To Part

She was the first to speak after we settled down.

"Aman you will understand me when time will come. It was for your benefit."

Anyway tell me, where is your seat?"

"It is at the upper berth just beside you. so if you got left hand upper berth, we could easily communicate throughout the night."

"I will manage it." Looks like I would have to talk to the person who had left hand upper berth. After a talk, he got ready to change it with right hand upper berth."

I don't know why but often we tend to end up doing things we are told to do by the person we love even when we would have never did the same otherwise. In my case, my ex because we never fought and our love never ended but actually we got separated by fate."

Love makes us do things we would have never did otherwise.

"Aman, I am really sorry for not telling you." She told me making a sorry face. "won't you forgive me for that"

"Pallavi,I have already told you once that I don't blame you. and for not telling me, it's ok."

I bet the face she made then would have spelled doomed for countless people. and it would have been the best pic moment.

"How's your life going on?" She asked with nothing better else.

"My one's all the same, just the only thing missing is you."

"What about your friends"

"All of them are there. Made a few new ones." I replied casually with an addition "and few girlfriends"

"What" She almost screamed.

I had to immediately regret saying that as I saw 12 eyes upon us.

"Why are you screaming, I was just joking yaar."

She kept quiet. I knew what was in her mind at the moment.

"Priya, we are done and you must move on."

"I must move on, right. I... what about you?"

Now it was my turn to keep shut.

"Priya, you know what, may be one day.... someday in future, we will meet and think of these days. Everybody has a past but more important is to move on. That is life."


"Keep shut, Priya"

"Priya I know that we have been more than friends but now it's time to let this be last of us."

"What are you saying Aman?"

"We must break up now on our own accord and not for consequences. Let this be our last trip together."

I remembered all those moments, those letters we shared. It was like a dream, a sweet dream but very much real.