To Gilrad

Previously, before the introduction of Sinov.

"Well... Terms and Conditions apply"

"..." Sinov became speechless. "What are the terms and conditions?"

"It's nothing much. There is this thing I made called the Underground Union. Currently, it's lacking someone that knows magic stuff. With your magic and alchemy knowledge, I want you to teach them a bit of magic and alchemy." Iledoya explained

Sinov shook her head. "It's not that I don't want to accept, but I didn't study magic from my family and now all I know is alchemy and the Demon Lord ritual. Besides aren't you more knowledgeable in both field than i am? You won't need me at all" She felt that she cannot fulfill the terms and conditions.

"While it's true that I consider myself quite knowledgeable…" Iledoya exclaimed with a prideful expression "But I can't be here all the time. I want to explore the world. So I need someone to do it for me. You don't need to worry about the magic knowledge. I will impart them for you, if you accept the deal."

Sinov thought about it. 'So I will have to become part of this "Underground Union" if i want to be revived?' she didn't quite like the idea of having to join an organization. After all, she had spent half of her life working alone to become the Demon Lord.

"It doesn't have to permanent. If you don't agree to stay, then I just have to find someone better than you. But if you don't want to stay permanently, I won't impart you the necessary magic knowledge. It would be wasted if you don't stay." Iledoya added. He could quite understand why Sinov was hesitating.

While Sinov didn't like the idea of having to join an organization, she did quite like the idea of receiving knowledge on magic. She thought about it for a moment.

She decided "Alright. I accept your terms. I'll stay permanently."

Iledoya was delighted "Wonderful! I'll just impart the knowledge right now" using the Soul technique to transfer knowledge, Iledoya started transferring the magic knowledge. Sinov felt pain as her soul received the knowledge.

What Iledoya transferred was the knowledge of magic for the Basic attributes and some of the common Unique attributes like Light, Dark, Lightning, and Wood attribute. He also transferred the knowledge on Blood magic that Lord Atozr had.

Unlike Iledoya's soul that had Immortal magic in it, Sinov's soul was quite weaker which caused the knowledge flowing into her to sting a little bit. Had Iledoya tried to transfer all the knowledge he had collected in 10,000 years to a normal person, that person's body might explode from the shocked soul.

After transferring the knowledge, Iledoya retracted his Immortal magic from Sinov's soul causing it to go back into slumber. Back in the mortal plane, Iledoya stood up in his room. Since he has not severed Sinov's soul's connection to the mortal plane, he is able to use "Soul magic: Wandering soul" which he casted.

The spell allowed a soul to wander the mortal plane without being attracted to Death's plane or the Immortal's plane. With the spell casted, Sinov's soul entered the mortal plane and hovered in front of Iledoya. Because the soul is in a slumber, it is possible for Iledoya to control it using his soul magic.

With Sinov's soul hovering in front of him, Iledoya reached out his arm to her soul and chanted "Immortal magic: Body reconstruction". This was an original magic that Iledoya made. With his original attribute being Immortal attribute, he didn't want to keep using Death magic and Life magic so he tried creating a few Immortal magic spells.

He has been wanting to try this spell but he didn't dare to try it on his own soul, afraid that something might go wrong. Which is why yesterday he killed the bandit leader. By killing the bandit leader, he practiced using the spell again and again until it worked and the bandit leader was reborn.

Knowing that Sinov will try to kill him, Iledoya planned to look cool by killing her instead then reviving her. To make sure the plan would make him look cool, he had to make sure the spell worked. He also planned the words to say when first awakening her soul.

After casting the spell, Sinov's soul seemed to be absorbed into a dot. From that dot, a heart grew, after which veins started appearing. Soon, bones, organs and muscles appeared. After all the insides of the body was formed, then the skin, nails, and hair started appearing.

Sinov's body has been fully reconstructed. With the body fully reconstructed, Sinov slowly opened her eyes. In front of her, an Iledoya with a gaping mouth stood there. "What are you looking at?" she questioned.

But then she realized that Iledoya was looking at her. She looked down only to see an unfamiliar body without clothes. Before she was able to grasp that she was the one without clothes, Iledoya has already walked out of the room to get a reflection tool, leaving some grey clothes on the ground.

With magic and alchemy being regarded as the most important knowledge, chemistry hasn't really developed in the world. Hence, mirrors wasn't a thing. Using Runes with the effects of reflecting lights, they had a reflective tool instead.

Sinov's face flushed red in embarrassment. She wanted to scream, but Iledoya wasn't there anymore to be the target. She put on the clothes that Iledoya has left her and Iledoya entered with a reflection tool from the treasury. "I forgot to tell you. Your body will be reconstructed to revive you and the reconstructed body would be way younger. Right now, you've become a very pretty loli" Iledoya said as he put the reflection tool in front of Sinov to look at herself.

When Sinov saw her reflection, she didn't know whether to cry, be happy, or be angry. In the reflection, was an absolutely cute short girl with long hair that reached her ankles. Sinov wanted to cry because she was proud of all the curves of her previous body. But looking at the cute girl in the reflection, she was quite happy knowing it is her. But then due to not being informed beforehand, she felt betrayed and quite angry.

In the end, she just sighed in acceptance. With that sigh, Iledoya said "Now then… You are now the Minister of Magic of the Underground Union! Let me introduce you to the other 5 ministers"

On the way outside of the base, Sinov asked "By the way, what's a loli?" to which Iledoya answered with a solemn face "The way a great guy I knew addressed very cute short girls"

With that said, back to the present.


The 5 ministers stood frozen a few moments. When they saw the little girl walking together with Iledoya, their first thoughts were 'Cute!' or 'Must protect!' they were enchanted by the cuteness of Sinov, almost urging them to follow whatever her demands are.

It wasn't until Iledoya said "Let me introduce to you all, the new Minister of Magic, Sinov Atorz!" that they came back to their senses.

"S-Sir Founder… Are you sure about letting this little girl be the Minister of Magic?" Nelits asked. All of the ministers was actually thinking the same thing. Because of Sinov's cuteness, they questioned more whether Sinov is fit to be a minister rather than questioning where she came from.

All though Sinov was quite happy with her cuteness, she didn't like being called a little girl "Audacious! Just so you know, I am a 30 year old B-rank adventurer! How dare you call me little girl!?" she said angrily.

Sadly for Sinov, even when being angry, she looked very cute. The 5 ministers actually entered a trance from her cute tantrum. *ahem* Iledoya cleared his throat to wake them up again from their trance.

Seeing them snap back into reality, Iledoya explained "Don't worry. I've already imparted her the necessary knowledge. If any of the members has awaken a Basic or a common Unique attribute, they can go to Sinov for knowledge of that attribute"

With reassurance from Iledoya, they nodded in acceptance. Seeing them accept, Iledoya left the base "I will continue wandering the world. If you have need of my guidance, use your intel to find me" that was his last instruction.

Leaving the base, Iledoya stopped by a place nearby the base to bury Sinov's old body. He wrapped her body with Plant magic so the body will decay peacefully.

Opening the map, he looked for where Ruteshia is. He found out that right now, he is currently in the territory of the Great Alfer forest. The Great Alfer forest was so big, that it actually has its own territory, which Egner town is in.

Ruteshia, the place Iledoya wants to go and buy an Unbreakable engraver, was in the Arkteia Kingdom. From the map, it seems that Iledoya would have to pass a town called Gilrad, which the U.U has already targeted for their expansion.

From the knowledge he had gathered, Gilrad was a mining town that was quite famous for the high quality minerals and materials found in its mines. Due to the abundance of high quality materials, many skillful blacksmiths gathered there. With that, a lot of famous weapon came from there.

"Hmm… Now that I think about it… I do need a durable cauldron to make certain potions…" Iledoya thought to himself. While the cauldrons in the rooms provided by the Alchemy Association was decent, he can't use it to make certain advanced potions.

"Hehehe" Iledoya can't help but let out an evil grin remembering the potions he can make with a good cauldron. "Alright, next stop: Gilrad it is!"

But after a while Iledoya suddenly had a dilemma. "Should I walk or fly there?"




===[Extra Story]===

"Subarashii Loli!" is what that guy always said. Sometimes I wonder where that guy gets all his words. He always say things I don't understand. He called himself a 'baker', though it's not like he's the sort of self-proclaimed baker that couldn't do anything, as he'd always make very tasty and soft bread. Unlike the usual rock-hard bread people usually eat...

I used to work for that guy at his 'bakery'. He helped me when I was starving in a random alley. He called out to me and give me bread, clothes, and even taught me the basics of baking.

"Reunard, have you preheat the oven?"

"Ah yes, yes i have Sir!"

"Then help me with these doughs"

"Right away Sir!"

Sometimes I would ask what those words he usually said meant. He said Loli was what to call an adorable cute short girl. There was also words like magnet, wires, motherboards, and other words which he said he didn't know how to explain.

"Look at how cute you are! How about I give a free melon bun if you let me touch your cheeks, little miss?"

"Sir! Please stop. We don't want to offend someone you shouldn't..."

"A-Are you serious? Will you really give me a free melon bun?"

With him acting like that, I always wondered how we haven't offended someone. Though it may appear that it was just a calm before the storm.

It was like every other day. Business was good like always. The sun was setting and he was sitting outside his store singing his favorite song "Amazing grace… How sweet… the sound…." Though I didn't know the meaning, it was unusually calming.

As we were about to close the store, a noble suddenly appeared. The noble demanded that the baker has to be the noble's personal chef. He refused. "I'm sorry. But I have other dreams in this world other than being a personal chef" he said. The noble was infuriated. The noble said "I didn't come to be rejected" that noble then pointed at me and said "Off with his head"


*stab* The feeling of cold steel entered me and it went right through my heart. I could still hear him saying words I still don't understand.


He shouted those words to the noble before he rushed to me. "REUNARD! DON'T YOU DARE DIE ON ME!"

"Boss… Thank you…"

"SHUT UP REUNARD. I… I…" I could see tears started flowing out of his eyes. *sniff* "Who would prepare the kitchen every morning now? *sniff* Who would stop me from touching cheeks?" He tried to force a smile while saying those words. Though with all those tears, his face looked quite funny…

*cough* "Boss… you just have to manage without me. Say boss… *cough* can you sing me that favorite song of yours..." It started getting harder for me to speak as I started coughing up blood.

"Of course Reunard, of course…"

"Amazing grace, How sweet the sound…

That saved, a wretch… Like me…"

Just like always, even though I don't know what he is saying… The song was as calming as it has always been… My only regret was that I couldn't listen to it until the end…


In Death's plane, 5 years before Iledoya's revival.

"..." Iledoya was currently standing still after severing a soul.

"Death... I found a good story..."

"Oh? What's it about?"

"It's about a man called Reunard and his unusual boss…"

===[End of Extra Story]===

[edited by ed]

===[A Bakpao's thought]===

Part 1:

extra story was supposed to be about the bandit leader who is still alive but is not a part of the U.U... but then i decided to just explain about the guy who learned of the words loli...

In this day and age, I hope no one is offended with me using the few lines of amazing grace... if there are any; I'm sorry m(_ _)m, it was the first touching song that came to mind...

and please drop a review if you don't mind '-')/