Black Witch

Sarah and Josie quickly prepared flash drives with all pertinent documents for the lovely FBI agents. Sarah and Marcus assured the agents that any of the experts that Sotheby's wished could come and examine the original documents. As long as Gladys okay'd it in advance. James Holmes, the lawyer, and Marcus were walking the agents out of Guild Hall when everyone stopped to watch the spectacle of Marvin the Martian, aka Cally chase two playboy bunnies down the street.

Marvin, aka Cally, was wearing a red leotard, oversize white sneakers, her helmet with the broom on top, green leather Roman gladiator type skirt and a black mask. The two playboy bunnies seemed to represent Bugs Bunny. All three were on segways. Cally was using a nasally voice to shout, "You rascally rabbits give back my Illudium Q-36 explosive space modulator!" The two male agents looked at each other and silently agreed the two bunnies were cuter than old Bugs Bunny ever was.

Agent Catherine was silent and staring in the direction Cally and her cohorts had disappeared to. Finally she said, "I get it. 'Hare Way To The Stars' 1958 Looney Toons. The segways kind of resemble the vehicles Bugs was using to run away from the Martians." She looked at her partners with the most surprised expression. "I get it."

Regrouping with their other team mates Charlene waited until they got back to their hotel before the debriefing. Sitting around a conference table the first order of business was for Charlene to ask, "Sam, why did you go along with their request for you to leave? You left like it wasn't nothing." Having plenty of time to think of an explanation, he responded, "I am Wiccan. A lot of people confuse this with witchcraft. Now, how exactly that woman was able to accurately smell ingredients and associate it with casting, I have no idea. You guys would tell me if I stunk, right?" Everyone nodded in agreement and laughed. Diffuse and confuse the situation. "Any way, dragging out my beliefs is not something I prefer to do. I hope you guys understand."

What he didn't say was he would be looking into Clan Home and it's little Miss Cally Wotan. To embarrass him, to call attention to his casting of magic was unacceptable. It was a shame he was run off before he could collect samples that he could use in his magic that would help him control someone from Clan Home. That big guy, the Russian had even poured salt around him! That simply screamed he had been recognized as a black witch. He would wait. He would wait until his team mates had moved on. When no one was looking, he would come back and that bitch would be sorry she was ever born!

From there the discussion moved on to the provenance provided, the fantastic wealth of historical papers and the spectacle of Cally Wotan. They discussed the inclusion of Gladys MacLeish and how she was renowned for chasing down rightful owners of museum treasures and returning priceless treasures to them. It had been one hell of a day.