A journey- my dream, no more

Sometimes life takes you on a journey from where there's no turning back. it changes who you truly are, what your actual life is, and sometimes it all happens when you least expect it.

The journey from Katihar to Kolkata was one such journey. it was a journey that was least expected to occur the way it did. I meet a friend who was far away from me(physically) but one still very near to me(emotionally). love brought us together once again after a long time. She was a friend of mine who slowly became more than a friend, she became the person I loved and somewhere still do. people say first love hurts, I never believed it, but now I do. by the way my name is Aman Raj.

It was the month of lovers, the month we celebrate Valentine's Day, the month we call February. It was a journey I once dream to travel but then lost interest in. I had to complete this journey for the sacrifices I had made for it. It was a journey to the city of joy, Kolkata. I don't know what I should say about it. This journey was my dream, the last journey I did to reach the vehicle of this journey was a journey I regret. The journey was to give medical examination of Sainik School Purulia and last journey was written test which was a huge success but still a great loss to me. Anyway we were four people travelling to the place-I, my sister, my mother and my cousin sister.

The train arrived. We got hurriedly inside our compartment due to the huge crowd. I don't know how it happened, how I saw that, but somewhere deep in my mind I caught a moment, I saw her or rather I thought I saw her. I turned around to find her again but wasn't able to locate her. I tried to wait along for a while but not for long, I was pushed back inside due to the huge crowd pushing me inwards.

As soon as the crowd thinned I tried to locate her again. At that time i would have had definitely got down from the train had it not for my family. At the time a lot of thoughts were crossing my mind. Free amongst them were, "what was she doing here?", "could she be on this train, if yes then where was she going?", "could she still be on the platform?". But the biggest of all "Was it her?". Had i really seen her or had i imagined her? And if she was really there then what was she doing here, nearly 1600 kilometers from home.

The train started to move. I looked for her frantically. I looked upon the platform, no one. The platform passed by. It left me with only one thought, if it was her then could she be on this train. Our compartment was nearly the last one so I went to the other side to look for her. I don't know why, but the time passes so slow when you wish to meet someone, similarly was the case with me while finding her. I passed from compartment to compartment in hope, now I will meet her.....now I will meet her.....but I saw no one like her. I came back very disappointed to my seat on not finding her. I was sad....very sad or would have been so for the next 400 km of my journey, if not...