Final Round Reunion

"Cool ideas for attacks?" Nicholas who was already at the inn was stunned for a while. Seeing Iledoya sending down those rain of swords and no one retaliating, Nicholas left the stadium early so he was already back at the inn before Iledoya.

"Yes yes yes, you did say that people in your world would make stories of how it might be like if there was magic right? Surely there has to be a few cool and flashy looking attacks that I can use right?" Iledoya said full of excitement. Nicholas was sure that he could see Iledoya's eyes shining at that moment.

"Well… I do remember a few…"

"Then tell me!" Iledoya nudged Nicholas

"Haaa…" Nicholas sighed. "Fine then. For it to look cool, it has to be intricate. For it to look flashy, it has to be huge. Luckily for us, most huge magic attacks are intricate which means you just have to make it big!"

"You mean… I should just drop something big?" Iledoya blinked a few times, still processing the sudden simple idea. "But what should I drop?" There were a lot of things that could be dropped, but what would look cool to be dropped? Simply dropping things like... a table, wouldn't look that cool after all.

"Hmm… There was this character in an anime I watched. He dropped a giant meteor in the middle of a war battleground which did look quite cool if you ask me…" Nicholas recalled.

"A giant meteor?" Iledoya thought about it for a while. "Yeah that should be easy for me. But are you sure that would look cool?"

"Then how about instead of a meteor, you drop a palace or a castle then? That would definitely look cool."

"Oh you're right. But maybe I should keep it for later rounds. That might look too cool for early rounds!"

Nicholas seem to also gain fun from thinking of these ideas. "Then how about dropping a sword? But not quite like what you did just then…"

"Okay. What should it look like?"

"This one came from the story of someone called Damocles… Where he was allowed to sit on the throne of the king but with a sword hang above him."

"What's cool about that?"

"Okay listen here…"


The next morning, it was the second round.

"Welcome back everyone!" The announcer was more enthusiastic today. After what happened yesterday, he realized that he didn't say much during the first round. So he decided to put more effort today to not ruin his image as an announcer.

"Today for the second round, the 16 remaining participants would be paired together for 1v1 battles. So today, there will be 8 matches. We have split the arena into 4 which means there will 4 battles at a time. 4 in this morning and another 4 in the afternoon. Now I would read the names for the first 4 battles"

The announcer read the names for the first batch. To Iledoya's delight, he was included in there. He will be fighting someone called Jyuunom in arena A. The faster he finishes his battle, the faster he could go back and ask for more ideas from Nicholas.

Flying towards the arena, he finds that his opponent has also just arrived. But Iledoya was quite surprised when he saw the horns on his head.

After he landed on the arena, Jyuunom greeted him "Greetings, Immortal mage. I would be your opponent for this round, Jyuunom I am called." Jyuunom said while smiling. In fact, it may appear that smiling is a part of his face.

Iledoya nodded "Un. You're a Noble Beast?" Iledoya asked while trying to make his voice sound deep and mighty.

"Yes I am. As you can see from my horns, I am but just a fledgling from the Dragon clan"

Iledoya gasped for a moment. Though no one saw it since it was covered by his mask.

The Dragon Clan! It was the most powerful and the most influential of the Noble Beasts clan. This was not without reason. While other Noble Beasts clan's newborns had to start from Normal rank, the newborns of the Dragon clan are born at the Magical rank! To add to it, The Dragon clan even has its own army of wyverns. A lot of the members of the clan may even have one or a few personal wyverns themselves

Remembering that point about the Dragon Clan keeping wyverns, Iledoya decided to ask "Since you're from the Dragon clan, do you know a wyvern that goes by the name Veria?"

Hearing the name Veria, Jyuunom's smile went stiff. "Allow me to inquire upon where did you hear that name?" he asked.

Iledoya then showed Jyuunom his backpack "I killed him. Then... his skin was made into my backpack…" Iledoya said nonchalantly. With the way he said it, it sounded like something done on a whim while leisurely walking in the park.

Jyuunom observed the backpack for a while. It didn't took long before his smiling face went pale.

"Okay, I see all the participants are now ready in each of their arena. For this round, we have invited Grand mages to ensure safety of everyone's life. Now then… Let the battles begin in 3… 2… 1… Begin!"

"I Surrender!"

Immediately after the announcer said begin, everyone instantly heard the shout of surrender. Following the source of the sound, everyone look towards arena A.

"What?" the announcer that was still full spirit was shocked. After looking towards arena A, he saw Jyuunom who was holding his arms in the air, indicating that he was the one who had surrendered

"Y-you… You surrender?" How could the announcer accept someone surrendering when the battle just started! That would mean that he had less to host!

Jyuunom didn't explain anything anymore. "I don't want to test my chances. I surrender!" he walked off the arena and walked away.

If only Iledoya knew, that actually Veria was very infamous in the Dragon clan for being one of the few prisoners that was not only able to escape the Dragon clan, but was also able to kill one of its Legendary rank Elder! Rather than trying his chances, Jyuunom decided to report this first back to his clan. Even though he might not be able to get the Tier 11 potion, at least he could benefit his clan if Iledoya didn't lie.

Iledoya on the other hand didn't know how to feel about Jyuunom's sudden surrender. 'Why are you surrendering? I only told you that I killed Veria. You didn't even tell me more about Veria!' Iledoya had such thoughts. He also felt sad that he couldn't show everyone the cool attack that Nicholas suggested to him. But at the same time, he feels happy since that means, he has one less cool attack that he needs Nicholas to think of.

'Well whatever. I'll just go back now' This time, Iledoya wanted to leave looking cooler. Rather than just flying away, he formed 3 pair of grey wings on his back before he flew up, did a few spins and other aerial maneuvers before finally flying away very quickly.

Somewhere in Ruteshia, at one of the Dragon clans' branch.

"Veria… is dead?" an old looking man said. Doubt could be heard in his voice as he speak. On the sides of his face, blue patterns could be seen. Patterns that were quite similar to Blaise and Blaine, the Midnight Panthers of the Great Alfer Forest.

"Yes. The Main house sent various samples of Veria to identify his tracks including traces of his magic. Without a doubt, his backpack was definitely made with Veria's skin with his residue magic powering the runes on the backpack"

"Hmm… If what you said is true, and that boy really did killed Veria, then this Immortal mage has helped us greatly. Come with me, I shall verify with my own eyes whether or not it is real."

"Yes, Elder…"


For the third and fourth round, Iledoya was not disappointed. Nicholas' Idea was proven stunning.

The first one was named "Punishing Damocles". In the third round, a Lightning mage was unfortunate enough to be the first one to experience it. Dropping thunder after thunder on Iledoya, the mage thought that surely Iledoya would have passed out. But Iledoya simply had to use the the first idea with his soul out of his body.

The mage was suddenly binded by chains before a throne formed together. The chains the binded the mage to the throne. Returning his soul into his body, Iledoya stood up and sighed as he looked at lightning mage and said "Wow dude. You made me use 0.01% of my power." This, was of course, a sentence that was suggested by Nicholas when Iledoya also asked for a cool sentence to say.

He then pointed towards the mage on the throne. A majestic large sword that was 10 meters high then appeared above the throne. With his finger that was pointing towards the throne, Iledoya pointed down then muttered "Punishing Damocles".

While the Grand mage did try to come and save the mage out of the throne, he was horrified to find out that he can't break it. That could only mean that the grey magic that is forming the throne and chains was above Grand grade!

But of course, Iledoya wouldn't kill. The sword stopped abruptly as it touched the forehead of the mage that has passed out while looking up.

Iledoya was very satisfied with that since it didn't only show his power, but also his Immortality to a certain extent. Surely he believed, that it would contribute to building his legend.

The fourth round ended quicker.

An Earth mage who didn't quite believed in Iledoya's immortality, impaled Iledoya with earth spikes through his heart, head, and four limbs. Looking towards the Grand mage that was supposed to save Iledoya, the Earth mage found out that the Grand mage was already binded by plants.

When he looked backed towards Iledoya, he was horrified to see him clapping. The Earth mage was too horrified to realize that he had to do something. But Iledoya had decayed the earth spikes with his Death magic, standing up, with all the holes on his body fully regenerated.

By the time the Earth mage realized that he was supposed to do something, the sky had turn dark. Looking up, he legs went limp as he fell to the ground, doing nothing as the giant grey palace fell towards him. This attack was named "Fallen Palace". The Grand mage was already released from his bindings at this moment, so he was able to save the Earth mage.

The palace didn't crash into the arena though, as Iledoya made it vanish like smoke. At the same time, he also made his exit.

After the fourth round, he wouldn't know that the Immortal mage was truly immortal? Despite being impaled through the heart and head, the Immortal mage was still alive!


After 4 days, it was finally time for the finals. Looking at his last opponent, Iledoya had mixed feelings.

His opponent for the finals had long red hair and the best way to describe her was… A beautiful loli.

"Heyo Iledoya. Did ya miss me?"

Iledoya's mouth twitched as he stare at his opponent. "What are you doing here, Sinov?"

[reviewed by ed]