
[ed didn't edit this chapter. So expect some grammar mistakes, typo, or stuff that is hard to understand]

Though Iledoya is now outside of the forest, he suddenly decided he would walk around the border. He remembered Serion saying that his body was only recently detected, which means if he followed the border of the forest he might find the hole he was buried in.

Then Iledoya realized that it was a stupid idea because of how big the Great Alfer forest is. But when he took a glimpse at the border of the forest in front of him, he said "What luck! It's not even one day yet"

Iledoya found the place he was buried for 10,000 years. Even though it has been buried, but it was the place Kara village stood. He only stayed there for 6 months, but they villagers did taught him something which he is grateful for. He decided before he go on his adventure, he should pay his respect first. After a while, he continued walking.

It just so happened that the road that lead to Kara village was still intact even when Kara village has vanished, even though to the sides of it the grasses was almost as tall as Iledoya. The fact that the road still exists even when the grasses around it are so tall meant that the road is still used. He doesn't know where to go yet and he also doesn't have a map so he decided to just follow the road. "Good thing I got this tree Serion made me" Iledoya infused his life magic and got a fruit. He just followed the road while eating every now and then.

After a walking for some time, Iledoya said "Okay you guys can come out now. What do you people want" But nothing happened. He scratched his head. From the memories of a lot of great people he has, all of them would say that when they're just walking along the road and bandits or ambushers would arrive. He thought that if he was truly meant to be a great person, he has to use that line to fight off bandits.

"I'm alone on the road, there is a perfect spot for ambushing there, hmm… what else is missing?" He was still thinking about it when from the perfect spot for ambush he heard a female voice saying "Help!"

When Iledoya heard the voice, as if being enlightened he instantly said "Of course! There was no damsel in distress to save! Hahaha" he rushed to the spot that was from the road, just looked like a bunch of tall grass. But once you pass the tall grass, there was actually a bandit hideout.

'I know I said it was a perfect ambush spot but this… this is taking it to the next level' Iledoya thought when he saw the bandit hideout. When he entered, there were bandits armed with bows ready to shoot covering the entrance to their hideout. Iledoya didn't really care at first but then he realized that the bows that the bandits used were all magic bows!

'Oh yeah, This is an era of magic tools. An era where everyone can enjoy the benefits of magic' Iledoya thought. "Boy, I don't know who you are, but if you turn around and leave this instant, all of us can pretend that nothing happened" one of the bandits said. He didn't seem to be holding a bow and seeing that he is behind all the bandits, it is clear that he has some power here.

"Oh don't mind me. I won't even bother you all" Iledoya said as he whipped out a grey sword and walked towards their hideout. The sword was just in case the damsel is tied up. But of course the bandits didn't think the same way.

"Shoot him!" The leader bandit said.

Arrows fly towards Iledoya. All of the bandits expected a body to fall on the ground with multiple arrows on it but instead, it was all the arrows that hit the ground. Iledoya deflected all the arrows with his sword. He just kept walking. The bandits keep trying to shoot Iledoya down but Iledoya will just deflect the arrows each time. By the time he reached the group of bandits, he just brushed them off to the side while taking one of their bows to analyze it.

One of the bandits seeing that Iledoya has entered their hideout tried to stab him from the back. He took out a knife and dashed towards Iledoya. Just as he was about to get close, Iledoya did a full 360 degree spin while slashing with his sword, cutting off the legs of the bandit. "AAAHH MY LEG" the bandit screamed. Iledoya wanted to go for the head but then he remembered Serion saying that he should not casually kill people. So he aimed for the legs to cripple the bandit.

"We're not going to let you!" even though the other bandits has already seen Iledoya skillfully cripple their comrade, they believed that with numbers, they would be able to stop him. Seeing them still trying, Iledoya shaked his head before saying "Plant magic: Forest of Entanglement" Plant magic was a Branch magic of the Life Attribute. With that spell, vine like plants sprung up from under the bandits, entangling them. Making them unable to move from where they are.

Now with the bandits disabled, Iledoya could continue his walk into their hideout. Their hideout was in a cave they dug up. It is pretty much just a large hole. Just by walking straight, Iledoya found their treasure room where they kept all their money and the woman that screamed for help. If it wasn't because of the structure of the hideout just being a straight hole, the scream of the woman could not have traveled to the road where Iledoya was.

The woman who the bandit caught had red long hair, a beautiful face, and from the size of her body and chest, Iledoya assumed that the woman must be over 25 years old. 'The knowledge of those damn old mans. To be able to assume the age of a woman and 3 sizes with a look. Ughh why did I even sever their souls back then'

Seeing Iledoya enter the room, the woman, tied in ropes, asked "Are you here to save me?"


"Thank you"

"No problem" Iledoya answered with a smile before cutting the ropes tying her.

Iledoya saw some copper and silver coins in the treasure room. He only had gold coins in his backpack and from what he knew, 1 gold coin = 100 silver coins; 1 silver coin = 100 copper coins. 'Only having gold coins would be inconvenient' he thought. So he swiped some copper and silver coins for himself. 'Their bandit business must be quite bad to only have 54 silver coins and 19 copper coins'

Finished serving its purpose, Iledoya unsummoned his sword. Seeing Iledoya unsummoned his sword, the woman was shocked "What happened to your sword?" Iledoya then remembered that having a sword made completely out of magic isn't a common thing, and so is a personal plane to store it. Iledoya thought for a moment before saying "An Immo- I mean... mage's secret"

Seeing that her saviour didn't want to talk about it, she didn't ask anymore. As they walked out of the hideout Iledoya said "I forgot to introduce myself. Hi, my name is Iledoya. How can i address you?"

"Just call me Sinov."

"Sinov. So where are going to go now?" Iledoya asked as they leave the hideout. While leaving the hideout, Sinov can't help but be amazed by the entangled bandits. From the how they are entangled by the plants, Sinov guessed that Iledoya is a Life mage.

"I'm going back to Egner town. It's where I live. I was out here to gather some materials when those bandits captured me. Are you just going to leave them alive?" Sinov answered.

"Yeah, I'm just going to leave them alive. I have plans for them. Hehehe. Do you mind if I follow you to the town?" When Iledoya said he had plans for them, he had a grin on his face before he turn it back to normal

"Of course I wouldn't mind. I will be delighted if someone can escort me to town"

Egner town was only a few hours of walk and no heroic action needed to be taken anymore.

"Halt. Present your guild badge or pay 10 copper coins to enter" Iledoya and Sinov has arrived at the gate of Egner town. Iledoya could hear the guards asking for guild badge. With Iledoya looking like a 15 year old beside Sinov, they look like a family. There are two types of people; those who see them as sister and brother and those that see them as mother and son.

When they arrived at the entrance, Sinov showed her guild badge. When the guard saw her guild badge and saw her face, the guard respectfully said "Welcome back lady Sinov". Iledoya was confused at first but when he saw the badge, he immediately understood. 'B-rank adventurer. Not bad. Maybe I should register at the adventurer guild too.'

The Adventurer guild is a place where one can register to become an adventurer to take on request from the people and earn money. It was formed just 100 years ago. Since then, the Adventurer guild has branches located in every town and those with high ranks are respected. The ranks range from E rank as the lowest to D, C, B, A, and S rank the highest.

There used to be a Mage guild back in the days but, when magic tools became popular and even ordinary people can benefit from magic, it slowly disappeared. The Adventurer became more popular as people with various skills and people who got their hands on magic tools soon needed to earn money. But even so, Mages are still the people that many would choose not to offend.

Entering the town, Iledoya found out it isn't that bustling. "This town is more like a place for adventurers and travelers who want to explore the borders of the Great Alfer forest or is going to travel around it. It isn't a popular route so not many people would stay here." Sinov explained to Iledoya.

"I see" Iledoya nodded to the explanation.

"Do you have a place to stay?" Sinov asked

"No. I was planning to look for an inn after registering as an adventurer at the guild. Why?"

"Then how about staying at my house after registering? Otherwise I wouldn't know how to repay you…"

Iledoya thought about it for a moment and decided to say "Okay, I'll accept your offer"

They walked to the Adventurer guild and when they enter; contrary to the almost deserted town outside, the guild was quite bustling. Sinov explained "When adventurers have nothing to do, most of them will hang out here for a drink, to form parties, or just simply gather information."

"I see…" They proceeded to the guild receptionist. She said "Welcome to the Adventurer guild. How can I help you?"

"I would like to register please" Iledoya said.

"Sure." The receptionist handed Iledoya a registration form and a quill. "Just fill in your name and occupation. If you're a mage, please add your attribute too." The receptionist explained.

Iledoya hesitated. "Is it okay if I don't put in my attribute?" Iledoya didn't want to put Life, Death, nor Immortal as his attribute. He wanted to keep it a secret.

The receptionist answered "It is okay to not put it in but… You wouldn't be able take request that requires having certain attributes even if you can prove it. You can come later to register it when you feel like too"

Iledoya was relieved to hear that. On the other hand, Sinov was confused because she saw how Iledoya could use Plant magic which means he should be a Life mage. The guild will give special treatment to those with a Fundamental attribute which is quite a shame if Iledoya didn't put it in.


"Would like to start from E-rank or would you like us to do a strength test to determine your rank?" The receptionist asked. If Iledoya choose to start from E-rank, then all that will needed to be done is for Iledoya to wait for his badge to be done. If he choose to take a strength test then the guild will have to schedule someone to test him which will make the process longer, but it will allow him to start from a higher rank.

"I'll start from E-rank" Iledoya just didn't want to be a famous adventurer. He registered only for the badge and doesn't mind starting from E-rank. After all, he wanted to be famous for being a Mage!

But before he would try to make himself famous, he wanted to try testing what he learned from severing souls for 10,000 years.

"Okay. Your badge will be done in 3 days. Please come back to get it later." The receptionist said.

"Say, how about we get lunch? I feel like just letting you stay at my house wouldn't be enough to repay you" Sinov asked.

"Oooh sounds good to me" Iledoya answered

"I've been wanting to ask this but I keep forgetting. What is that plant growing on your backpack?" Sinov asked she stared at the Iledoya's tree.

"It's my source of food. Watch" Iledoya infused some life magic into the tree and fruit started growing from the brown branch. Roasted chicken fruit. Iledoya offered it Sinov "Here, try it"

Sinov stared with eyes wide open as the fruit appeared. When Iledoya offered her the fruit, she tried the fruit and she was surprised that even though it was a fruit, it tasted better than any roasted chicken she has ever had.

"Ugh… with something this tasty, I don't think treating you to lunch can be considered repaying you…" Sinov said dejectedly.

"It's fine. I want to try other foods anyway!" Iledoya said.

"Well… Okay… follow me…" Sinov said. As she lead the way in front of Iledoya, Sinov started smiling. A smile that when paired with the rest of her face, becomes an expression filled with evil intentions.