
Agent Charlene Winston was furious. 'His religion? What the hell?' Everything happened too fast. She and the other agents were pissed for their friend and surprised at their co-worker. Sampson never took the path of least resistance. He was old school and a hard case. "How in the hell would you know anything about his religion? Do you know what year this is? You can't discriminate like this! Who the hell do you think you are?"

Cally watched the club car disappear around the corner. Sasha was old enough to know how to handle a black witch. The witch had not been here too long. He probably could not have done anything. 'Gods, I hate black witches! Nasty things!" Facing the angry FBI agents she was not concerned. But they did need to be placated. "Your friend is a practitioner."

The agent closest to Charlene practically shouted, "What the fuck are you talking about? Practicing what?" Staring at them, she understood they were clueless. They also were narrow minded enough to not believe in anything that had a breathe of the supernatural. "Let us just say that I have never appreciated people who practice his type of Wicca arts. I could smell various scents like dirt, cloves, and probably white trumpet flowers. He's been brewing recently. I do not now nor have I ever willingly allowed practitioners into my homes or territories. Be pissed all you want but your colleague knew instantly I knew what he is. He also knows I can forbid his entrance into my home."

"We can get a federal warrant!" "And I can drag this out to the supreme court level by saying it infringes on my rights to be forced into the proximity of someone like him. When you meet back up with him, ask him why he willingly left." Turning to Marcus who was putting the pieces together, she smiled slightly, "Marcus can you call Sarah and ask her how much longer it will be? I sent her to the bunker."

"Madame, Gentlemen if you would follow me inside I have someone bringing the necessary documents to prove the provenance of the Joanna crown." Turning she walked into Guild Hall without looking back. The agents after a moment followed behind. They were after all here because of a possible looted crown. So many artifacts had disappeared after the European wars. This was a significant find. Sotheby's had already determined it's authenticity as a 13th century jewel and was still working on a valuation. Without the provenance this was nigh on impossible. Even without it's history, it was clearly priceless.

Entering into the front offices, Cally moved towards the conference room. Passing Josie who was diligently working on documents she stopped and asked for a pot of coffee, iced tea and snacks to be brought to the conference room. The agents followed behind closely and accepted seats at the long table when Cally said, "To please be comfortable." Marcus brought up the rear and stated , "Sarah is on her way. You have made her day by sending her to bunker." Stepping in close he murmured, "Black?" Cally reached up a hand and caressed his face. This was to make her feel better and no other purpose. She gave him a short nod.

Josie came in with a tray of coffee and tea with a selection of cookies. The conference room always had a carafe of ice water and clean glasses. Turning she passed Sarah coming in with a large storage box. Placing the storage box on the table, everyone could plainly see she was a bit excited. "Cally, the Joanna crown, wow! Olen showed it to me a couple times but I never checked it's history. This is so sweet!" Cally had poured a glass of sweet ice tea and was grabbing cookies. She looked up and said to the room, "Don't stand on formality. Help yourselves to coffee, tea or water. We also have fresh cookies." Nodding to Sarah, "You found everything I mentioned?"

"Yes! I only had a chance to glance but I have the ship's manifest from the ship Esmeralda that sailed in 1753. I have estate inventories that followed as well as wills and newspaper accounts when the crown was available for public view." Munching on her cookies Cally was contemplative as she stared at the Maraschino cherry chocolate chip cookies. Josie needed a fat reward for these. Looking up, with cookie crumbs on her lips she asked "You have the information from the County of Santa Irelia?" Looking at the agents who had all opted for coffee but had left the cookies alone. Cally smiled a sweet smile until Sarah grabbed a cookie...

*sigh* 'She offered.' "Agents, The Joanna Crown has been in my family for centuries. It originally belonged to Queen Joanna Wōdanaz. She lived in the former state referred to as the County of Irelia. It was a small piss-ant state. Joanna received it from the grateful citizens after she led a successful defense against some invading Turks."

Sarah handed out gloves appropriate for archivists and then passed over the earliest documents that discussed the crown. None of the agents could read medieval Italian, however there were drawings of the conception the jeweler used while making the crown. There was a small wood cutting of a woman wearing a crown and a few other drawings that occurred as decades passed. It was obvious the crown moved around as the language changed from Italian to French to finally German. Charlene's partner could read enough German to understand the crown was in Aichach in today's Bavarian Swabia before sailing to America. All the documents were old and museum quality. With shining eyes they looked at Cally, "Can we---"

"No. I know what you're going to ask. These documents don't need to leave Clan Home. You are free to take photos and ask for copies to be made. But the originals stay here. Now I believe I have been remarkably forbearing. Where is my crown?"