from the very depths of his soul.

"Grr… Why does that hurt so much?" Yang Fu clutched at his chest, his eyes turning into back his skull.

He didn't have the time to be overly concerned with such a matter, though. Instead, he was rushed into the deep of the pond without being able to take a single breath!

As the tidal wave of water took him, he instantly swam upwards from the depths.

Clutching onto his breath, he almost let out a shocking scream as he saw the monstrous colossus floating in two halves. Each looking like a Wyrm of old!

Doggy paddling like a madman he reached the surface, gasping for breath!

With a cough or two, he brought up mouthfuls of water that he'd somehow let into his lungs.

It was quiet now. The many-eyed serpent had been slain. His eyes hazy and confused as he looked upwards towards the skies. They were dark and lacking stars… "Is this a cave?" He thought to himself as his eyes slowly closed, taking a much-needed nap; sprawled out on the grass at the banks of a monster free pond.

When Yang Fu opened his eyes, an old man with a sweet and kind smile appeared before him. His eyes were a bright golden, and he had a delicately knotted beard down to his lower chest.

The kindly man looked like everyone's idea of a classical grandpa.

"Greetings young man. I see you solved the puzzle... may it be unconventionally manner or not." The old man smiled wide.

Yang Fu sat up, rubbing his eyes, looking towards the old man.

The old man was dressed in golden silk robes, the serpent that had been slain emblazoned those robes. Lonesome and proud it roamed his torso.

"Yet, I've never seen anyone bold enough to jump into the belly of the beast." The old man chuckled, stroking his beard.

"But of course, you are the first one to pass the trial in… how long, I think I've lost count!" The old man held his fat belly, letting out a hearty laugh.

"Ha. Ha." Yang Fu let out a terrified grin and nervous laugh, rubbing the back of his skull compulsively.

"Come here…?"

"Yang Fu." Yang Fu instinctively answered.

"Good, Yang Fu. Sun of Luck. Truly a blazing testament to how luck can influence a man. Hehehehe." The old man spoke, grabbing Yang Fu's wrist.

"Yes, fantastic. Truly you are a man of incredible means Yang Fu!"

"Isn't he Meat? Isn't he?!" he looked over his shoulder to his black-clothed faceless companion.

"Meat agrees, Master."

"Yes! Indeed. In the other testing grounds, the students had to bargain with the World Aspects for a singular drop of their mighty blood! But this boy, this boy managed to completely transfuse his blood!" The old man said astonished!

"Wait, testing grounds? World Aspects? What are you talking about?" Yang Fu said woozily.

"Haha! Of course, you probably have no idea what's going on, do you?" the old man chuckled.

"I am Yan Zi. I am the Dungeon Master of Continuum seven-hundred and fifty. I am also an Inner Court Elder of the Heaven Breaking Sect." The old man who was apparently named Yan Zi spoke.

"This Continuum is one of ten-thousand, where we test disciples of the lower realms. We provide legacies from our former enemies and a core inheritance of the Sect in the form of the World Aspect." Yan Zi explained, his arms gesturing crazily.

"The World Aspects, well they're harder to explain. They're kind of embodiments of nature. They're descended from a World Serpent whom the Sect Master slew. We stole the World Serpent's Eggs and infused energy from our inheritances into them."

"So, for example, we infused something called, 'The Hellfire Compendium' into one, which is a treasured and ancient technique. When the Aspect is hatched, it would be a pure embodiment of Fire!" Yan Zi said proudly.

"Then a prospect would try and barter with the World Aspect, depending on the Aspect it would either eat them or grant them a drop of their blood; infused with the natural laws of Fire or Ice or whatever!"

"An elegant methodology if you ask me!" Yan Zi stamped on the ground thrice with his foot, his arms crossed a cocky smile appeared on his face.

"It can't be that easy?!" Yang Fu spoke, his face had a puzzled look upon it.

"Hehe." Yan Zi drew in close, opening one of his eyes extremely wide looking into Yang Fu's.

"Of course, it's not. We also have to steal a Spirit of Nature and Infuse it into the Egg." Yan Zi whispered.

"Wha-" Before he could speak Yan Zi covered his mouth upwards.

"SHHH, Yang Fu. Do not speak of such things. You are not prepared for the consequences." Yan Zi rose once again, the look on his face quite troubling.

"Okay…" Yang Fu felt strange but followed this Yan Zi's advice. However... eccentric, he may be.

"What was the bloodline trait I absorbed then?" Yang Fu asked curiously.

"Oh, you've been listening? Good. For some reason, when people from the lower realms hear this, they usually go boss-eyed and freak out." Yan Zi chuckled.

"The bloodline you absorbed was an ancient and rare one. Hehe. It was a Spatial Bloodline. Infused with the World Walker Inheritance." Yan Zi had a pearly white smile on his face.

"Spatial Bloodline? As in time-space, space?"

"Yes, exactly!"


"Exactly!" Yan Zi's smile prevailed.

"Now, Yang Fu, are you ready to join my Heaven Breaking Sect?" Yan Zi offered his hand to Yang Fu, who was still prone on the floor.

Yang Fu's face froze. He knew if he could join this 'Heaven Breaking Sect', the fortune his Yang Family could obtain wouldn't be small. No, in fact, their gains could be greater than anything they'd ever imagined!

"What about my family?" Yang Fu slowly went to grab the old man's hand.

"Caring about familial connections. That shows loyalty." Yan Zi gave a nod of approval.


"Meat obeys, Master." Meat took a knee.

"Meat, your job is to safeguard the Yang Clan for the next… thousand years, let's say. If possible, protect them from the shadows. Also, take this, put down a few Holy Grade Spirit Veins underneath their primary stronghold." Yan Zi chucked Meat a ring from his finger.

"Meat will allow the Yang Clan to flourish, Master."


Without a second's notice Meat transformed into a cloud of black smoke and vanished from the garden.

"Happy now?" Yan Zi asked as he dragged Yang Fu up from the ground.

Yang Fu gave a prompt nod as he stood up with Yan Zi's help.

"Come, let us go. I have been away from home for too long." He stamped his foot on the ground!

A great shaking occurred, and the sound of a balloon popping echoed.

Like that, they vanished. Not only them but the Continuum that had been buried in the ground since time immemorial disappeared from Zin country that day… never to return.