A Perfect Arrangement

"Welcome Sorcerer….Welcome to the God Quarry, the place where Old Gods come to die."



[Scanning Everything in the vicinity of the God Quarry]

[High energy radiations detected from every side]

Tony reached the edge of the universe where the God Quarry was.

This was the same place where Thanos came after Death cheated on him with his son Thane and gave him the Phoenix force in the comics.

To defeat his son, Thanos ventured to the God Quarry and got the power he needed to defeat Thane.

"Greetings, The Coven" Said Tony with a smile towards the three witches who used to reside here and feed on the souls of the Old Gods.

"kekeke….hmm...Those who enter the God Quarry willingly are submitted to a trial for their very soul. Should they pass, the power held by the Quarry is theirs to take; however, should they fail, they will be frozen for eternity in its ageless walls...So, You too crave for those powers? If you do, then enter it and you will be presented with the trial for your soul."

Tony already knew that and under the greedy gazes of The Coven, he entered the Quarry and suddenly was forced into an illusion.

[Detected a Psionic Wave]


[Shutting Down…..]

Suddenly, Tony's world changed and now he was a 5 year old, in the arms of his beautiful mother who loved him dearly.

Tony was never left alone as his mother was always with him, playing with him, trying to teach him things.

He was very grateful for such family and he even had great friends in his school. When he was eleven years old, Tony came second in the exam and his father threw him a party.

"Aww...Look, My baby is soo intelligent!" said his mother lovingly while ruffling his hair making him blush as he hugged her and nestled his face in her breasts.

One day, Tony was eating his lunch outside of a hotdog van when his gaze landed on a homeless woman trying to feed her infant baby some rough pieces of bread.

Looking at such a scene, his heart bled and Tony immediately bought more food and went towards them.

"God Bless you! Thank you! Thank you! *sob*.."

The homeless woman was first shocked and then immediately started thanking Tony profusely as her tears and snot started to run uncontrollably.

This melted Tony's heart completely and he hugged the woman to comfort her and then gave away all the money in his wallet to them and even doted her child a little before leaving with a contented and happy heart.

As Tony was walking home though, an eerie laughter started to come from inside of him.

It shocked him completely as he tried to find where the laughter was coming from and suddenly the world around him started to dim.

"Wha..What-" was all he could utter as the world around him shattered into a million pieces which then combined to become Tony standing inside of the God Quarry."

"Seriously? I allowed myself to be in an illusion and that's all you could do? Like what the fuck? Giving away my lunch to a homeless woman? What a fucking Joke! If this is all the Quarry requires before it grants the person the power they desire then it is indeed laughable." Said Tony as The Coven were revolving around him silently.

"Interesting! You are the first one to pass the test this soon, Sorcerer!"

Tony ignored what The Coven were saying and just went inside his mind and tapped a blue spot.

[Starting….Resuming all the research….]

Suddenly, As Tony restarted Jarvis, a wave of incredible power slammed against him.

There was a huge amount of information in it and it tried to access Tony's brain, or more specifically, the thing he desperately desired in order to grant him that power.

"Invading my Mind? Jarvis, Intercept the signal. Direct the wave to a virtual brain schematic and hack inside the source of the wave"


[Directed the Waves to a virtual brain named "Tony 616"]

[Invaded the Psionic Waves and backtracking to the source]

[Source found]

[Listing the found database]




Five Dwarves were trembling uncontrollably as Thanos revived them with the powers of the Resurrection force granted to him by the Phoenix force.

He was still not that proficient with the powers of Phoenix but being the holder of the title "The Most Powerful God in the Universe", he was at least capable enough to use it without much problem.

The Five Dwarfs which were resurrected were trembling in Thanos's presence. Their legs turned to jelly as they collapsed in front of the Mad Titan while the Titan himself just gave a smirk and threw the replica of the Infinity Gauntlet at them.

"The more time you waste on begging, the less time you will have to complete my task, and even less time for the torture I will bring to your family in front of you."

All the Dwarves quickly bowed and scuttled towards the Uru and the smithing equipment brought by the Black Order.

Thanos then raised both his hands and released the Concussive Force Blast towards the forge which started to melt the Uru ore inside of it.




Odin was now a 20 year old man and his features were starting to resemble with his previous life.

He was standing at the same spot he was once standing when he was young while staring at the sky above him. With a wave of his hand, the red gem floated up to his hand and then he disappeared!




Mephisto, Hela, and some other people who were part of a group called Hell Lords and were gathered in a pocket dimension while Dormammu was sitting at the head seat.

They were all discussing about the new Ruler of the Limbo and the current changes in the cosmos.

Being as powerful as they were, most of them had Cosmic awareness and they all detected the birth of another omnipotent entity and the changes in many part of the universe.

"Thanos has acquired the Phoenix force. I think this is all related to him!" said Satannish who was one of the most powerful demon created by Dormammu himself.

Hela was completely silent at this topic and just nodded with approval in Satannish's assumption.

Mephisto was having a complicated feeling as he was being influenced by Dormammu's magic. Mephisto himself was a nigh-omnipotent entity and could toy with almost anyone he desired but Dormammu was someone entirely different.

He thought that if he fought with Dormammu, then the battle would probably last centuries and someone would narrowly take the win, but even with this realization, he was having a bad feeling while being near to him.

"I don't think it's Thanos" Said Mephisto as he completely disregarded Satannish's assumption.

"And why do you think so, Mephisto?" asked Dormammu with interest.

"I have recently detected that many of the Cosmic cubes which I was keeping my on disappeared in thin air. Aside from that, we all know that all the stones were used in conjugation not too long ago which could only be done by Thanos but if that is correct then how did all the stones again separated and appeared in completely different part of the universe? This doesn't make any sense!"

While they were all discussing this, a slight disturbance suddenly attracted their attention towards the home planet of the Titan God.

"What is happening!? I just detected the power of a Celestial!"

All of them immediately disappeared from the pocket dimension and teleported straight above Titan.

"What!?" exclaimed Witchfire, who was the new owner of the Limbo as she saw to her incredible shock that Titan was being swarmed by almost a million Lurking Unknown and Chitauris.

"Weren't they used by Odin in his younger years to conquer the nine realms? How are they here?" said Dormammu as he knew what they were.

A small smile appeared on Hela's face after which it immediately disappeared. With a fake *cough*, she said

"While it is true that we used them in our conquests of the nine realms but the 'Tuning Fork' which was used to summon them was stolen by Loki before I even managed to escape Hel.



On Titan, Everyone from the Black Order to the Guardians were incredibly confused by the sudden turn of events. Guardians thought that it was time to fight with their life on the line while the Black Order thought that it would be quite easy to seize and secure Titan with over a million Chitauris at their disposal but, reality hit everyone hard as an army of the savage Lurking Unknowns came out of nowhere from Titan and savagely attacked the Chitauris.

"What is this! You said there were only 6 people on Titan! From where did that army of demons came from then?"

"I..I don't know."

The Black Order and the Guardians too started to fight while the Hell lords watched when suddenly some blinding flashes crossed the galaxy at an incredible speed and approached Titan, alerting the Hell Lords.




Tony was back in his lab on Asgard while many bodies were lying in front of him on different operable tables.

Every table had a name and an information matrix around it as Jarvis was continuously conducting experiments on them.

Some of the names hovering over their respective operating tables were "Victor von Doom, Norrin Radd, Wendell Vaughn, Adam Warlock, Stranger, etc.

There were also quite a few videos being played all around the lab of Thanos wearing the new Infinity Gauntlet to the meeting of the Hell Lords and their teleportation on Titan to see the war between the Celestial Peter Quill and the Black Order.

"How everything falls perfectly in its place...Now THAT is what I call a perfect arrangement."