Cally practically danced back to her suite. Jessie and Abby were just waking up as Cally floated in on spring air. Abby looked at the happy dreamy look on Cally and said to Jessie, "Marcus has made her happy." Jessie in turn said,"But HOW did he make her this happy?"
"YOU! Stop your nonsense. I have a date tonight is all! Come help me pick out my clothes!" Cally rushed off into her bedroom. Jessie and Abby stood helplessly. "She did say her date was tonight? It's 7 in the bleeding bloody morning! Where's she going? Timbuctoo?" "I want breakfast, not playing dress up, damn it!" Both muttering and cursing as they followed behind their protector, their sensei, their friend. "Hey! someone call down for breakfast! Tell them we want more bacon this time!" Abby and Jessie did a fist bump with explosion motion with joy. "Gotta love that Wolverine super hearing power!"
Marcus arrived at 6:59 pm and rang the door buzzer. A young, pretty, and very frazzled exhausted looking wolf opened the door. Jessie leaned on the door frame. "Thank God you're here. Take her away! Feed her. Fuck her. Do something before she explodes into confetti! We can't take any more." With that she slid to the floor and closed her eyes. Marcus stared at her in concern and then heard rapid footsteps. Cally hurried into the front room and stopped before Marcus. She was wearing a bright white eyelet dress. Her honey colored hair was dressed with realistic looking flowers made up of gemstones. "Cally what's wrong with..." He didn't know which young wolf it was at his feet. Cally was beaming up at Marcus and hadn't noticed Jessie. She looked down, "Oh she just can't handle playing dress up. Don't worry about her." Cally had never been so callous.
Cally stepped closer to Marcus, "Where are we going to eat?" And with that he put his arm around her and pulled her into a light hug. "You look beautiful." She blushed from her hair to her toes. They walked through the door together and quietly closed it behind them. Jessie crawled and drug herself over to the couch were Abby laid unnoticed. "Thank you Jesus! If she changed clothes one more time or made us redo her hair or makeup again I would die." Her hair had been up, down, plaited, french braided, twisted, and twirled. Then Cally had tried on all the clothes in the suite. Hers, theirs, it didn't matter. She had drug them into town and tried on all the clothes from every boutique in town. She had hunted up Sarah and tried all her clothes; twice. It was finally a toss up between black leather and the white virginal eyelet dress. Abby finally spoke after some time had passed, "We deserve chocolate." Jessie murmured from the floor, she hadn't the strength to get on the coach, "Yeah buckets of chocolate. You call for it." Abby thought for a moment. "Later."
Marcus led Cally to his waiting car. They made a striking pair. His dark hair versus her honey color. His dark clothing versus her white. His imposing figure compared to her much smaller frame. Oh! How deceiving that image is! Marcus seated Cally and even reached across her to place her seat belt on. Closing her door he walked around and immediately started away from guild hall and Clan Home. Cally turned in her seat, "You didn't say where we were going?" "There's a nice seafood place down the coast. If that is alright with you?" "Anything."
Marcus drove along the coastal highway and glanced at the girl beside him. "Cally have you ever been mated?" He saw this caused her to tense up a bit before continuing, "You have asked me. I thought it only fair to ask you. And no I am not nor have I ever been a mated wolf." In their society, mated meant for all intents and purposes married. However unlike a human marriage, mating a werewolf was for life.
Cally tried her best to think how to answer without ruining her date night. "Sigh* I was mated at the time that I was turned." Marcus looked over, she sounded sad and faraway. Cally was staring at the passing scenery. "I was turned. He was not. In the blink of an eye he was gone from my life." Marcus thought she might say more but she didn't and finally asked, "Why didn't you change him?"
Cally turned to him, "He was so beautiful, like you really. Smart, protective, he didn't understand what had happened to me any more than you understand me now. And truly I had no understanding myself of what I had become. How could I change him, when I didn't know how?" Cally smiled bitterly, "I don't want to talk about my past anymore tonight please?" Marcus nodded, "I'm sorry. I have upset you. We will only talk about pleasant things, yes?" Marcus concentrated on his driving for a few minutes. "This place has great calamari." "Do they have fish tacos?"