Gladys, Sarah and the team of researchers had been working furiously within their allotted time frame. From 9 am to 5 pm daily they were allowed free access to the archives and all information regarding the ship Esmeralda and the treasure of Santa Irelia. The researcher that first called the Esmeralda a treasure ship was pacing back and forth waiting on Gladys to return from a coffee break.
"Ms. MacLeish! I found something!" Gladys was being greeted continually with sort of thing since coming back to Clan Home. Her excitement had been turned off by repetition. "Oh?" Placing copies of the Esmeralda manifest in front of her that had been highly magnified, "What does this look like to you? Down here at the very bottom. It's barely visible!" Gladys looked at the copies carefully. "Hmm, 5 gold casks? 5 Golden Casks? gold caskets? It looks like they ran out of room to write." "Yes, Yes. That's what I think! The others seem to agree it says 5 Gold casks. Nothing like that appears in any further paperwork. Would Miss Cally Wotan have any other documentation? Could these casks still exist?"
Giving Mr. Martin Morton a side look, Gladys said, "I'll call her. You ask." "Me!?"
Dialing Cally's number she had to wait longer than expected. Just when she was about to give up, Cally answered, "Hello! Hello I'm here! I was changing and couldn't answer the phone. DaRling, What can I do for you?" Cally was still exaggerating the 'r' sound. "That's okay. Cally, I have a Mr. Morton who would like to ask you about something from the Esmeralda manifest. I pass him the phone."
Fumbling with the phone and stuttering, Mr. Martin Morton anxiously said, "Ma'am, my name is Martin Morton. I am one of the researchers you allowed to examine the treasure trove of documents pertaining to the Esmeralda. Um, there is something about 5 gold casks. You wouldn't have any information or knowledge of that, would you?"
"You're kidding, right?" Was Cally's quick response. Mr. Morton was sweating. Cally Wotan was incredibly wealthy, powerful and the owner of the greatest find of his life. "Um, Ma'am I realize it was a long shot that you would be familiar with everything from the ship's manifest..." "That's not what I meant." she interrupted. "Your name is Morton Martin? Who would do that to their kid?"
"Um it's Martin Morton." "Phish, same bloody difference! You're serious? Not joking around?"
Martin had heard every joke there was about his name. He didn't get angry any more. He was resigned to it. "Yes ma'am." "Huh. Wow. I am stunned into almost speechlessness!" Cally sat back on her bed and leaned on her pillows. She really had just changed, from wolf to human. She had grabbed a silk robe before she had answered the phone because well, talking to people while naked was just ill mannered. She twirled her hair and thought for a bit. "OK M&M, the 5 gold casks, I don't have those anymore."
Of all the horrible nicknames he had ever been hit with, M&M wasn't so bad. He kinda liked it. "Ma'am, you're aware of the casks?" "Certainly. Look prepare to copy." He grabbed a pen and paper, "Shoot." "Tell Sarah to hunt up the file Franklin 001. It should be in archives versus the bunker since it involves a financial transaction that was unresolved. Okay Mr. M&M, I have a thing. Gotta run! Bye!"
With bright eyes he turned to Gladys. She had heard everything. But not knowing she was a monster in heels, he explained they needed to talk to Sarah. Sarah was happy to oblige and pulled Franklin 001. It was an exceptionally old file. Basically it was a meeting between Marta Wotan and the esteemed statesman Benjamin Franklin. He was trying to drum up finances for the new Continental Army. Marta Wotan gave him 5 oaken casks that contained approximately 10 pounds of gold bars each for the war effort. With the agreement for a repayment at a future date.
5 wooden casks containing 10 pounds of gold bars each, meant that there was 50 pounds of gold or 800 ounces of gold that would have been worth over $15,500 in 1775. Gladys, Sarah and Mr. M&M were stunned! The Wotan had loaned it out! And never went for repayment! The government owed the Wotan Family big time. It took the the rest of the afternoon to come up with an accurate assessment of what was owed. Based on the average inflation rate, Cally was owed half a million dollars for the gold alone!
Calling Cally back that afternoon, they told her the good news. Sadly Cally was less than impressed. "Look M&M, in the Franklin files you will see we discussed the gold several times. We also drew in others to talk about the gold. I have correspondence from John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, Michael Hillegas and Washington. I think if we tally up the value of the letters it's worth more than the gold." Cally was trying to make Double Dutch Walnut Fudge. She had no interest or time for this.
So, she hung up on the deflated Mr. M&M. He thought she would be so pleased! Turning to Sarah and Gladys with a confused look on his face he asked, "Who the hell is Michael Hillegas?"