Tony's Past?

Tony needed to make Wanda trust him unconditionally so he could understand the Mind Stone with the help of her powers. He also needed to solve her emotional instability so she couldn't get possessed by her powers and go around throwing cold water at his plans.

Wanda on the other hand was running her fingers through Tony's hair and patting his back as to tell him that he can tell her anything and she is there for him.

Tony started shuddering uncontrollably and this made Wanda nervous.

'What was it that Tony would tremble by just remembering it?'

"Tony, Can I use my spells to see your fears?....your thoughts?...I didn't tell you about it earlier but when you retrieved Loki's scepter, I casted a spell on you to show you your worst fears. I saw your worst fear...That everyone of your friend is dead and you were blaming yourself for it."

Said Wanda in a soft guilty voice while stroking Tony's head.

"I know...I know you did it. Who else could've?" replied Tony in a weak voice before continuing

"Go ahead...Might as well do it."

Wanda had a pained expression on her face as she listened to Tony and then with a gentle wave of her hand, without leaving his embrace, she entered his mind.

[Incoming Variant Energy. Accept or Decline?]

"Copy the signal proxy and intercept it. Play the video titled 'Tragic Memories.'"

[Affirmative. Located the signal's source. Saving Proxy. Directing it towards the video titled 'Tragic Memories']

The original Tony had quite a lot of unnecessary guilt and fear inside of him due to the fact that his weapons had taken so many innocent lives and after Anthony transmigrated in his body and absorbed him completely, he retrieved all the 'Tragic Memories' and made them even more tragic.

It's scary what one can do with the help of an AI Chip and complete control over one's body.

Suddenly, Wanda saw Tony as a child. Her eyes went wide when she saw that Howard Stark smacking a 6 year old Tony with all the power he could muster and shouting

"What the hell is this? I asked you to create a weapon design and not a fucking computer chip! Now listen you useless fuck, I am going out for two days and if you don't present me a weapon design as good as the first one, then you are gonna wish that you were never even born."

Before Wanda could even process what she just saw, another memory played of a 12 year old Tony who was in the bathtub, crying his heart out and finally taking out a blade and slicing his wrist. As the blood from Tony's hand started to seeping out of his body, A servant came into the bathroom and saved him. After saving him though, he molested Tony and said if he ever tries to kill himself again or tell anyone about this, he do even worse things to him than this!

The color from Wanda's face drained watching this when the scene shifted to a 17 years old Tony who was completing his PhDs from M.I.T. Everything finally started to look normal as Tony was laughing and throwing sarcasm here and there while flirting with girls. After the class had ended, Tony made his way towards his house where an AI greeted him upon entering. Tony made his way towards the bathroom, and after locking it, he stripped his pants off, sat on the edge of his bathtub and revealed his thigh which was riddled with countless scars! He took out a blade and made another deep cut on his thigh and as he let the blood flow out of his body, he sighed with his eyes closed after which he treated the incision and wore his pants to go to his lab and start working on a weapon.

The scene again shifted to a much older Tony who was kidnapped and taken prisoner by the terrorists to make them a missile. She saw Tony finally break and killing every one of them by making his first Iron Man suit. She then kept on seeing how he had plutonium poisoning from the very thing that was keeping him alive.

Wanda suddenly fell on her knees as her tears were flowing like a river. She never imagined that the life of Tony would be this tragic! His very own father abused him for his use his brain to make the weapons of mass destruction! And He attempted suicide at the tender age of twelve? And was molested for this reason? Her insides started shaking as her heart went numb. She thought that her life was tragic but Tony, who people labeled as an arrogant jerk was this broken inside? Was this close to breaking apart?

Suddenly an intense anger started to burn in her as she had the urge to torture and kill all those people responsible for Tony's condition.

"See? I am beyond fixable….I...I just want to be in peace...Wanda, can you-"

Wanda quickly put her hand on his mouth to stop Tony from saying anything. She was in intense pain as she saw Tony's dead eyes, which had no hope left..which only wanted one thing..and that was to be shut forever.

Tony on the other hand was appreciating his work of ART. In reality, These things obviously never happened, Tony Stark was a genius bloke born with a silver spoon in his mouth and Anthony just created this bullshit to show Wanda and it looked like the cat was in his bag. Now she will do anything for Tony. Now, Even if she saw Tony himself doing something extremely ugly, she'd think that he is doing it for the good and she is missing the point to see the bigger picture. She will always see the non-existent good in Tony's bad and this is exactly what the Psychopath needed.

"Anyways, looks like I never really told you about why Magneto was in my lab, right? Well, the thing is that I caught him with the help of Black Panther with much difficulty. This sick bastard had actually killed Vision for his Vibranium and the Mind Stone! He followed us to the airport and when Vision was alone, he used his mysterious abilities and removed the stone from his head, ultimately killing him.

As Tony said this, Another memory of Magneto crushing Vision's body was projected in Wanda's mind after which Magneto picked up the Mind stone with his bare hands, which crushed his internal organs instead and Tony and T'Challa immediately subdued him.

She was still not close with Vision so she only felt a little grief for Vision before turning towards Tony and stroking his hair.

"Wanda...I need your help…" Said Tony with hesitation as he tried to avoid eye contact from Wanda.

Wanda on the other hand took Tony's face in her own hands and made him look in her eyes while speaking

"Anything, Tony. You can ask anything of me without hesitation."

Tony looked at her emotionally and spoke

"Hi..His Mind is quite strong..I wanted to extract his memories but his mind has many shields around it. I don't want you to read his memories as it can cause an emotional backlash in you and could possibly kill him. I just want you to help me understand the structure of the Mind Stone."

Wanda thought that it was reasonable for Tony to demand that as She really could have an emotional outburst while watching her mother in his memories and quite possibly the millions of lives he harvested.

"Don't worry, After I successfully learn to control the Mind Stone, I will extract your mother's memories and keep them for you to watch when you are ready."

Wanda nodded at his suggestion and put her head on Tony's chest while closing her eyes. It had been a very long day. A lot had happened today and it had completely shaken her up. From Tony's heartfelt apology to the revelation of her lineage, to Tony's devastating past.

She was too emotionally exhausted and quickly fell asleep on Tony's chest while sitting beside him on a sofa.

Tony had a smirk on his face as he saw his plan finally ready to bear fruits.

'Idiots….Everyone in this fucking earth is an absolute idiot! Even Asgardians are idiots! The only person who could be a problem is loki but….He could be incredibly useful too.'

'Jarvis, What is the Progress with Stephen Strange?'

[Stephen Strange has contacted the Ancient One and is now undergoing his training]

'So Kaecilius is on the move too! Perfect. Everything is falling at the right place.'

'Jarvis, Relocate Magneto's body in the Lab A23. I don't want Wanda, or anyone for that matter anywhere near that body. And What about Charles? What is the situation of X-Men?'

[Body Relocated to Lab A23]

[Charles Xavier has assembled all the X-Men for the search of Wolverine and Magneto. They are raiding every possible place where they might find Wolverine and Magneto]

'Good good...It's good. Once they have lost all hope and are desperate for any little information, then...pfftt…. It's so fun to play with fools.'

'Well Now, What happened with the teleportation array I extracted from the Asgardian teleportation symbol that Thor leaves while coming and going to Asgard?'

[The Teleportation Sequence Array of Asgard is at 94%. It should be done in 30 Hours]

'Hmm, Well Let's get to work. Present me with Apocalypse's blood and your test results in the Lab A24. Oh, And Keep the energy guard up. If there is any indication of Bast's eavesdropping, abort everything immediately.'