Odin's Vault

Tony was roaming around in Asgard since morning, appreciating the beauty of The Realm of Gods. He was also picking up different kinds of fruits from the trees spread around the entire realm and tasting them one by one when suddenly the Mind Stone in him reacted.

A strange pain rose in his abdomen and he saw some visions of absolute destruction. He also gets a vision of the Power Stone and a purple arm wearing the Mighty Infinity Gauntlet.

Tony was sweating profusely at this vision. For the first time in his life, he had felt true fear. He just witnessed the absolute destruction of Xandar at the hands of Thanos through the Mind Stone. A rare and maddening smile appeared on his face as his fear was instantly replaced by thrill. He couldn't stop from reviewing the vision which was saved by Jarvis about a Titan God decimating an entire planet even when they were in the possession of the power stone, a gem with infinite power.

'I don't have much time'

Tony immediately started moving towards the Palace and when he was just outside the Throne room, he steadied his bearing and then moved inside.

"Hey Hela!" Greeted Tony with a friendly nod at Hela who was alone in the room.

Hela nodded back with a smile and before she could say anything, Tony said

"Can you please give me the Uru ore now? I have been studying your Necrosword and concluded that my Vibranium arc-reactor won't be able to handle its power consumption, considering It itself is made out of Uru and is enchanted on top of that. Also because you are it's user, The energy that you draw could possibly malfunction the repulsor, so I need Uru to make the upgrade part."

Hela considered Tony's request and thought about his contribution towards the weapons of Berserkers. She then thought that a little Uru ore as a reward could only motivate Tony to do better and said

"Fine, I'll provide you with Uru but we don't have much of it in Asgard. It is in Nidavellir with the Dwarves where you can't go without the Bifrost as I can't risk sending you through your ship. So study the Uru till we find Heimdall and I get Bifrost's control."

Tony immediately became happy and thanked her like a child getting a candy and thanking the kind lady for providing it. And although his Jet could travel to Nidavellir, the planet was destroyed anyway and he can't risk Hela finding out about it.

"What?" Asked Hela as she saw Tony act unsure in front of her, as if he was contemplating about something.

"uhm..Thor told me about Uru and said that it can only be casted by the power of star in

Nidavellir by the Dwarves. So...I was thinking maybe your Eternal Flame could be used to melt the ore? The one you told me about yesterday? You know the one you used to revive your subordinates?"

A wicked grin appeared on Hela's mouth as she heard Tony's question. She just kept staring at Tony with the same grin till he appeared a little nervous and said with a chuckle

"Then let me show you what True power looks like."

Immediately Hela got up from her seat and asked Tony to follow her.

Once she reached the vault, the Berserker guarding it bowed down to her which was completely ignored by her as she entered the Vault while Tony followed.

She then introduced all the treasures inside the vault to Tony just like she did with Skurge, the only difference being that now the Tesseract wasn't there in the Vault. Tony although felt a strong reaction from both the stones inside of him and concluded that the Tesseract was indeed still here, it was just hidden from his eyes.

Quickly enough, Hela and Tony reached the Eternal flame and without saying anything else, she wielded it.




Tony was back in his room and thought about the moment when Hela easily melted the Uru ore with the flame. He also thought about all the other Treasures in Odin's vault and said to Jarvis while studying the Uru ore in is hands.

"Jarvis, Make a list about all the treasures in Odin's Vault"

[Affirmative, Sir]


Item #01

Casket of Ancient Winters - A relic and weapon that once belonged to the Frost Giants of Jotunheim who used it to vanquish enemy armies and conquer enemy realms. It is capable of producing and projecting an infinite icy wind that can freeze whole landscapes and plunge an entire world into a new ice age.

In the comics, the Casket had the power to bring about "Fimbulwinter", a great winter that proceeded Ragnarok.

Item #02

Tuning Fork - In the comics, the Tuning Fork was an item used to summon the Lurking Unknown to Asgard.

The Lurking Unknown is a extra-dimensional being that gains his powers from the fear of other lifeforms. It claims to have destroyed world after world, never had having been defeated.

Item #03

Eternal Flame - The Eternal Flame is a mystical flame that cannot be extinguished. It was stolen from Surtur by Odin, Vili, and Ve Borson at the dawn of time so that Surtur could not light his Twilight sword and bring about Ragnarök. The Eternal Flame however also has the power to resurrect deceased individuals.

Item #04

Warlock's Eye - In the comics, the Warlock's Eye is a powerful, mystical weapon used unsuccessfully by Harokin against Odin, Thor, and the Warriors Three during an invasion against Asgard, that uses a powerful mind-controlling enchantment that very few can resist.

Due to Host being in the possession of the Mind Stone, It can't be used on you either.

Item #05

Tablet of Life and Time - In the comics, the tablet presented a biochemical formula for a serum, the so-called Lifeline Formula, which could rejuvenate, heal, and grant its user the chance to reach the full evolutionary potential of its race turning the user into an immortal near omnipotent.

The rune markings are on the Tablet can be translated as: "Those Who Sit Above in Shadow". That is a reference to "The Gods of the Gods", who, in the comics, are omnipotent and omniscient beings that draw their life energy released by the Ragnarök and caused the cycle of death and rebirth to continue.

Item #06

A Replica of 'Infinity Gauntlet' - The Infinity Gauntlet itself is the second most powerful weapon in the known Marvel Multiverse after *HOTU*. It allows its user to wield the powers of all the 'Infinity Stones' in unison as well as individually.

This although is just a replica made by Asgardians.

Item #07

Tesseract (Hidden) - The Tesseract (also called the Cube) is a crystalline cube-shaped containment vessel for the Space Stone.

Item #08

Crown of Surtur - The Crown of Surtur is the headpiece of the Fire Demon Surtur. When merged with the Eternal Flame, it is capable of resurrecting Surtur and increasing his power immensely.



Tony was smiling at the information presented by Jarvis. He chucked the Uru in the air and it fell back on his hand, but it kept sinking in his hands till it reached his stomach. Tony grew a little in size and his eye turned green after which the Uru ore reemerged from his stomach, but this time it was the exact same shape Hela first showed him before plunging it into the Eternal Flame.

He then immediately started working on the ore with all his concentration as The Titan God was hot on the trail of Infinity Stones.

12 Hours had passed and Tony barged in the Throne room of Asgardian Palace. He looked all around the room to find no one after which he turned around and started walking towards the Bifrost Bridge.

He kept walking towards the Heimdall's Observatory and found Hela standing there.

"Your upgrade is almost complete"

"Is that so?"

"You know, If you let me research this observatory, I might be able to connect your Necrosword to the Bifrost."

"Is that so? Well I never limited your actions in Asgard anyway"

"So….What are you doing here anyway?"