Things That Go Bump In The Nite (2)

Sarah was shocked, surprised for the first time in decades. 'Demons' Huh.... "Years ago I was in London. It was late and I was alone." Jessie piped in, "That was stupid." "No Dear. I am a born werewolf. I have never been human. Anyway I smelled what I thought was rotten eggs. Maybe it was sulphur...There was this alley, it wasn't just dark in that alley, it was pitch black in that alley. I couldn't see anything in it. I should have been able to SEE something. Something grabbed me. It wanted to pull me into that alley. I fought with everything I had to break away. I never saw anything. I never knew that it could have been some kind of demon. The next day I went back with friends. We couldn't find anything other than the scent of humans who occasionally used that alley as a shortcut."

Sarah finished Abby's wine and returned her glass. Abby looked at her empty wine glass that she never got to taste and briefly thought of her missing popcorn. "Sarah, I'm serious as a heart attack here. If you don't tell me about fairies, me and my wine and your access to Cally will end disappear."

Shaking off old memories, Sarah looked at the young wolf that was starting to get so upset she was practically vibrating. "Abby, Jessie, fairies are real." Abby's faced bloomed with a smile, "I.." Sarah interrupted, "However you would more likely see them in Ireland and other parts of the world that are known for them. They also are well known to shy away from humans. We as werewolves have been able to spot them because we have excellent noses and quick reflexes. It is also said that The Wotan in one of her incarnations spent time with the Fay in Underhill. But she has never confirmed or denied this when directly asked."

Jessie sipped her wine as she was pouring fresh glasses for her BFFs asked, "How could a rumor start like that if Cally won't confirm or deny?" Sarah responded, "She would have to think about it and she usually doesn't like to recall the past. It maybe that at the time she talked about it to someone or she made reference to something that happened in Underhill. Unless she talks about it or we meet a Fairy who knew her then we will never know because if she doesn't want to; she won't try to remember."

" I would expect meeting a fairy that knew her would be easier than prying information out of her. I think between the naked abs on Dracula tonight and the 'Hot Buttered Popcorn' when asked about vampires she threw out the information about the Egyptian Priestess."

Sarah who was a devotee of all things Wotan related ponced on this thought. "So if we can distract her with food we might be able to slip in questions?" Abby, who had finally been able to drink a little of her wine, shook her head. "I don't think just food would do it. She was glued to the tv. Wasn't she Jessie?" "Hmm, yeah. She was talking about Gerard Butler being sexy and how he was better than someone called Max Shrek. This Max Shrek dude was so ugly he couldn't get laid and so on. She also fussed about Gary Oleson's man buns. Whatever that's about."

Sarah's lips twitched. She tried. She really really tried. Finally she dissolved into laughter. "She was talking about one of the first movie vampires portrayed by Max Schreck. His movie, 'Nosferatu' from the 1920's was spectacularly ugly. And Gary Oldman, you might know him as Sirius Black in the Harry Potter movies, was Dracula in the movie 'Bram Stoker's Dracula' he had different looks in the movie and his old man look had hair on top of his head like two dinner rolls."

"Sirius Black, I know who you mean now. Why did he have man buns?" asked the girls when they caught their breath. "I have NO idea." They drank their wine and were on refills when Sarah finally said, "So Cally needs to be distracted by food. Maybe a food she hasn't had in awhile?" Jessie nodded, "We've never eaten popcorn with her." Sarah then added "And she also needs the distraction of sexy men OR a sexy man..." Jessie and Abby nodded in agreement before the full impact hit them. Together they yelled, "MARCUS! Are you crazy?!"