A Night of Passion

"Well, I have a phone if you wanted to talk to me. There was no need to fly all the way here to Vienna to meet me." Came the voice of Tony from behind the girl who was instantly startled.

"My father Tony, How is he? I want to see him." Said Shuri with a worried face after turning around and meeting Tony's eyes.

"Shouldn't you be in Wakanda, suppressing the conspiracies of people who covet the throne while your brother is away? I mean, you do realize that there will be people who will challenge him for the throne...such as your uncle, if I may." Replied Tony while walking past Shuri and going inside the Stark facility through the gate which automatically opened as he got near.

Shuri followed behind him and didn't answer. She knew it herself about the situation of her home. She recently got an email about a certain Ulysses Klaw who had smuggled a large amount of vibranium from Wakanda. It was also mentioned in the email that he had dealings with his uncle and a certain man named Killmonger had some hands in her father's attempted assassination.

As Shuri was thinking about all this while walking behind Tony, a realization hit her and she came to a halt.

"It was you!" Said Shuri with wide eyes while looking at Tony's back.

"You sent me that email!"

A Smirk crept up Tony's face as he turned around and looked her in the eye.

"How do you know so much about our family?" Asked Shuri with a shock. Sure she told Tony about Wakandan history and a little about her family but she never told him anything about her uncle who was always coveting their father's throne or other internal struggles of the family. Hell she didn't even know about some of the people Tony knows in her family.

"Knowledge is my curse. Or you could say my power too…..When I came to know about Wakanda, I was surprised by myself as why didn't I discover it earlier and then, I started researching about Wakanda, about Wakandan people, about your lineage, your heritage. And It didn't take me long to link my old friend Ulysses who sold a large amount of Vibranium to Ultron, to Wakanda.

"That is why you asked T'Challa to announce that my father had died. So the people who conspired to kill him would come out!" Completed Shuri as she was now understanding the whole 'truth' that Tony fed her through a spoon.

Tony then came by her side and put a hand on her shoulder while walking further inside the building and ultimately going inside a hospital like room with many screens and flashy devices where T'Chaka was lying.

Shuri immediately went by her father's side and started to weep a little as Tony put his hand on her back and started to support and console her.

"Don't worry, He should wake up in a week. Even though Bast took her blessings from him to give it to your brother, The New Black Panther but have some faith in me. I can treat him to his peak health."

Shuri turned around and hugged Tony as she started to cry in his chest and after a little while, Tony gently started walking towards the door while still holding Shuri in her arms.

She was afraid. First she heard that her father had been killed which instantly broke her, then her brother told her that her father didn't die and instead was in Tony's care. She was immensely stressed with this emotional rollercoaster and she had no one beside her who she completely trusted after she read Tony's email about hidden threats in her home.

Her brother had gone on a mission to catch Magneto who attacked Tony and was a suspect in her father's attempted assassination. At first she steeled herself for her people but when she saw people preparing for her father's funeral and people talking about who really should be the next king, she just had to come and see her father. She would be lying if she said that she didn't wanted to meet Tony as much but she didn't plan to open her heart like that to a world famous playboy.

Tony caressed her hairs gently and then wiped her tears as he cupped her face.

"He will be alright. Your brother will be alright. Everything will be alright. I am here, right? Trust me." Said Tony in a hypnotic voice. This voice instantly shattered all Shuri's worries and fears and like a cat, she lept on Tony's body, as she finally kissed him.

Tony acted surprised at first but he soon invaded her mouth with his tongue. Seeing that he was accepting her, she too met his tongue with her own and started to relish in the taste of his mouth.

Slowly and slowly Tony started walking towards the door as Shuri had her legs wrapped around his waist and arms around his shoulders. His hands soon started to trace a line from her hairs and came towards her breast which made Shuri's breath grow heavy.

She didn't know when they appeared in Tony's room as he gently placed her on his bed and started kissing her neck. His lips traced till her shoulder and slowly and slowly crept towards her chest. With a quick motion of his hands, Tony removed her shirt and threw it across the room while he instantly kissed her breast through her bra.

A sudden shock came as Shuri's mind went numb while Tony undid her bra and started kissing and sucking on her erect nipple.

"To….Tony…" was all she could say when suddenly her mouth was once again sealed by Tony's burning lips.

A hot and wet feeling in her pants started to make her feel uncomfortable and before she could even think about what was happening, Tony's hand slid under her panties.

This time, her limbs went weak as Tony's hand ghosted though her hips and spread his fingers out on her thigh, gripping her in a firm possessive way, he lifted her leg and wrapped it around his waist tightly, rocking against her, rubbing himself against her slowly and sensually.

Shuri had never felt so loved before and this unfamiliar yet wonderful sensation was something that made her expose the true side of her, the weak girl who had always lived in her talented brother's shadows. Shuri was feeling emotions she never thought she had and as she was starting to relish all this, Tony's fingers went between her legs and exposed her most intimate part.

"Tony…" Said Shuri in a weak breathe. She didn't know what to say as Tony kept kneading her breast softly from one hand while his other hand explored her most sensitive part. His lips were doing wonders in her mouth and she wanted to urge to Tony for more.

Tony then expertly removed her pants and panties in a jiffy while he started undoing his clothes too. Shuri was feeling completely embarrassed but content with lying naked and exposed in front of Tony as she saw the handsome man she admired so much unbuttoning his shirt.

As Tony's shirt hit the floor, Shuri's eyes stared hungrily at his stony chest while her cheeks turned red as she traced his body and her eyes landed on his hard erection.

Tony then immediately started to kiss her again but this time more roughly as he bit her lower lip and she moaned in response. Tony's erection then touched her slightly pink and black labia.

Shuri immediately dug her nails in Tony's stony yet soft back but could only make a scratch mark when he started to slowly enter his erection inside her.

A slight sensation of pain immediately assaulted her mind when he broke her hymen but that was soon replaced by an indescribable sensation of pleasure. He started to rock his body against her as her hips started to move on their own to meet Tony's speed.

"Tony…..oh, god...please harder...faster." Moaned Shuri as she parted her lips from his and caught her breath. Tony started thrusting a little faster and she arched her back as a wave of pleasure shot up her sine, pressing herself closer to him, if it was even possible. Tony's one hand then clenched the sheets while his other cupped around her hips and he started to go even faster as if he wanted to crawl inside of her.

His moans started to get loud as he pushed himself against her faster and faster, his movements becoming more and more frantic with each passing second.

Shuri cried his name as he rubbed a new spot inside her and she buried her face into his shoulder. She felt her whole body burning and tingling in pleasure.

"Tony...Tony, I'm going to….oh Tony..I think I'm goin to…" Shuri moaned, pressing her hips against him, her back arching.

Tony lifted his head up from her neck as he increased his tempo.

"Open your beautiful eyes, let me see them...Shuri, let me see you.." Moaned Tony with every breath.

Tony released the pillow and sneaked his arm under her body, while his other hand still rested on her butt firmly. He lifted her up from the bed slightly and she tightly clung to his stony form, wrapped around him like a vine. She opened her eyes and looked up at it, locking her gaze with his at the exact moment as the blazing pleasure exploded inside her. She cried out his name, her toes curled up as her inner walls clamped around him violently. She'd never experienced something like this before. It was mind-blowing, earth-shattering and rocked her to her very core.

"Shuri….oh Shuri yes…." growled Tony as she felt him twitching inside her.

He thrust into her once….twice….and three more times, then stilled. His back arched, arms tightened around her waist and a last feral growl left his lips. Shuri felt something wet and cold rushing into her then, sending another wave of pleasure through her body as she climaxed for the second time that night.

They stayed like this for a while until the last wave of euphoria had died down, staring at each other.

Shuri opened her mouth to say something when Tony immediately pressed his lips against her and they soon fell asleep in each others embrace.






The next morning, Shuri opened her eyes with a smile on her face. A genuine smile without any worries for future, any tension for Wakanda or any care for her dignity as a Royal sister of a King.

"Good morning sleepy head" came a voice from her side as she saw Tony smiling at her. That sly and devilish smile soon made her embarrassed as she giggled under her breath and buried her head in his chest.

Tony then picked her up without warning as he took her to the bathroom and placed her in a bathtub, as he soon joined in and started washing her hairs. Shuri was cherishing every second of his sweet and heart-warming pampering as she too started washing Tony's body.

After a long bath, Tony made her some breakfast and fed her with his own hands which Shuri enjoyed immensely and after it was over, a slight sense of panic rushed into her heart as now was the time for her to return to Wakanda.

She didn't wanted to part from Tony. No for anyone, not for anything, in this moment, she just wanted to be with him.

"Don't worry, I will soon visit you." Said Tony as he placed a kiss on her forehead.

Shuri then went to see her father and with much reluctance, left the Stark Industries in Tony's plane.





As the Stark Aircraft disappeared under the horizon, Tony sighed as he lamented his time with Shuri in Wakanda, their hours and hours of long talks, their spars together, their meals together, how he intentionally made problems in her algorithms so she would come to him for a solution and his careful and detailed explanations.

"It's so much trouble to get a woman to fall for you. I need a faster technique for the future...Damm. Anyways, Jarvis, You blocked my sperms, right?"

[Yes Sir]

"Hmm..Anyways, Have you decoded the Asgardians teleportation sequence array?"

[It's at 72% Sir]

"Listen, speed up the process while going into an overdrive, I want it complete before I successfully extract every secret of Apocalypse from his blood."

[Affirmative Sir]

"And what about Strange? Is he at Himalayas yet? Fucking when will he get the stone and the Ancient One will die? Where the fuck are you Dormammu? And what the fuck is taking so long Kaecilius?"