Ennead's Treasure

Tony was back in Asgard sleeping with Hela, who just came back from connecting the Heliopolis to the Bifrost.

"What are you thinking?" Asked Hela while snuggling in Tony's arms.

Tony just stayed quite and then kissed Hela's forehead while looking in his mind

[Warlock's Eye upgraded]

[Lifeline Formula from the Tablet of Life and Time and the Devil's Breath Formula from the Tablet of Death and Entropy have been extracted successfully]

[Yggdrasil Located. Trying to infiltrate Mimisbrunnr]

'Also try to locate The Who Sit Above in Shadow. It was heavily implied in the comics that Asgardians created them from their stories and thought of them as creators but if there is even a tiny chance of those stories being true….then' thought Tony as he looked at Hela.

"What are you looking at?"

"Just your beautiful face" replied Tony as he started kissing the giggling Hela.

After making out with Hela some more, Tony got out of the room and went to his Lab which was previously known as Odin's vault but Tony now completely took it over.

"Show me the Warlock's Eye" Said Tony as he entered his lab and went to the center table which presented him the Warlock's Eye which now looked a little different due to Tony upgrading it through the patterns of the mind stone.

Warlock's Eye was a powerful mind controlling weapon but was never really used in the comics after being failed to control Odin.

Tony now didn't had the Mind Stone but he could still potentially use the Warlock's Eye on the people he meet from now.

"Nope, This became even more bulky with the Uru...I need something more subtle."

Tony then removed the center eye and put it on the table as some numbers started to show on screen and he started to change something in it.

"Okay, Show me the Lifeline Formula"

Suddenly, his lab started to change a little and many chemicals came in front of him.

"Nope, I don't have some of the reagents required for this serum. I need to get some alternative for them."

Tony immersed himself in trying different types of chemicals to recreate some of the main ingredients required to make the Serum but he fell short every time he thought he made it work.

His extraordinary Mind was working in full power and he made substitutes for many required chemicals when suddenly he thought of something and said

"Show me the Tablet of Death and Entropy"

A smaller sized tablet unveiled itself on the table which Tony had stolen from a museum after transmigrating and above the tablet was the formula for the Devil's breath potion.

With a Smirk, Tony's gaze shifted to a projection on a side table which was displaying the Earth before it zoomed on Atlantic Ocean.

'Now weren't the Homo Mermanus were the ones to create the Serum?'

Many tiny black particles immediately fell from space, inside the Atlantic ocean and started to disperse in the vast ocean at a very rapid speed.

Tony wanted to go to his Black Hole but he was not confident without the Infinity Stones and hence he wanted to first enhance himself as much as he can.

Without any hurry, He then went to a room attached to the vault which opened itself to present the Tuning Fork and around it was a weird creature which shrieked as soon as he saw Tony enter.

A black and red Katana appeared in Tony's hand as his smile became wide and the door closed behind him.




Peter Quill was getting restless as he couldn't find Gamora on this frozen planet and with no idea how to find her, he went outside of the warmth of the Ship to search for her.

Watching Peter sneak away in the darkness of the night, Nebula too followed behind him and this disturbed Drax's sleep, who too then started walking behind them.

A'Lars, the father of Thanos was in an underground cave on Titan, keeping himself warm from the heat of the lava in front of him.

The river of lava was half frozen but it was still hot enough to save A'Lars from freezing himself to death. He was in a traditional Titan armor and had a big brown beard with a scar under his left eye, which was given to him by his very son.

'If only I had killed you the day you suggested that mad idea…' Thought A'Lars.




T'Challa was in egypt in his Black Panther suit and was unlocking a puzzle in front of him.

Tony had already told him how to solve the puzzles and traps guarding Ennead's treasures and T'Challa was following his every word with absolute loyalty.

After tinkering with the puzzle, a gate at the side opened up to reveal a dark hallway. T'Challa then entered the path as if he knew where to go and soon reached in front of a large gate after disabling many traps.

After solving another puzzle on the gate, the large gate started to open slowly to reveal absolute lush! Gold, Platinum, Diamonds, Swords….there was everything one could imagine and as soon as he saw it, Tony immediately appeared behind him and patted his shoulder.

"Good Work"

T'Challa got on one knee in front of Tony and as Tony flicked his finger, the King of the Dead disappeared.

"Now then...Let's find it."

Tony didn't pay any heed to the wealth in front of him and just started to look towards the paintings and artifacts placed with the gold coins.

After searching for a while, he found a very ordinary looking chest among the coins and Tony immediately picked it up and walked out as all the stuff behind him became small with the help of the Pym-Particles and then disappeared in a portal created by Tony's mystic art.

With the Chest in hand, Tony walked through another portal which lead him back on Asgard and created a mirror dimension.

The Warlock's Eye also appeared in the sky and disappeared and after making sure that it was safe, Tony opened the chest.

Enneads were a very powerful species because of the modification there bodies had due to their animal counterpart. Every Ennead had an animal part which gave them abilities that made them one step ahead of the humans and with the early mutation, came early powers to wield cosmic energy.

That being sad, Ennead had a hierarchy just like the animals, such as a Deer Ennead will be lower in the social standing than a Lion Ennead and so on.

Now as Tony opened the Chest, his grin extended from one ear to another and with a thought, the Dragon Scale placed in the chest floated up in his hands.


With blinding movement, the Dragon Scale got scanned by a thousand different types of lasers and after reading the results, Tony immediately caught the scale with his own hands and made it a technological part with the use of technopathy and then easily absorbed it.


Tony's body turned red and then black and he quickly teleported himself in a bathtub which had the Casket of Ancient Winters just by the side and was releasing the chilly winds in the bathtub as Tony started to integrate himself with the Dragon scale completely.




The tiny vibranium trackers flowed with the waves in the Atlantic ocean and suddenly some of them got sucked into a small hole. They kept spinning with the water and descending in the hole when suddenly they exited into a very majestic looking place in the sea.

Giant sea animals, mermaids, and many other mythical creatures were swimming around in the harmony as many sea colonies of other creatures were talking to each other.

Everything that was happening there was being telecasted on a screen in Tony's lab while he was in a black cocoon, frozen in a custom bathtub.