Spiritual Gift

So it came to my attention one day my eyes were opened to a new level of awareness. The salt lamp kept turning off on its own multiple times during the night at thirty minutes to an hour for five six times. This happened at first once or twice a night per week but as time went on I started seeing the frequency triple every week. As I sat in my chair staring at the lamp in deep thoughts I pondered the reason for the strange occurrences. This strange occurrence was different from the warning sound of serpents in the room where none might be, but still I felt intrigued. I stared into the glow of the lamp and then I felt the room drop in temperature and then the light went out. I rushed and turned the lamp back on. I spoke to the lamp and then felt a colder energy and shadow like energy merging with the salt. I stepped away and sat back in my chair and studied the lamp again. The imprints from the shadows took form as almost human like faces but very beautiful almost inhuman in beauty. I spoke to the images in the lamp and they almost had the appearance of seven men. I felt a tapping noise in my ear subconsciously as if they were replying in Morse code. The room spun some as I blinked and concentrated on the silent conversation. The time has almost come upon us that the son of a woman will deliver us from self destruction. The next night after I made a new necklace I stepped into the hallway and felt a strong soul energy burst from my chest. There was no light but I could see the energy as if it was midday. The energy was sparks that consisted of royal blue, emerald green, gold, pearl white, and ruby. The cats came and rushed to me and sat encircled around my ankles waiting for a command. The next day as I looked at objects crafted by man or humans themselves, then it appeared to me that I could for a short time perceive their energy. Those who had not repented and continued to live a life of sin, their energy was dark like contamination or storms, while those who repented and turned from the old life their energy was beautiful to behold.