Humanity’s Last Stand

Drake checked his magazine, "Shit, half a mag, where the hell is Bishop and their fire support?" He asked slamming the magazine into his rifle and pulling the bolt forward. I sat quietly thinking, "We lost contact hours ago, Nochgas forces jammed comms when shit hit the fan earlier," I replied. "What do you want us to do?" Dan asked as he peered through the scope of his rifle. "We need to hold this location at all costs, command wants to use this area as an outpost for liaison to get fire support called in to take out those anti-armor weapons," I replied. The battle had been raging for four days already and most of the surrounding area of Los Angeles had been wiped clean from existence due to heavy artillery fire and Nochgas forces. Segma had joined the attack once US forces were unable to hold back the enemy lines but now most of the SEGMA forces that were dispatched in the area were scattered and worst of all communication had been jammed by enemy EMP. I could hear shots going off in the distance which meant either a SEGMA operations team was engaging or a military unit was taking fire. I sat for a moment to take in the situation. Luckily my fire team was still combat efficient. We hadn't taken any casualties and no one was injured but we were running low on resources and the closest Armadillo was 10 clicks away from our location. "Anyone hear from Crosby Team yet?" I asked. Everyone shook their head, "Crosby left their position to get the rearmament station and move it closer to our location but that was before comms went down," Dan replied. "Damn it," I thought to myself, with our location possibly surrounded by Nochgas snipers it was going to be impossible to leave our location without taking fire from any direction.

The year is 2024, a cataclysmic event took place all across the United States leaving their defenses open for attack not only from outside enemies but those from beyond our world. In October a meteor struck the planet destroying most of the Eastern United States and leaving most of the country in chaos and confusion. At first we believed the meteor to be an act of God but what we didn't know was that an enemy unknown to us was quickly approaching our atmosphere and planned to take over our planet for its resources. The Nochgas invaded in late November taking us by surprise. First the initial air raid came with their forces bombarding our cities with energy blasts that came from their ships. Then came the actual ground invasion. The military fought to defend what they could but they were forced back by the powerful force of the Nochgas. Their weapons and technology were advanced and their tactics were unlike anything we had ever seen before. Our planet's fate seemed in shambles if it weren't for one thing. In the late 80's a special organization was created specifically for combatting extra terrestrial or unnatural forces. This organization was known as SEGMA CORP. In the years following the organization's creation, SEGMA has fought all over the world in secret to help preserve humanity's life style and maintain peace in our world. Once the fighting on the ground took place the President from a secret bunker ordered that SEGMA CORP respond to this threat and provide all assets and special operations forces they could muster to combat this new threat. SEGMA immediately responded and deployed the MGDF or Mobile Ground Defense Force to combat the Nocghas. Supporting the ground forces are us, the black ops agents assigned to START or the Special Tactics and Recon Team. Dan, Mikiu, Norbe, and myself are assigned to first squad Abel Team. Our mission is to provide the ground forces air support and guardian over watch. So far the mission has been going for over two months. The fighting has been intense and forces on both ends have taken heavy losses. I am hoping that this newly established war comes to an end soon, for humanity's sake and survival.

"Alright, we need to get out of this building and find a location where we can reestablish comms with the others," I said. "Are you sure this is a good idea? We can't see anything around us and there could be snipers around our location," Mikiu asked. "We don't have much of a choice, we haven't had communication with command or the other START units in over three hours, we need confirmation that everyone is still alive and Bishop Team needs comms in order to call in air support for this location," I replied. It was quiet for a moment and I looked out the window towards the horizon. Smoke bellowed from the debris field that covered the city and the setting sun's light barely peered through the rubble of the buildings around us. "It will be dark soon, we can take advantage of that and make our way towards Crosby's last known location and then head towards Bishop Team's location once we've resupplied," I said. Everyone nodded, "I hope you know what your doing bro," Mikiu said as she cocked her rifle. We waited as the sun set and darkness covered the area. We pulled over our night optics and began making our move from the building we we're taking cover in. "So far so good," Dan said as he looked around, "If there are any snipers they'll have a hard time seeing us through the debris at night." As we maneuvered through the streets and towards the town hall where Crosby was last known to be, everything seemed too easy for us to roam the streets unscathed.

CRACK! a blast of red light ricocheted off the concrete next to Drake. "SHIT!" He cried as he lifted his rifle, "SNIPER!" As Drake began firing his weapon I turned towards the direction of the sniper's location and began returning fire as well. "Miki! Dan! Take cover by those cars and see that f you can pin point where this fucker is at!" I shouted. Another blast of red light flew past me hitting the wall sending debris in the air. I could make out the tracer rounds that Drake was firing towards the collapsed building that the enemy shots were coming from. The sniper seemed to be in a position that kept him out of harm from our barrage of gun of gun fire but allowed him to get his shots off at us. "Drake! Cease fire!" I said backing towards the abandoned vehicles, "If we continue shooting we'll alert any Nochgas patrols that may be in the area." Drake hesitated but ran back towards the covering position next to Mikiu and Dan. "What the hell are we going to do?" Dan asked, "We can't just book it from here that asshole will tag us the moment we move from here." I peaked over the rim of the shattered window of the car to look towards the direction of the sniper. "I can make out the location where that fucker is hiding but we won't be able to ambush him from here," I said. Drake reloaded his weapon and also looked towards the building, "We can split up, Dan and I can make our way around the building and take him out or at least get him in position for Miki to take the shot." Mikiu nodded, "I can get in position to take the shot, we won't be able to signal each other but I'll wait for right moment to make my move," She replied.

Dan and Drake moved through the darkness and approached the side of the building. Silence filled the air and Mikiu patiently waited, she aimed down the scope of her sniper rifle and took in small breaths to keep her focus. "Don't hesitate when you see that bastard Miki," I said. Mikiu nodded, "No problem, I'm just waiting for a clear shot," she replied. Drake peered around the entrance to the building, most of the inside was in ruin and rubble blocked most of the entrance. The place looked like an old office building but there seemed to be a pathway leading up to the second floor. "Dan, I've got something," Drake said as he pointed to the path, "If I were a sniper that's where I would be." Dan slowly made his way towards the path as he carefully walked through the rubble. As Dan inched his rifle around the corner of the path he could see a Nochgas solider waiting patiently by an opening in the wall. "Tack" a piece of rubble fell from the wall and the Nochgas sniper whipped his weapon around towards Dan snarling. "SHIT!" Dan shouted as he backed away from the wall. "CRACK" the blast from the Nochgas weapon struck the wall sending debris flying. "Got him," Miki said smiling. "Take the shot," I replied.

BANG! The shot from Mikiu's rifle was muffled from the suppressor at the end of the barrel. The Nocghas sniper's head exploded as his body slumped to ground. "Clean Kill," Mikiu said as she exhaled. "Nice shot," I replied patting her on the shoulder, "DAN! DRAKE! AREA IS CLEAR!" Dan and Drake turned the corner of the building and ran towards us. "Holy shit! Nice shot Miki," Dan said panting. Mikiu turned and pulled her mask tighter to her face, "Don't mention it," she replied. "Cap...Capt..Captain Sha..Sharples," a voice cracked over my radio, " Neal, can you" "Dom? Is that you?" I replied. "Holy shit! Bout time we managed to get through to you!" Dom replied over the comm. "How's the rest of Crosby Team?" I asked. "So far so good, after the EMP went off we took cover in town hall, we can make our way towards you to regroup and bring the Armadillo with us." "We'll come to you," I replied, "Too risky having too many feet on the ground at night." "Your call, we can hold out until you guys get here," Dom said.

We made our way through the debris and narrow streets to the town hall. I could hear fighting off in the distance which meant the enemy wasn't too far away. "HOLD IT!" a voice cried out from the entrance. "River is that you?" I asked. "Oh shit sorry Captain, just making sure you were a friendly," River replied as he walked down the steps. "How are you guys holding up?" I asked. River shrugged, "So far so good, now that comms are up we were able to get a hold of Bishop Team and they should be arriving shortly with our air support," he replied. "Have you guys had any action over here?" Dan asked. "Nothing recently, we had some pop shots earlier but nothing serious, how about you guys?" River replied. "We had a sharpshooter who was trying to pick us off but Miki took care of that," Drake replied. "Damn, even though these bastards aren't humans I'd hate to be the poor son of a bitch to take a shot from her," River said. "Where are the others?" I asked. "Inside," River replied, "Ijen and I have been monitoring the action outside." We made our way into town hall unaware that Nochgas forces were right on our tail.

"CAPTAIN!" Dom cried as he ran towards us, "We thought you fuckers were dead out there, but it's good to see y'all none the less." "Dom do you have any updates from command?" I asked. "I received a transmission from Bishop Team about 30 minutes ago, they will be here shortly," Dom replied. I walked towards the window, and down towards my watch, it was already 2am. "They need to get here quickly, we need to rendezvous with the Marine unit that is planning to take out the Nochgas command post they have set up in the center of the city," I said. Dom nodded, "I agree, the faster we take out that post the faster we take back LA," he replied. The glass shattered behind me as a red beam of light impaled River dropping him to the ground. "SHIT, GET DOWN!" I cried. An explosion roared outside of the town hall causing glass to shatter and fly through the air. "WE HAVE CONTACT!" Dom shouted as he flipped a table and began firing back at the Nocghas. Rounds flew through the air and I ran back towards where River was laying. "River, are you good?" I asked. River dos not respond, "Son of a bitch, Dom, River is gone!" I shouted. Dom's face filled with anguish but he continued to return fire. "IJ come grab him and bring him back towards the tables!" I shouted. IJ nodded and ran towards River, picking him up and running towards cover. I opened fire towards the Nocghas forces as they tried to enter the building. Dan and Drake were near the Windows firing out along with Delta. "MIKI!" I shouted. Mikiu lifted her head from the table and waved, "I'M GOOD!" she replied. I continued laying fire as the Nochgas continuously set off explosives around the building. "FUCK, WE CAN'T HOLD THEM FOR MUCH LONGER," I shouted. As the Nochgas pushed through our line of fire, it was going to take a miracle to get out this alive.

The room around us erupted in chaos as explosions and rounds filled the air. We continued to hold our position and hold off the relentless assault that the Nochgas were pushing onto us. "I'M RUNNING LOW ON AMMO!" Dan shouted as he fired his rifle out the window. I tossed him a magazine and continued to return fire at the Nochgas forces who were no pushing through the entrance of the town hall. "MAKE THEM COUNT!" I replied. We were running low on ammo and things were looking grim for us as we continued to hold our ground. "I'M HIT!" Drake cried as he collapsed. I could see a blood pool forming around him and I rushed over to his side. "Where's the wound?" I asked as I began to search. "My chest feels like it's on fire," Drake replied weakly. He had been struck right below his sternum. There was an exit wound, but his injury was severe. We needed to get Drake transported quickly or he wouldn't last much longer. "I've got you covered," Delta said as he took position and began firing his machine gun, "Move Drake to safety and me and Dan will cover you." I nodded and picked Drake up over my shoulders, "You'll be alright," I said as I ran towards the others. "I couldn't see him, that fucker got me with a clean shot," Drake said. "FUCK YOU YOU PIECES OF SHIT!" Dan cried as he threw a grenade at the Nocghas. The explosion threw the advancing forces back and allowed me to reach the others position. "Shit, what happened to him," Dom asked. "Lucky shot to the chest," I replied, "Can you help him?" Dom nodded, "I have some Seal Foam, that'll close the wound and prevent any blood loss and it'll keep him alive, but we need to get him to a medical team asap." he replied. "WHERE THE FUCK IS BISHOP TEAM WITH THAT AIR SUPPORT?" Mikiu shouted as she fired at the Nocghas, "WE ARE SCREWED IF THEY DON'T HURRY THE HELL UP!" I patted Mikiu on the shoulder and turned to Drake, "This'll hurt man but it'll keep you alive," I said as I placed the Seal Foam into his wound. "Well can't get any worse than this right?" Drake asked through gritted teeth. The foam sealed his wound but in the midst of the trauma Drake lost consciousness. "He'll be fine for now," Dom said, "We need to focus on surviving this shit." The Nochgas forces didn't seem to end and we were running low on ammo. "GET DOWN!" IJ cried as a bright light filled the room. An explosion erupted and the Nochgas forces were annihilated from the blast. I looked around and could hear a loud humming sound coming from above. As I slowly got to my feet and made my way to the entrance, I could see silhouettes moving towards us. "Sorry we're late guys, looks like we made it just in time," One of the figures said. As my vision cleared I could make out the grin on one the of the figures faces. "About damn time, Andrew," I said, "Looks like Bishop Team has decided to arrive late as usual."

Bishop Team assisted with getting the wounded to our Sea Hawk Transports and we took flight. "What is the status on the arrival of the liaison team?" I asked. Andrew gave a cold look and shook his head. "They are dead," Andrew replied, "We discovered they were KIA a few hours ago, we would have contacted you sooner but then comms were jammed." "Damn it, now what?" I asked. "Valkyrie bomb teams are flying towards the location of the Nochgas anti air guns to take them out, for now our mission is to regroup with the Marine unit in the center of the city and pull them out of here," Andrew replied. "I take it the mission was a wash then?" I asked. Andrew nodded, "Most of our forces have managed to take back most of Northern California and the Navy has barricaded most of the ports leading out of Southern California, as of right now Gypsy Company, Marauder Company, and Prophet Company will be taking over combat engagements for this region." I sat for a moment, "Why would command want the MDF to come and mop up California? Was there something bigger taking place? And how much more ground had we actually taken back from the Nochgas?" I thought to myself. "Why is the MDF playing clean up crew?" I asked. "The Marines and Army have managed to take back about 90% of the Midwest region of the US since most of the fighting has been taking place on the west coast and the east coast, as for the Air Force and the ATF, they have been running air raids in cities that have been tougher to push through causing problems for the Nochgas to keep their air support up," Andrew replied. "So why are we being called back to command?" I asked. "Apparently something big is about to take place and the government is trying to gather what forces they can who aren't needed in the combat zone to prepare for it," Andrew replied. We flew over the rendezvous site and I could see the Marines running below. "This is Sea Hawk 1, Sea Hawk 2 and 3 prepare to land and retrieve the Marines, head back to Operation Center Claymore once you have completed your pick up, Razorbacks will provide air cover," The pilot said over the comm. "Roger that Sea Hawk 2, beginning pick up now," The other pilot replied. "Looks like we are heading back to command," I said, "Hopefully we can get some answers on what the hell this big plan is."

The ships made their way onto the runway and we departed. I could see other MDF operatives boarding Sea Hawks and taking off towards the combat zone. "Something is strange," I said. Mikiu nodded, "I feel it too, why converge most of the MDF in LA?" She asked. I shook my head, "Not sure, but I bet we will find out shortly." Ahead medical teams rushed to grab Drake and bring him to the infirmary and others took River's body away. I could see someone approaching us, though I could tell right away by his stature he was someone I knew all to well. "Sir!" I said as everyone saluted. "At ease," The man replied returning the salute. "Admiral Gates, I wasn't expecting you to leave Washington," I said. Admiral Gates smiled, "I wouldn't be here if there wasn't a reason for me to Captain," he replied, "Come this way, I will be personally debriefing all of you, I have an important mission that needs to be addressed." "Damn this must be important for the Admiral to be here," Dom said quietly. "Important mission?" Ij asked, "What do you mean by that sir?" Admiral Gates looked over his shoulder, "All in due time Lieutenant," he replied. We made our way into a giant room with monitors and a long table. There were four others sitting at the table that I recognized immediately. "Ah so it would seem as though everyone is here," one of the men said standing. "Commander Blackthorn, How are you sir?" I asked shaking his hand. Commander Blackthorn smiled, "After finding what our Intel Division has, much better now," he replied. "Please take your seats," Admiral Gates said. Everyone sat and all was quiet, the monitors began to flicker and images appeared on the screen. "The reason we brought you here is because in the last 24 hours we have received Intel that has discovered the location of the Nochgas mother ship that started the initial invasion," Admiral Gates said. "Why has it taken this long for us to find it before?" I asked. "The ships technology is extremely advanced and appears to have a cloaking mechanism, however it would seem that our thermal imaging satellites were able to locate the ship deep within the Pacific Ocean," Commander Blackthorn replied. "Which explains why most of the fighting has been taking place along the West Coast," Dom said. "Correct," Admiral Gates replied, "We are gathering all of our remaining special operation teams to invade the ship, set a high powered explosive device, and destroy the ship." "How are we going to get there?" I asked, "None of our aircraft are designed to approach something like that and we do not have anything to take down that cloaking device or any type of defenses the ship may have protecting it." The five gentlemen laughed, "actually, that is where you are mistaken," Vice Admiral Watson replied. I was confused, nothing in our armory was capable of fighting a ship that was half the size of Texas. The images on the screen changed and that's when I realized what the Vice Admiral meant. "The Majesty" the image on the screen read. "What is that?" Dan asked. "This is our secret weapon, The Majesty, is an advanced war ship designed for air combat and acting as an aerial operations command center," Admiral Gates replied, "Armed with SEGMA Corps most advanced weaponry, this ship could glass a whole country if needed." "Why haven't we used this until now?" I asked. "The project was still in the making, and without having done a field test with we felt that it was too dangerous to use without knowing what The Majesty's capabilities were, "Vice Admiral Watson replied, "Though now, desperate times call for desperate measures." "So we are going to take the fight to the enemy in a ship that we aren't even aware of its abilities?" Dom asked. "That is correct," Admiral Gates replied. "When does the mission start?" I asked. A roaring sound could be heard from outside and the Admiral smiled. "Your mission starts now," Admiral Gates replied.

As we made our way outside I could see a massive airship over head. "Sir, Do you think we can win?" I asked. "Whether we win or lose, we must give all we can for the sake of humanity," Admiral Gates replied. I looked towards Mikiu, and nodded, "If something happens sir, I want," I began to say but Admiral Gates stopped me. "Listen, You focus on the mission, get your people home, and don't think about the negatives," Admiral Gates replied, "I have plenty of Captains within SEGMA but none as reliable as you." I nodded, "Don't worry sir, I'll get the job done," I replied. As everyone approached the ship I could see other military forces entering the ship. "MARSOC, Seals, PJ's, and Rangers will be assisting in this operation," Admiral Gates said, "Each group will be responsible for planting their respective explosive devices and detonating them." I nodded and stopped at the ships entrance, "Alright everyone, prepare yourselves, this is our final chance to take these bastard down," I said. "LETS BRING THESE ASSHOLES DOWN!" Dom cried as he ran into the ship. As everyone entered the ship I turned back towards Admiral Gates, "You will only have five minutes to escape once the explosive activates, I pray that you and everyone else is off that ship before then," Admiral Gates said, "Good luck Captain." I nodded and entered the ship. Inside I could tell that SEGMA had spent quite a bit of their funding on building his ship. It was far more advanced and the technology it used was better than anything else we used. Flight teams were doing maintenance checks and I could see Sea Hawks prepped in the hanger. "This is it," I said. "Bro?," Mikiu asked. I turned, "What's going on?" I asked. "This mission, it feels different than anything else we have ever done," Mikiu replied. I smiled and put my hand on her head, "Just follow me, listen to my commands and we will be okay," I replied. The ship began moving and as I turned to look out the hanger I could see the afternoon sun slowly setting.

Nightfall had taken over and as we approached the location of where the Nocghas ship sat, I could feel the tension in the air. Below Naval and SEGMA battle cruisers were close behind. Everything that the United States could muster in offensive forces were deployed for this final assault. Around us military and SEGMA aircraft followed. The Majesty began to slow and everyone on board began to run around preparing for the attack. "ENEMY TARGET HAS BEEN SIGHTED! PREPARING TO FIRE RAIL CANNON, ALL ADVANCING FORCES BEGIN PREPARATIONS FOR ASSAULT NOW!" the bridge called over the speaker. "Let's go," I said as everyone gathered their equipment and weapons and we ran towards the hanger. Everything outside was still, the enemy Nocghas ship hovered silently, the ships blow and fighters in the air patiently waited on the signal to attack. "FIRING RAIL CANNON IN 10 SECONDS!" the bridge called over the speaker. As we ran through the hanger, other military teams were boarding their Sea Hawks in preparation for departure. "LETS GO!!" I shouted as I signaled everyone onto our Sea Hawk. This was it, in less than ten seconds we would be in for the fight of our lives. "10..9..8..7..6.." The bridge counted down. The Sea Hawk engines roared to life and the doors to the aircraft closed. Mikiu grabbed my hand, I could tell she was frightened but I just smiled, "This isn't our first time out, just relax and do what you need to do," I said. Mikiu nodded and she gripped her sniper rifle. "5..4..3..2..1..FIRING CANNON!" The bridge said. I could feel sweat slowly fall down my cheek and I could feel my heart racing, this was it. The rail cannon fired a blast of green and white energy at the Nocghas ship and as the blast hit a massive explosion filled the sky. The over shield that was acting as the ship's defenses burned away and in that instant enemy Nocghas fighters flew towards out blockade. "WE'RE GOING!" the pilot said as the Sea Hawk roared and exited the hanger. Outside a massive aerial battle was taking place and below our warships were delivering a relentless barrage of cannon fire at the Nocghas ship. "We have 1 minute until we reach the ship's hangar," the pilot said, "Get ready to depart!" As the Sea Hawks approached the enemy hanger, Nochgas forces began firing out our ships in a desperate attempt to take us down. "We are taking heavy fire, as soon as you hit the ground provide cover for the other ships to make their drops!" pilot shouted. The Sea Hawks pulled into the hangers and the exit doors flew open. "MOVE!" I shouted as I jumped out of the aircraft and onto the hanger floor. Bullets flew past my head as I took aim and began returning fire at the enemy Nocghas. Everyone else also began firing as more Sea Hawks dropped their loads off. "WELL THIS FUCKING BLOWS!" Dom shouted as he fired his rifle, "CAPTAIN WHAT DO WE DO?" I threw a grenade and it exploded, incinerating a group of Nochgas troops. "We need to get place the explosives on in the ship's main fueling area!" I replied, "The MARSOC, and Seal Teams will take care of the other two locations while the PJ's keep the hanger clear for the Sea Hawks to pick us up." We made our way through the hail of enemy fire and ran through an open corridor, "This way will take us to the engine room according to the blueprints that command gave us," I said, "Bishop and Crosby Team you guys hold off and assist with keeping the hanger secure." "OF COURSE TAKE ALL THE GLORY YA BASTARD," Andrew said. "It's too risky to take everyone," I replied, "We need to ensure that the hanger stays clear." "We got your back," Dom said. As we made our way through the corridors we finally made it to the engine room. "Set up security," I said. Mikiu and Dan posted next to entrances and I armed the bomb. "We have five minutes to get out of here," I said. "Shit, I hope that's enough time," Dan said. As we began to leave a loud growl filled the room. I turned and a Nochgas soldier fired his weapon at Mikiu. Desperately I pushed her out of the way and began firing back at the Nochgas soldier dropping him to the ground. "NO!" Mikiu cried. I felt a cold sensation come over me and I looked down. Blood slowly dripped from my chest and I slumped to the ground. "RAY!" Mikiu cried as she crawled towards me, "What the hell were you thinking?!" Dan asked. "I promised I'd get you guys out of here," I replied weakly. I could see tears running down Mikiu's face and I struggled to keep my eyes open, "You guys need to get out of here now," I said, "You have already wasted two minutes, I can delay the countdown but in order for the bomb to detonate it'll have to be done manually." "No, no way am I leaving you here," Mikiu said. "She's right," Dan added, "We are all getting out of here." "This is an order," I replied coughing up blood, "I'm done, but you guys have time to get out of here, I've lived a good life and you guys still have plenty of time left." Mikiu sat quietly and Dan turned away, "Damnit Ray, Mikiu..we need to go," Dan said. Mikiu shook her head and hesitated, "No, I'm not leaving him here," she replied. Dan gritted his teeth and picked Mikiu up over his shoulder, "I'm sorry but we don't have a choice!" Dan cried as he ran through the corridor. "NO!" Mikiu screamed, "Take me back!" I laid quietly on the ground, I could feel my breathing shortening, but I needed to remain conscious long enough to detonate the bomb. "I'm sorry Miki, I truly am, but I want you enjoy your life," I thought to myself, "Hm looks like I'll get that Hollywood hero ending after all."

"PUT ME DOWN!" Mikiu screamed. Dan stopped running and took Mikiu down from his shoulder, "I'm sorry, but there wasn't anything we could have done, he ordered us to go," Dan replied panting. Mikiu wiped the tears from her face and turned around, "I can't leave him here, we were all that we had from our family," she said. Dan frowned, "He's gone Miki, even if we got him out of here, his wounds..." Mikiu shook her head, "You don't get it and I don't expect you to," she replied. The two carried on down the corridor until they found the entrance to the hangar. Bullets flew past them as they ducked next to Dom who was firing his rifle in the direction of the oncoming Nochgas. "What the hell took you guys?!" Dom asked as he reloaded his magazine. "Ray is gone man," Dan replied as he fired his weapon. Dom sat for a moment with a look of confusion on his face. "WHAT?!" Dom shouted, "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN HE'S GONE?!" Dan shook his head, "I mean he's fucking gone, we need to hurry and get out of here, where are the Sea Hawks?" Dan asked. Dom sat for a moment and then finally answered, "They should be here shortly, shit is heating up out there and sunrise is just around the corner, the MARSOC team planted their explosive and so did the Seal Team, I take it you guys did too, we are taking heavy fire though from those doors though." Dan continued firing his weapon at the Nochgas. "Is everyone okay here?" Dan asked. Dom shook his head, "The PJ's have lost six of their guys, MARSOC and the Seal Team have lost four together and we lost Keith and Wulfer from Crosby Team," he replied. "Son of a bitch," Dan said, "We need to get the fuck out of here." Mikiu sat quietly but fired her rifle at the Nochgas. "How is she doing?" Dom asked? Dan shook his head, "Not good, but we had no other choice," Dan replied. A Nochgas soldier rounded the corner from where the three were firing from and attempted to attack them from behind. "I don't think so," Mikiu said as she drove her rifles butt stock into the Nochgas' face. The soldier stumbles back and Mikiu aimed her rifle at the soldier's head, "This is for my brother you piece of shit," she said pulling the trigger. "FUCK!" Dom cried, "That was close, nice moves Miki," Mikiu turned, her eyes cold and expressionless, "We need to move," she replied. The Sea Hawks flew into the hangar and began opening fire on the remaining Nochgas that were in the hangar. "Our rides here!" Andrew shouted, "Let's get the hell out of here! We have less than a minute left till these explosives go off!" Everyone ran to the Sea Hawks and just as the last Sea Hawk exited the ship's hangar the bombs detonated. The Nochgas mothership erupted in a massive explosion. Back on The Majesty, cheers and applause erupted as word was sent back to the command center that the battle had been won. The fighting which had lasted for over 5 months was finally over. Humanity had won against the invaders.