U.U Status Quo

The arena was silent for a while. Since Iledoya was the one who won, they still didn't know whether to cheer or not. Except for one person.

After confirming that Sinov has indeed lost, Nicholas stood up and started clapping. At first it looked awkward as Nicholas was the only one clapping and people also glared at him thinking 'what are you doing!? We still want our life!'

But they soon noticed that, Iledoya who just regenerated his whole body from the pool of blood did nothing

Soon, one person started clapping along, then two, six, soon the whole stadium started clapping and cheering for Iledoya's victory.

"Sinov has surrendered! Which means our champion for this Ruteshia Battle Tournament is… the Immortal Mage!"


After the extra formalities or ceremonies and the announcement of the winners, came the prize picking. Since Iledoya won first, he was allowed to choose first, followed by Sinov, and then the Earth mage that Iledoya defeated. He won third place after defeating Sinov's fourth round opponent.

At a hidden area in the stadium, they were brought into a room filled with all the prizes that was on the prize list.

Iledoya entered first. Looking at the room, he can't help but click his tongue in amazement. 'If it wasn't because of this thick layer of dust, even a non-educated person could tell how valuable these treasures are. After looking around, Iledoya started choosing his prize.

Iledoya of course, took the engraver first then started thinking what else he should take. 'One less potion out in the world equals one less potion to give a chance of giving me trouble.' Hence, he decided to take the potion too.

He can take one more but he find it hard to choose what to take. As he looked around more, a book suddenly attracted his attention.



"Hm?" From the knowledge he gained from reaping souls, Magica Construct and Methodos wasn't something foreign for him. What caught his attention however, was the name of the writer.


Just like the edium he has in his possesion, anything related with this legendary name is bound to be amazing in a sort of way. Iledoya was also particular curious about the things related to this name cause after all, if there had to be knowledge that Iledoya didn't know, knowledge related to this name is one of them.

Confirming the name on the book, Iledoya's eyes lit up and decided to take it without hesitation. 'If I am able to make the theories in this book became reality, like how I made the theory to make clothes out of magic a reality, then… hehehe… I wonder what sort of theories did this legendary person had?'

Leaving the prize room, Iledoya was instantly confronted by Sinov who asked "So what did you take, what did you take? Did you take the potion?" She spoke very quickly and Iledoya almost missed it.

"This is what I took… An Unbreakable engraver, the Tier 11 Healing potion, and… this book…" Iledoya didn't mind showing them what he took for his prize.

When Sinov and the Earth mage who won 3rd place saw the potion, they fell crestfallen almost at the same time.

Sinov and the Earth mage then took turn taking their prizes but unlike Iledoya, they decided not to show them.

After Sinov left the room, a soldier came to them. "Lady Sinov, Sir Iledoya, the City Lord invites you to his office"

"This…" Iledoya became bewildered. He has never met the City Lord before the tournament and even at the tournament he only saw him use his magic. "Why would the City Lord want to meet me?" he inquired from the soldier.

"About that… I was just ordered to invite you and was not informed of the reason. May Sir Iledoya please accept" While saying that he bowed his head a little. While he wasn't informed of the reason, he was ordered to show not a shred of disrespect to Iledoya, or he would be the one in shreds.

Iledoya wanted to think more about it. He came to the conclusion it probably had to do something with him winning the tournament. As he was about to ask if he could refuse the invitation, Sinov pulled his hand "Let's just go. It's not like an Immortal like you has to be scared of wasting time?"

Iledoya sighed. "Fine. Stop pulling me, I can walk by myself." the two then walked together with the soldier in the lead.

The two walked together as they left the stadium towards the City Lord's manor...




'W-what should I do what should i do what should i do… aaaaaaaahhh' In an alley near the stadium, one could see someone pacing around in distress.

'I failed to take the chance to meet the Immortal Mage and now I lost my only hope… What should I do… Grandpa…'

At this moment, that certain someone noticed Iledoya leaving the stadium along with Sinov.

'There he is! Maybe… maybe I still have a chance…'

If Iledoya saw this person, he would recognize this person as the girl who had rainbow coloured magic. And now, she was tailing Iledoya…




"Please!" Arriving inside the City Lord's manor, the guard ushered them into the City Lord's office. As the duo entered the room, the guard closed the door from outside of the room. Lord Grun was sitting behind his desk as he waited for the door to be closed and the guard to walk away.

"So… You must be Iledoya…" Lord Grun, the City Lord, stared at Iledoya up and down. 'The Immortal Mage…' he thought to himself.

"Heyo, Grun. Where's your manners? If the other ministers were here, they would've waged war on you." Sinov interjected Lord Grun's train of thought.

'Huh?' Iledoya didn't get what Sinov was talking about. But it didn't take long for him to piece the words together to make a simple guess 'Could it be…'

Lord Grun's next action confirmed Iledoya's guess. He stood from his chair, walked in front of Iledoya then knelt.

"Lord Grun of Ruteshia greets Sir Founder of the Union!"

'Heck.' Iledoya's mouth twitched but at the same time, he can't help but also feel amused. 'How efficient these people are…'



Iledoya sighed before he decided to ask "Tell me, how deep is the Union's influence over Ruteshia?"

"Certainly. Please, take a seat." Lord Grun pointed to a nearby couch.

"It began with small shops. Specifically, the ones under oppression by forces that demand 'protection fee'" Lord Grun began to explain the U.U's story of conquest.

The U.U members didn't ask for a specific amount of protection fee. Instead they asked for 10% of the month's profit. At first, many didn't want to accept. But then they were explained further that the first month is free, that 10% of 0 is also 0 and would still accept it, and offers that would help increase their profit.

With the first month being free, they lost a reason to refuse. At least 10% was more affordable to them compared to a fixed amount they cannot pay.

Of course, as the Underground Union, the union that brings the light of hope for those who can no longer return to the surface, return to the normal life aboveground; the U.U absorbed all the underground forces. With the funds gained from all those forces, the U.U then used them all to boost the quality of their associated business' services. And with the manpower, just some street advertising was nothing for them.

"From there, the U.U Slowly gained power over the business' in the City. I believe now at least 90% of business' in Ruteshia is under the U.U"

Amusing. Iledoya found it very amusing.

"Then that means the U.U now has its own income and influence, befitting of its name. Wonderful. I am thoroughly impressed." With the U.U belonging to him, that would mean the influence that the U.U has, is also his. It's only Ruteshia for now, but soon, he would be able to use the U.U whenever he wants anything.

"With that said… Sir Founder, I need… No… 'Ruteshia' needs your help" Lord Grun said with a serious face.

Iledoya's face also became serious when he saw Lord Grun's expression. "What happen?"

"Hmm… it would be easier if the girl explained."

"Oh? You notice? It would indeed."

"I'll notify the guards"

Sinov could only look at the two of them confusingly. She feels out of place for not knowing what's going on.

" A Friend of mine had a saying from the place he came from." Iledoya said. "It went 'Rome was not built in a day'"

Sinov looked even more confused. "What does that have to do with what's going on?"

"Well you see, Sinov…" Iledoya delayed for a while for dramatic suspense. "Rome was a city built in a time without magic. So the saying held true… But what if at that time…"

"Are you saying that it should be possible to build a city in a day using magic? Even if that's possible, depending on what magic was used, if the caster was died then… Wait could it be?" Sinov had a shocked a face but at the same time, her face paled at the thought. While Iledoya smiled seeing her understand.

"That's right. The beautiful city of Ruteshia… Was built using magic in a day!"

Yes, that was what shocked Sinov. But what made her paled is what the danger Ruteshia would be in. "So could it be that… The caster is dying?"

"Yes. It has to be so. That would also explain why the girl with rainbow coloured magic would be following us here. But, they knew this would happen sooner or later. They've already replaced part of the city with actual material instead of magic. But they probably need more time to replace the whole city." Iledoya let out sigh.

"Here she is" Lord Grun came back with the girl. The girl looked around trying to find the Immortal Mage, but Iledoya had already took off his mask at this point. Lord Grun then told her to take a seat before sitting together with the rest.

After she sat down, Iledoya immediately threw her a question "So how's Rutehom?"

The girl's eyes widened open. But then she started crying "Please, please help Grandpa!"

"AHA! DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE ME ON A CLIFFHANGER THIS TIME" At that moment, Nicholas appeared behind Iledoya through a portal.