Blood to Spare

Gamora then went towards Thanos and tried to kill him but as Thanos fell on his stomach with a wound, the world around her started to change and a voice echoed all around the planet.

"Reality is often disappointing. That is, it was. Now, reality can be whatever I want."

Thanos's voice stopped Gamora's heart as she saw her father reveal himself out of thin air, unscathed with the Reality stone already shining on his gauntlet.

"Gamora….." Said Thanos in a sad voice as she again quickly tried to stab Thanos but he caught her.

Peter, Drax and Mantis came out rushing to save her but Thanos used the Reality stone and changed their biological reality to transmute them to paper and gravels, making Mantis fall like paper and Drax scatter like gravels.

"Peter, Kill Me" Said Gamora almost pleadingly to Peter who aimed his gun at Thanos and demanded that he let Gamora go.




Tony was with Eitri when suddenly he got the Vision of Thanos destroying Knowhere and taking the Reality stone, after which he created an illusion which was real to the point of him attracting with Gamora in the illusion. He saw Gamora kill Thanos in the illusion after which Thanos broke the said illusion and took Gamora.

'He got it…..'

Eitri then continued to explain the working of the Infinity gauntlet and said

"Once the stones are completed on the Gauntlet, they can show their real power. Thanos intends to use the Space stone to spread the power of the Reality stone to every corner of the universe and transmuting the biological reality of every being to that of dust."

Tony and Eitri then discussed some of the weapons such as storm-breaker and after he had grasped almost everything the Dwarf had to offer, he sent a telepathic message to Hela, after which Many Berserkers came through the Bifrost and took all the equipments to Asgard.

Eitri too went with them as he said his thanks and farewell to Tony after which Tony immediately took out some Vibranium cards which became his experimental table and apparatuses.

He placed a completed Infinity gauntlet which was made by Eitri on the table and Jarvis started to scan it.

"Extract the rune markings. The gauntlet is a waste, we don't need that. What we need is it's working, we need to know how can it harmonize all the six stones like that."

Tony had many doubts about the Gauntlet as it had quite a lot of drawbacks, such as you need to clench the gauntlet before you can access any stone's power.

'That idiot Eitri' thought Tony as he kept studying the gauntlet and experimented with the stones.




The entire Black Order, consisting of Corvus Glaive, Proxima Midnight, Cull Obsidian and Ebony Maw came to earth with spaceships filled with Outriders, a mindless alien species.

Ebony Maw detected all the three signals of the Space stone, the Time stone and the Mind stone from Wakanda and started landing the ships containing the Outriders near it.

He had detected the force field around Wakanda with his telekinesis and avoided destroying any of the ships while T'Challa, Shuri, Spiderman, Hulk, Scarlet Witch, Sorcerer Supreme, with Okoye and other Wakandan warriors watched from behind the barrier and readied themselves for the inevitable battle.

All of the Black Order then came out of the giant circular ships and stood in front of the barrier and glared at Wakandans.

"Submit the stones to us and you won't feel a thing when you die" Said Proxima Midnight as she glared at Bruce, who was somehow radiating all three stones.

"That's not gonna happen" replied Bruce in his Hulk form as he glared at them with rage.

"You are in Wakanda now. Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood" said T'Challa with his brows furrowed.

Proxima smiled at T'Challa's words and said with a triumphant smirk

"We… have blood to spare."

Suddenly, all the spaceships which landed with the Black order started to open and Outriders started to rush out of them. They created a stampede as they raced towards Wakanda before disintegrating in the force field around Wakanda.

Okoye smiled as the Outriders started to die but her smile was short lived as she realized that they were still not stopping and some were successfully trespassing into Wakanda.

Her look then changed to that of horror when she saw that their numbers were increasing every second and there were still many that were coming out of the space ships.




Tony was looking at a portal in front of him with complete joy! He had dreamt of achieving this for a long time but due to not being as knowledgeable about Stones as Thanos, he couldn't do it.

His control over the stones broke a threshold as a notification turned up in his mind.

[Brain Restructuring with the guidance of the Mind Stone is completed]

[The Process was accelerated when the Host obtained the Space stone]

[Control and understanding towards Infinity stones is increased]

[Psionic prowess have all upgraded]

[A natural shield against Psionic attacks is created]

Tony was feeling like he was a God. His entire being was trembling as he saw a space portal in front of him with a time loop.

With a thought, the Portal changed to a space pocket which was detached from the universal space and anything which goes there becomes intangible.

Thanos used this in the movies to make Bruce intangible and direct him inside of a giant rock.

Tony then took the Infinity gauntlet and threw it inside of the space pocket which made the gauntlet intangible and with a thought, disappeared completely.

"An infinite…..a truly infinite space for storage….This is the power of Gods….I am….I am a" murmured Tony with a maddening and exciting look on his face

Suddenly Tony willed another portal which directly lead to his labs on Earth. He quickly used telekinesis and Jarvis to get all of his important equipments and test subjects inside the space pocket.

When Tony did so, Ebony detected that something was off but couldn't pinpoint it as that feeling went as soon as it came.

Tony was back on Nidavellir and started to literally pour all the schematics, casts and Uru which Eitri left for him before going. He then went inside the planet and searched for all the things that could be of any help to him when suddenly a crazy thought ran in his head and his vision turned towards the dead Star which use to powers up the great forge to make weapons of Gods.



Thanos was in his ship with Gamora and Nebula. Nebula was floating in the air in a weird position when Thanos suddenly clenched his gauntlet and the Power stone in it tore away her mechanical parts, inducing her a lot of pain.

"Why won't you just kill me" Shouted Nebula with absolute pain and sadness in her voice.

Gamora was trying to resist it as she knew that Thanos is doing this so she could tell him the location of the Soul stone.

"It would be a waste of parts" replied Thanos to Nebula with a clear sadness on his face.

Nebula could only stare with absolute hatred at the man who adopted her after wiping out half of her race and that too without any actual feelings as it was just a part of his modus operandi of adopting one individual of a planet that he conquered and subsequently killed half of the entire population.

Thanos's words still struck at her hearts as the only reason her many body parts were replaced with mechanical parts was because Thanos used to make her fight with Gamora when they were just kids and with each of her defeat at the hands of her sister, Thanos would replace one part of her body with a mechanical one in the name of making her equal to Gamora.

Thanos suddenly clenched his hand a little too tight and a blood curdling scream escaped Nebula's mouth.

Gamora was in tears to hear her sister suffer because of her, again! She couldn't take the guilt of making her sister like that in her own attempt to become strong and she finally gave in to Thanos's demands.

"STOP! STOP! IT'S ON VORMIR....Please..just stop..."

"Now was that too hard?"