An Idea

While Iledoya was basking in the glory that came with saving and escorting the civilians, Nicholas had just arrived in front of the center temple of the city in his tank.

The city temple looked a bit interesting in Nicholas's opinion. To him, it looked like a few greek temples were built on a tall rock mountain. Though not all of them looked like a greek temple, they were still recognizable as temples.

Nicholas and Iledoya didn't really had much in plan as can be seen by how they suddenly split up. But it was fine for Nicholas, he liked it that way. Without any need to think about his actions, he made a shot with his tank.

Now... The tank that Nicholas made isn't like the tanks of the 21st century earth. Nicholas had redesigned the tank of his intergalactic era to include the potential power of using mana as energy. With that in mind, his shot was truly a magical artillery.

Not only did it blew up the peak temple, it also teleported the tank to crash into that place. Of course the tank remained intact. 'Magic is awesome indeed'

Stepping out of the tank, Nicholas was happy to find 6 people wearing dark cloaks had survived his blast. 7 including something that despite looking like a dark cloaked human, it's as if the world itself is telling Nicholas 'that is not human'. But that's not going to stop him anyway. Out of the 6, 4 could be obviously seen doing a ritual.

"Konichiwa everyone! Thank you for sticking around. How are you all?" Nicholas brightly said. He made sure to keep on a smile when speaking to them.

Despite his warm greetings, it was apparent that he was not welcome. "Who are you"? One of the 4 doing a ritual said. "Why are you even asking? Just kill him!" Another one said.

The other two that wasn't doing a ritual walked towards Nicholas. When Nicholas properly saw the face of one of them, his smile became brighter and… sinister… "Do you still need personal chef milord Earl Duvos? Oh silly me. It's King now eh?"

One of the two stopped. Seeing his companion stopped, the other asked "What's wrong? You know this guy?"

"I know." The one who stopped was really none other than the noble by the name Duvos. "No, there's nothing to worry about, I'm an immortal now. Hahaha! Yes, yes, yes, he can't hurt me anymore!" he said to himself in a low voice.




"Chronotia, please remind me who this optimistic fool is now." Spatia said.

"Around 5 years ago(chapter 16 Bonus story or chapter 19), he killed Nicholas' one and only worker that he picked up from the streets just because Nicholas refused to be his personal chef" Chronotia said. "Poor guy."

"Oh. Yeah, poor guy." Spatia felt a little pity for Nicholas now. "His one and only worker huh…"

"I'm not saying Nicholas is the poor guy." Chronotia corrected him.

"Huh? Then…" Spatia looked at Chronotia.

"Let me remind you of what happened that time" With a snap of her fingers, Chronotia showed Spatia a glimpse of the past with her powers. She showed him the time when Duvos did the deed.

And after being shown that moment, Spatia said "Poor guy..."




"Baker, it's a shame you can't be on this side. The bread you made was truly a delicacy." Duvos said. "It's not too late. We the Hall of Origin won't mind having an excellent baker like you!'"

Listening to what the Duvos had to say, Nicholas replied with a laugh. "Hahaha… hahaha… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The laugh was oddly bright, happy, but the sinister behind it can be seen.

Without any warnings(obviously), he took out a gun and shot both of Duvos' legs in the knees. "ARGH" Duvos screamed in pain. With his knees shot, he fell to the ground.

"Now, now, Duvos. I totally can't accept your offer after what you've done to my store." Nicholas said.

Duvos tried to stand up but he couldn't. Even with his regeneration that was supposed to come with his immortality, he still couldn't stand up. "You… What did you attack me with?"

"Oh thanks for asking" Nicholas was very pleased to be asked. "It's a bullet that was made with a special material that after a bit of engraving here and there, it is able to absorb mana. Imagine what it can do inside a body that is just filled with mana. Hehehehe… Oh yeah and with a bit of poison too."

Duvos' face paled in horror. Though he didn't know what bullet was, he knew that both poison and mana absorption could definitely stop his regeneration. After all, it was based on magic, that is fueled by mana.

His companion that was just listening to the side in amusement, was now equally horrified when he saw the power of Nicholas' bullet. He has determined that Nicholas was definitely a threat.

When he was about to attack Nicholas, he noticed that in front of his face there was an unknown metallic object and that the things around him was unusually bright red. When he noticed that, he suddenly felt pain and everything went black.

"Lightsabers. Fascinating aren't they?" Nicholas said. "If a Light Mage was to study this carefully they might be able to make one using a spell. But just some technology and magic is enough for me to make one"

When Duvos saw how easily his companion was killed, he panicked and shouted towards the other 4 and the unknown dark hooded man "Aren't we supposed to be immortal? How could he die then? Answer me!"

Duvos was expecting an answer from the other 4 but it was the unknown being that answered instead @Both of you chose the Life Path to Immortality. Had he chosen the Death Path to Immortality, he would've lived@ the being said.

Duvos fear simply increased when he heard that. "You… None of you said that when you offered me! This… You've tricked me! All of you!"

#We didn't trick you. You are immortal now are you not? You just have to make sure you aren't killed# the being answered back.

"So he can still die? That's a shame." Nicholas said.

$Oh? And why is that?$ the being was intrigued with what Nicholas said. After all, not many would want their enemy to be immortal.

"If he couldn't be killed, then I would've been satisfied with.. You know… giving him lots of pain maybe?" Nicholas playfully said.

And then once again, without even pausing, he took out a different gun and shot towards the five in front of him. The bullet that was aimed at the four doing a ritual didn't hit, as it bounced off what seems to be an invisible sphere that is protecting them. The one targeted at the unknown being simply went through him.

"It's no use. This sphere is made with the powers of Victus and Death, the Avatars of Life and Death. Unless they were here to undo it, no one would be able to break it once activated." Said one of the four doing the ritual.

"Hoo… Well I'm satisfied with just getting this guy here anyway." Nicholas was telling the truth. The only reason he was into this attacking the Hall of Origin was because apparently Duvos here was with them.

When Duvos heard that, he trembled. He said "Umm… Mister, we can talk about this yeah? You've heard that I became a king. I can make you the biggest and best bakery you could ever have with the best workers ever!"

"Oh, this must be the famous 'bad guy making deal to save his life part'. Are you going to suddenly attack me now or something?" Nicholas said. "No need to answer since I don't think I would accept whatever you offer me. Hmm…" Nicholas began to think about something.

As Nicholas had guessed, Duvos actually planned to attack Nicholas. Since he's an Earth Mage, he wanted to attack with a simple stone throw that will blast Nicholas' head off. But with Nicholas already expecting that he would attack, he dared not too.

Seeing Nicholas suddenly thinking, somehow scared Duvos a little. "You… what are you thinking?" he steeled himself "Just kill me already so you can have your revenge then!"

"So you see, I didn't really study medical much back then. It's quite a shame really, since now I don't know what to do that will inflict the most pain for you" Nicholas answered. "What about I just bleed you? No, maybe cut off your limbs one by one maybe?Ah, maybe pulling off your nails instead? Oh, how about turning you inside out? Or I could try to keep you alive as I remove your organs one by one to put on display. Would probably fail… Maybe even..." Nicholas went on and on.

As the others hear the methods Nicholas had in mind, even they shivered a little. Despite having massacred villages themselves, one of them can't help but mutter "Monster…"

The Being on the other hand, became amused &You're not going to stop them?& it said.

Nicholas was cut short with that. He answered "No. My friend should be doing that just fine himself"

Hearing that, one of the four was triggered and he instantly shouted "Impossible! Unless he is able to stop everyone from dying, it would imposs--" While he was talking, a blue sphere suddenly appear in the center of the ritual. It was a sphere of souls. Faces crying in agony could be seen on it. "What… what's going on? Why is the ritual cut short? It should've taken a few more hours to harvest the souls in Victasia!"

Just when he finished speaking, someone in dark robes came in. He was shocked by the exploded temple, but that wasn't important for him at the moment. "Lords, we have a problem!" he said.

"What is it? Report!" said one of the four that were as Nicholas had already guessed at some point, the 4 immortals that were the head of Hall of Origin. The one who just came was apparently an underling.

"Someone has somehow armored all the civilians in the city, and no matter what we do, we can't penetrate with anything we have! Even our Grand Death Mage cannot break it! We can no longer kill anyone!" the underling said.

"What!? No wonder the ritual was stopped midway." One of the Lords said. "Find him, and kill him! If you can't do that, then just kill those bandits! Despite useless as humans, at least their souls are worth something."

"Very well!" The underling accepted the order and left.

Nicholas who was hearing by the side said "Looks like my friend did the impossible after all."

"You…" the Lord that just said it was impossible was starting to become mad. He was also the one who gave the order just then.

"You know, even if you find him, you won't be able to kill him." Nicholas said.

"And why is that!? We have so many members but you seem to only have this one friend helping you"

"Because. No matter how many people you have, He's an immortal."

Right after Nicholas said that, everything went bright. It came with an explosion. The center temple seem to be also protected by a sphere similar to the one protecting the Lords doing the ritual.

After Nicholas could see again, he saw the city that had been in ruin and burning was now… gone. Everything was flattened down leaving behind a crater with the center temple being the only thing that survived.

After being shocked, Nicholas noticed there weren't many signs of life except a marching army of grey armor. And from their grey color, Nicholas guessed was Iledoya's doing.

Looking back at the Lord that was boasting about how much members they had, he said "So where are these members of yours now?"

The Lords only went silent. But after doing some chants and some unknown hand movements, the sphere of souls suddenly grew bigger. At least 2 times bigger.

The Lord that spoke then said "Right here. Right here they are." He pointed at the sphere of souls as he said that.

But right after he proudly said that, it suddenly vanished. The sphere that was protecting them shattered. With the sphere of souls and the sphere protecting them gone, they became shocked and terrified.

Out of these 4 Lords, 2 were Death Mages and 2 were Life Mages. After the sphere shattered, they suddenly felt as if their body was boiling. Their mana was in turmoil. "Now what's happening this time? What's going on with my mana?"

Nicholas and Duvos on the other hand, wasn't feeling anything.

The Being on the other hand, suDDenLy_BegAn%20to--LaUGH[RCUABIOEPNIEO>F#(&P)(#* R>C










"Did the Authorian really let such a being exist?" Chronotia asked. As much as she hates to admit it, when it comes to stuff involving out of this world topic, Spatia knew better than her.

"Well Yes, but not entirely yes." Spatia said. "Let me try to explain to you. The observers of the Authorian's Sandbox are in fact, Authorians as well. They may or may not have their own Sandbox and maybe it isn't a Sandbox"

"Wait what? I thought there was only One Authorian, the One True Authorian?" Chronotia was confused now.

"That's what the world tells you when we became released from the Laws of the World. Because that's all it knows." Spatia continued his explanation. "The truth is, the observers are also Authorians but they don't own this Sandbox so their powers are minimal to this world. Only the owner is the One True Authorian and as far as the world is concerned, that is all it needs to know."

"Okay I think I can understand that now. So what does the Observers have to do with that being?" Chronotia asked again.

"Despite their minimal powers, they still have their powers of creation that can influence the Sandbox of the True Authorian one way or another. One way that could happen, is with an Idea."

"An Idea?" Chronotia became more confused.

"You saw how Nicholas' bullet went right through it right?"

"Yes. I did."

"That happened because that being is merely an Idea. An Idea of one the Observers of this Sandbox. An Idea that manifested into this world, with the only purpose of making that idea a reality."

[Ed has done something to make this chapter much better]