
Sarah was very excited to meet Cally. Her Mother had met the previous 2 incarnations of the Wotan. Sarah's Grandmother had known Marta and the one previous to her. It could be said the women of her family were groupies. Meticulously following all things Wotan related. Sarah had ordered 5 dozen cookies from the cafeteria which was located on the first sub-basement level. She had chocolate chip, peanut butter (what wolf didn't like peanut butter?), macadamia, sugar cookies and butter pecan cookies.

Sarah was jittery with her excitement. She held a large bakery box in front of her as she ascended the 2 levels to Olen's old suite of rooms. No, no Cally's rooms, Becca had the building and rooms designed after all and they were filled with her treasures. She had questions upon questions floating around in her head she desperately wanted to ask. Her shoulder bag was full of notebooks and pens to keep track of what she wanted to ask. Oh My God! to add to the known information in the bunker was such lifelong quest. She just hoped Cally would give her a few minutes. A few minutes was all she could dream of right now.

The elevator doors opened and a bright beautiful girl stood there sniffing the air. Sarah was stunned. Before she had a chance to step back or step off the elevator, her cookie box was snatched and disappeared down the short hallway! "COOKIES! ME WANT COOKIE! OM NOM NOM NOM!" And the elevator doors started to close. *Wait what just happened? Sarah stabbed at the open door button and exited the elevator. She was a librarian for god's sake! Someone just shouted a Cookie Monster quote at her and ran off with her cookies. She shook her head, and smiled. Cally, who else? Sarah walked down the hall, it was just a couple hours since there were bodies in the hallway, but guild hall had excellent cleaners. You need excellent cleaners for a bunch of werewolves.

Sarah approached the Wotan's open door and peered in. Two girls seemed half comatose on the sofas and the cookie thief was ripping into the cookie box. "Excuse me? Can I come in? The door is open, oh!" A bright beautiful head looked up, chewing quickly, "nom om nomm." The shining head was moving up and down, yes...

In a deep voice, "I'd give you a cookie, but I ate it." In her best Cookie Monster imitation, which wasn't half bad. Delighted laughter followed. "Chocolate chips are all gone." Serious contemplation appeared on her face as she stared into the box. "Want a sugar cookie, Sarah?"

"Ah! you know me? You know my name? This is sooo awesome!"Sarah hurried in and sat in a comfy chair across from Cally. She glanced at the 2 girls laying on the sofas and turned back to Cally with an obvious question in her eyes. "Don't mind them they can't hold their cheesecake." "Food coma."

"Of course I know you. You smell like your Mom, Gladys." A human would be appalled by being compared to her Mother's smell but Sarah was wolf. She teared up immediately; she was so happy. Cally looked up, handed her a sugar cookie and smiled, in Cookie Monster's voice she said, "Keep Calm and Eat a Cookie."

Sarah and Cally shared the box of cookies the rest of the afternoon. Chatting and laughing as if they had known each other for decades. Jessie and Abby were finally able to rouse themselves and join in the conversation. Cally gently nudged them into telling Sarah about their conversion. It needed to be recorded and the more they could talk it through the easier Cally believed it would be for them. As evening arrived, Cally watched the darkening sky. She asked Sarah to go with the girls to the cafeteria for dinner. She needed to go out again to see some old friends. Letting the girls hide in the room wasn't a good option and meeting the people that were regulars in guild hall was better sooner rather than later kind of deal.

Seeing the girls off, Cally's happy go lucky smile faded. With a total absence of expression on her face she headed to her bedroom. Olen had maintained a wardrobe of clothes for her. Certain clothing would always be available for her. Olen took care of so many details for her. She knew he loved Becca more than anything. That was partly why she stayed away and only allowed him to come to her occasionally. His emotions battered at her. Knowing what her bloodline was feeling was another gift /curse. She chose thick soled boots, heavy denim jeans, a black tee and a black leather jacket. She tied her hair back and made her way out of the building.

Marcus had delegated his incoming phone calls to others. He had spent his afternoon looking through the paperwork put together for him by Olen and Sarah. Olen had made it very clear, Cally was not the same as Becca and Marta. Her appearance, personality, mannerisms, and memories would be different. Cally could call up those memories if she so chose. But she more than likely wouldn't want to pull up painful memories. The documents mainly covered information on Rebecca 1865-2018, Marta 1607-1865 and Joanna 1310-1607. This information was about their tempers, strengths, weaknesses, and abilities outside the norm of other wolves.

He was still reading over the information when he received a message someone was seen stealthily leaving guild hall and heading towards a cove to the north of Clan Home. Checking the video feed, Marcus saw Cally not sneaking away so much as blending in to the night. Without further thought he told his subordinate she was a known resident and he would handle it. He was going to have to make sure all of his security teams was made aware of her. He quickly headed out to follow behind.