Cally slipped into her suite and had a quick shower. After checking her available clothing she decided to go with some clothes she had actually worn as Becca. American Legend Rider Handmade Leather Skull Boots, great for motorcycle riding, Levi jeans that were naturally worn, and a born to be wild t-shirt completed her assemblage. She didn't bother with makeup and simply braided her hair into one long braid. Calling down stairs for a larger than normal breakfast she waited on Jessie and Abby to wake up.
The smell of coffee and bacon woke the girls minutes after it arrived. Cally discussed her plans to try to stop Ivar before he could get to Clan Home. She explained that he was 'mission oriented' crazy. He would kill if his progression towards her was stopped but otherwise he was coming for her. Jessie and Abby were naturally scared. Their recent experiences were to fresh for them not to be frighten almost to death. It was agreed that until Ivar's death was confirmed that they would ask Sarah over for a couple of nights. To entice the archivist Cally said they could go through all her belongings, all her treasures on site.
With the major discussion out of the way, Jessie and Abby looked at each other and the still eating Cally. "So how did Marcus like your sexy undies? You didn't come home last night." Cally paused with bacon in her mouth, thought for a moment and replied, "He never saw them." "WHAT? You didn't get to do the dirty?" Cally smiled and finished her bacon. "He ripped them off without looking at them."
At about 9am Cally headed towards the council chamber. The council had planned to meet today to discuss important business in regards to the void in the council caused by Olen's passing. Financial matters, Olen's replacement as president of the council and previous matters Olen always handled. Cally was the last to arrive. Everyone was already inside the large round room. Marcus was answering questions about the removal of non-combatants or non-essential personal. All the children living at Clan home had just be sent to Disneyland for the next several days, all expenses paid. Most of the females had gone along as chaperones and guardians. All wolves that were not attached to one of the embassies at Clan Home were asked to go home immediately.
Everyone turned to the doors as Cally walked in. She was the only one not dressed to the nines. No business suit or dress for her. Looking around Cally saw several clan heads that were still lingering at Clan Home. So the council chambers were more full than usual. She smiled at Marcus and continued to sweep the chamber in her visual inspection. After all she hadn't been here in a couple of decades. That's when she noticed that the center seat behind the convex table that sat the council leaders was already filled with none other than Catherine Rosemount. 'Tsk Tsk' such a simpleton.
Marcus in his role as head of security and The Gentleman Usher of the Black Hound called the meeting to order. All the Council members moved to their designated seats with the glaring exception of the Red Cliffs clan who was already seated. Catherine looked imperiously at Cally from the center position. The other members immediately noticed Catherine was not in her correct position but were unsure of how to start the meeting by asking her to move? The gallery was mostly to unfamiliar to realize a faux pas and were curious as why there was a delay.
Shaking her head in amusement Cally walked to stand before the council in the center of the room. She looked behind her briefly to spot Jean Michel Rosemount the clan leader. He was on the front row of the gallery in a position befitting the leader of the largest clan. Cally crossed her arms and stared at Catherine. Catherine's intention was simple. As the largest clan representative she would be the Clan Home council president by default. She would conduct all meetings as she saw fit. This stupid bitch Cally would be sorry. She would use the council to make her pay for all the humiliation they had recently suffered. Cally could see her intentions clearly. Her first thought was why didn't this twit discuss anything with her dear ole daddy first?
Catherine tried to begin the meeting but was stopped by none other than Sarah. Sarah acted as the secretary for council meetings taking the minutes. "Councilwoman Rosemount the interim president must start the proceedings. We have an agenda and procedure that must be followed." Cally's smile became larger. If it became any bigger, sharks in the sea would pale in shame. Renard as the interim president was becoming nervous with the as yet silent Wotan in the room. So as soon as possible he asked the Wotan what did she have to say? He had a good guess but felt it best to let the Wotan straighten out the Red Cliffs people.
"Someone's been sitting in my chair," growled Cally in her deepest voice. Then in a high squeaky voice she said, "Someone's been sitting in my chair and they might have to be broken into pieces."