
Hela was now the All-Seeing one due to her connection with the Bifrost. But right now her vision was limited due to her not being in the Observatory but she could still see the Asgardian & Heimdall hiding and Skuruge and Berserkers standing around a broken ship with people who came with Loki.

She immediately went to the Observatory to find Tony playing with her sword which was now glowing red at the tip and the hilt.

"You did it!" Said Hela with excitement.

Tony turned his head and started to walk towards her.

As he was walking, Hela detected no excitement on his face but just a helpless smile. This instantly confused her and she asked with her brows furrowed

"What happened?"

Tony didn't reply her but simply kept walking and suddenly kissed her lips while sweeping her off her feet and slamming her next to the wall.

Hela was completely taken aback by this. She had never even thought about doing anything like this with anyone but now Tony was kissing her very passionately. Her entire being shivered for a moment before she pushed Tony back and said in a not so angry voice

"What are you doing?"

Tony again gave her a helpless smile before saying

"You have the All-Seeing vision now and yet you can't see? He is arriving tomorrow….He will destroy me. Much like the entire Xandar. You see, I only have today with you, So I thought I could be honest with my feelings for the last time in my life."

Tony's words instantly froze the Goddess in Shock! She immediately used her vision and saw a decimated Xandar, a destroyed Nidavellir and Thanos wearing the real Infinity Gauntlet with the Power Stone already shining on it.

She noticed that he was coming towards Asgard for the Space Stone and would reach here by tomorrow.

Hela immediately looked at Tony and then started thinking. Tony then embraced her in a hug as he started kissing her neck and she was forced to close her eyes at this unfamiliar feeling.

She wanted to push Tony away and ready herself for a fight as the Goddess of Death would never submit the Tesseract to the Titan God even after knowing the fact that Thanos was indeed The Most Powerful being of this Universe.

"I wanted to embrace you like this for so long….wanted to touch you….wanted to kiss you….wanted to feel you...looks like I can finally do it as my last wish" breathed Tony as he removed her headdress and carelessly threw it aside. He started to sneak his hand inside her dress which sent a chilly sensation in Hela making her shut her eyes.

She wanted to stay clear headed now as Thanos was arriving and this guy in front of her, who she thought was precious to say the least, was not making it any easier.

Hela actually started liking Tony from the moment he made her food and told her about his life. He was the first person to ever really appreciate what Hela did and was the one who truly understood her.

Sure she had her subordinates who followed her but they didn't know her at all. Talking to Tony always felt like he knew more about her then she knew about herself. He'd say things that were her deepest and darkest secrets but to Tony, they were just a casual passing thought.

She started liking him more and more to the level of obsessiveness where she didn't wanted him to leave her after obtaining the Tesseract and wanted to keep with her forever.

Although these feelings were new to her, She still tried to act on them and gave Tony her trust and right now, he was treating her like a woman in love instead of an Immortal Goddess of Death.

Tony again met his lips with hers and this time, he started using his tongue. Hela was briefly surprised by this and her push on Tony went weak as Tony's grip on her waist became tight while his other hand started fondling her breast.

"Tony...we..we need to stop...I need to….prepare for battle." Said Hela with her eyes closed as Tony started to undo her clothes while her hands were weakly trying to stop him."

Tony ignored her words and kissed her again, stopping her from whatever she was going to speak next.

"It's a little rude to think about other man when you are making love to the one in front of you" Said Tony as he broke their kiss and looked her in the eye.

He then suddenly became a little rough with her, giving her a hickey on her neck and ruffling her long dark hairs to which Hela released a low whimper.

A bed suddenly materialized behind Tony and he just picked up and threw Hela on it. He too instantly climbed up on her and tore away her top revealing her very soft breasts with black nipples.

Suddenly, All of Tony's clothes melted away and he sucked on one of her nips so hard that Hela moaned. His hands then started to explore her lower body as they tore away her remaining clothes covering her lower body, making her completely naked in seconds.

Hela's domineering presence, attitude, and behavior completely faded away and what replaced them was her possessive side for Tony.

She then caught Tony's hairs and brought him up to kiss his lips again to which he greedily complied. Hela's hand then started to explore his body as if it was something she needed for thousands of years and finally found it. Her grip on him became tighter and tighter as she kissed Tony's chest, arms, face and then his hard erection. She looked at it with greed and then suddenly started to suck it with wild passion.

A moan left Tony's lips which only encouraged and amused the Goddess as she started sucking him more rapidly. Tony caught her hairs tightly and within a few minutes, he orgasmed inside her mouth.

Hela kept sucking him and drank every last drop of his cum greedily after which Tony suddenly pushed her on her back and spread her legs. Hela blushed but readied herself for whatever that was going to come next when suddenly Tony pressed his lips on her wet and pink labia and inserted his tongue inside.

"Og..Tony…." Moaned Hela hard as she clenched Tony's hairs.

He kept on licking her up and sucking her pink clit to which she trembled uncontrollably.

She never thought that this could feel this good and pressed Tony's head against her sensitive part while clenching her teeth.

Tony's hands then went to her breasts and started fondling them and Hela immediately came for the first time in her life. As he heard Hela speak his name in absolute euphoria, Tony kissed his way up on her body and flipped her so she could be on top of him. Hela smiled as she knew what Tony wanted and she lifted herself up and used her hands to stroke Tony's rod which was erect again and guided it inside her.

A strange pain arose in Hela and her inner walls clamped around Tony's erection.

Tony realized her hymen was a little strong and pushed his hips up and poked her hymen, breaking it in a single motion which made Hela scream.

She fell on his chest and Tony started stroking her back to ease her pain and after the pain had subsided, he suddenly started to move his hips. Hela then started to feel a strange sense of pleasure where a terrible pain had just been some moments ago and in the sensation of it, she too started bouncing on Tony, who then started fondling her jiggling breasts and kissed her.

Hela came again after a few minutes while Tony kept going and suddenly, his erection exited her and got inside of her other hole which instantly froze her. A very terrible pain rushed in her brain as her anus was stretched open to allow Tony's girth to fit so suddenly which made a tear fall from the corner of her eye but Tony didn't stop. He kept humping as Hela bit her lower lips, clenched her jaws, shut her eyes and dug her nails inside the vibranium bed, tearing it apart.

Between the terrible pain and Tony's soothing kisses, Hela came again after which it started to feel good and she opened her eyes to finally look at Tony's face with a sweet smile.




Tony and Hela were lying on a bed as a vibranium sheet had covered there naked bodies. Hela's head was resting on Tony's arms while a blue shining cube was in Tony's another hand.

He was looking at the Tesseract with an interest while his brain was presenting him the data from Hydra's research on Tesseract when they made the 'Tesseract Cradle' to harness the Stone's power and make weapons out of it.

Because Tony's Mind was being reshaped with the guidance of the Mind Stone, his understanding of the Tesseract grew a lot.

"How long will you stare at it? It's not that impressive." Said Hela as she was staring at Tony's eyes and then kissed his cheek.

"Jealous of a stone?" Laughed Tony as he placed the shining cube on a table and embraced Hela again, much to the latter's joy.




Thanos was in his ship when suddenly Ebony Maw said

"It's not on Asgard Father. The Stone is not on Asgard. It seems that all three stones are on Midgard."

"Earth? That's an interesting planet…" Smirked a pinkish purple Giant.

"Go there my children. Get me the stones." Continued Thanos while everyone in front of him bowed in acknowledgment.



Gamora was sitting with Peter and Drax when suddenly they received a distress signal from the 'Statesman', which was under the heavy guard of the Berserkers and Skuruge on Asgard but the signal was sort of a message which read "Thanos is coming for the reality….."