
Cally was actively growling. The question and answer session had broken down and Marcus was talking to President Renard, Sarah, Gladys and several council members. When everyone's hair stood up. Cally was using either consciously or unconsciously subharmonic sounds along with fierce growls to warn off Councilwoman Angela Perez, Jessie and Abby. Marcus looked over and realized his bright beautiful girl, who was a singularity in the entire world was guarding a platter of chocolate covered fruit.

Councilwoman Perez was frozen. She was incapable of movement while holding a chocolate covered strawberry. It was a work of art. Cally's growls were getting more intense and the subharmonics were starting to seriously effect everyone in the room. President Reynard was aghast, "Christ she took the Wotan's food. We had multiple meetings about this!" He could plainly see Cally's eyes were starting to glow. "Marcus, you have to do something!"

Marcus walked over to the frozen in fear councilwoman and took the uneaten strawberry and placed it back on the platter. Instantly the subharmonics stopped. The growls tapered off quickly. Marcus flicked Cally's forehead with one finger. "Are you not ashamed? A grown woman acting this way over a fruit? This table is full of food and you are acting like the proverbial dog in the manger! You were scaring people."

The strawberry was easily the size of a small apple with its added white and milk chocolate designs. Half of it disappeared in Cally's mouth. After chewing for a minute, "Ashamed, no. It's mine." Taking her eyes off of the attempted chocolate thieves, she stared at Marcus. Cally finished her strawberry and delicately licked her lips. "What's mine is mine."

Cally looked over her yummiest yummys. There was chocolate covered strawberries, cherries, blueberries, pineapple, pomegranate, oranges, dried apricots and others she couldn't decide on till she ate them. Picking a chocolate covered pineapple, she smelled it, licked it and nibbled the edge while smiling temptingly at Marcus. "You and the council had more questions?"

Marcus folded his arms in front of his chest. He considered the audience around and went back to questioning her. She probably was listening to his conversation and everyone else's conversation while she was eating. "What are the chances that the FBI agent that came here knew we were werewolves? Or that werewolves exist?"

"Hm, it depends on his age, his coven and his grimoire or book of spells. If he is way older than he looks he could have encountered werewolves or other supernatural entities. He might have an old powerful coven that would have histories of werewolves. Or his grimoire which is basically a textbook of magic, would mention encounters with us." Cally was popping chocolate covered blueberries like there was no tomorrow. "I personally don't think he is more than 50 years old" At Marcus' look she added, "I know. I know. he didn't look over 30 but I think he has managed to add at least 20 years to his life. I can't make any guesses about his coven or grimoire. But I doubt he could have any knowledge of us. Could be wrong but I don't think so."

"Would he definitely be part of a coven?" Cally thought for several minutes. She was making fantastic headway through her fruit tray. Gladys was still taking notes and was wondering if Cally was going to answer. Maybe she forgot the question, didn't know, was going to finish eating first? Marcus waited patiently. Finally Cally answered, "Sigh." Reaching up she rubbed her temples as if in pain.

" No. Maybe. I don't know. I did my damnedest to wipe out most of the powerful covens. But some witches are loners that take on apprentices or have children later. One becomes two. Two becomes a coven. Like cockroaches. I have seen much evil and I believe in 'Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live'. At least not the black ones. White witches are okay as long as they don't 'turn to the dark side'."