Chapter 9: The Ryu Forest & My Wolf

The Ryu Forest

As Far as Haruki could see there were trees the size of skyscrapers reaching into the heavens. Wild exotic plants grew everywhere, a verdant shade of green set the landscape. Haruki was stunned it was simply the most beautiful scenery he had ever seen in his life, it was truly ethereal. Only that there was a lack of animals present which he found weird.

Hajimi who seemingly read his brothers mind expounded. "We are only at the edge of the forest, the deeper we go the more dangerous it gets. Said Hajimi, a serious expression on his face. Lin Tatsuo chimed in, young lord the Ryu forest as far as we know it are divided into three layers the first layer contains some tier one herbs and spiritual fruits with many rank 1-3 beast guarding them. The middle layer has beast ranging from rank 4-6 and also has highly sought after supreme medicinal plants that are used in alchemy.

The third region is a legend, I hear there are rank 7-9 beast and some which may have even touched immortality, information is limited about that part of the forest; anyone who ventures there has never returned."

Hajimi scoffed, "Brother Lin you're being too modest most people can't even make it to the outskirts of the middle region." Haruki though about everything he heard up until now. So the beasts here are divided into ranks with rank 1-3 being the weakest rank 4-6 being the threshold we can handle and rank 7-9 being absolute existences I cannot offend.

Hajimi and party started their walk into the forest each sticking to the other as close as possible in an arrow forward formation. The wind ruffled Haruki's hair as he held onto his older brother, if there was anything Haruki loved about this life it was that he had a family. Growing up in an orphanage was not easy and while he had Headmaster Sun to help raise him some part of him always wanted a family and above all else to understand why he was abandoned.


The forest was dark and dreary Hajimi and his team were arriving closer and closer to the middle boundary of the forest all this time they travelled and have not encountered a single beast. When all of a sudden a loud howl ripped through the air. Stopping Hajimi & his men right in their tracks.

Hajimi stopped abruptly and held up his hand in a fist to signal everyone to not speak. Many howls followed after the first there were hundreds of wolves in the forest and the noises were coming from their surroundings the earth was slightly vibrating. Haruki was absolutely terrified, not because he came to a realization but because he could actually sense the wolves in the distance! Haruki instantly broke into a cold sweat. "Big brother we have to run. Hajimi hadn't caught on yet but due to the wolves howling and the trembling of the earth Hajimi and Lin decided it was time to head back he couldn't afford to brave the risk while Haruki was here.

Hajimi and co retreated a couple of miles while under heavy pursuit and ambush, they couldn't seem to lose the pursuit of the wolves. Every single guard was exhausted, the psychological pressure exerted by the wolves was enough for them! During this 30 mile run they had more than 10 close encounter with wolves trying to pincer them in and were only able to escape thanks to an unknown variable. That variable was Haruki Tatsuo out of pure fear he had forgotten that he was supposed to be 4 years old. Right now he was giving detailed call outs on how to escape, Hajimi didn't even have time to be surprised! Stunned as he was any reaction besides escaping was actions of a fool and he Hajimi was no fool.

It wasn't until they reached the outer regions of the forest that the wolves stopped giving chase. It was at this time that everyone surrounded Haruki, everyone was extremely grateful towards their young lord, directly calling him a prodigy, a dragon amongst men.

Hajimi forgetting the presence of others in his shock immediately questioned Haruki, as the situation here was way too shocking. "Haruki, how did you do such a thing?" Everyone became silent Haruki knew that right now was not a good time to admit to anything, he had a hard time figuring out what was going on with his own body and didn't need to tell these people here that he came from another cosmos! It might do him more harm than good.

"Big brother I don't really know it's the same as when I find you all the time." Hajimi immediately understood that this was just apart of his brothers ability and was going to push the matter to the side when rustling noises were heard a few meters away from them. Due to everyone being on high alert from the wolf chase all of Hajimi's men began stepping into formation. This time it was meant to protect the young lord, who knows what was heard while they were talking?

"Come out or don't blame me for being merciless." Hajimi's whole demeanor changed, the temperature in the surrounding space gradually began to increase and most obvious of all was his expression. His face was utterly blank with no emotion at all.

Haruki was surprised he had never seen a battle between humans nor had he ever seen his older brother with such a serious expression. Haruki realized that the books did not do the scene he just witnessed any justice. First the encounter with the giant wolves and now he can clearly see the flow of power in his older brothers body it looked like fire was covering his older brother. The books were descriptive, some of it even sounded ridiculous like powerful humans piercing the moon and such. It wasn't until now that Haruki had a true idea of what was going on.

"Ha-Ha-Ha well if it isn't Brother Hajimi Tatsuo! The praised demon of the village clans, am I not welcome?" Fifteen men in pale blue robes walked out from behind the trees in the clearing, they were all elites of the Soju clan. While the Soju clan were a village clan they were more developed than a normal village clan. Geographically their clan so happens to be very close to the Aqueduct Kingdom and also received some benefits via certain Chancellors of the Kingdom in exchange for some minor matters. These Fifteen men were all walking two steps behind Akio Soju who was the son of the current patriarch, all ready for battle.

Hajimi face returned to normal and his aura became warm again after confirming who it was." Ah" cupping his fist in salute. "Sorry brother Akio you can never be too careful. We just escaped pursuit from an encirclement of rank two and three demonic wolves and decided that it would be better to return home while we still can."

Akio was handsome, tall with long dark hair and dark blue pupils. All marks of the soju clan's main family lineage. The only thing was that Akio's aura was eccentric most Soju clan expert's utilized water as the basis for their martial skills and techniques but Akio you could say was more talented than the past few generations because his attribute directed towards ice.

"That would be a pure shame... Brother Hajimi the demon core of the king beast is something useful for us in breaking through to the nascent soul realm Hajimi's facial expression changed "What? You didn't know, you are all talent and no resources? The demon beast is half a step into the demonic lord stage you tell me if it will help or not?" Akio's face had faint traces of surprise on it. "Hajimi I'm actually quite surprised by how far you have made it. Drustan seems to believe that it's with the aid of some treasure that you became so powerful but it seems like he couldn't be anymore wrong your natural talent is astounding."

Who is the little one behind you? Hajimi stood firmly in front of Haruki, just because they were cordial to each other did not mean they were friends. Many times on his excursions to Sakura City Hajimi was forced to eradicate whole groups of bandits and had many interactions with the Soju clan and Gallic clan who he knew were not exactly angels of the heavens. "It's my little brother I took him out to gain a bit of experience, just to witness the battles but I had clearly overestimated the cunningness of rank two and three wolves, individually they are no match but when facing more than a hundred I would not take the risk with my younger brother here."

Haruki was dumbstruck, He would have fought if I wasn't here? "Big Brother what is going on! why would you fight the wolf king it's so strong? How can you? Behind Akio was a voice that sounded similarly young "weakling", even Hajimi was surprised. Do not be rude Akio reprimanded Ayumu but Haruki was not one to be insulted even on earth. "Are you sure?" challenged Haruki, Hajimi stepped up and reprimanded Haruki "enough Haruki"

"So we both brought our brothers, Brother Akio What's your reason?" Akio wasn't surprised, he heard the young man talking earlier.

"Have you ever heard of the lands beyond the yellow sand domain? In that domain there are people younger than us who are in the nascent soul sage." Hajimi was in ultimate shock, he was never one to belittle himself but he knew that with his resources he couldn't amount to much. Maybe a general or a city lord but by all means he wasn't weak. To suddenly hear that there were others younger than him who were stronger than he is now was something even he found incredible.

"How did you come across such information?" said Hajimi. Akio sneered, "Oh I had dealings with a stranger during my travels and he incidentally told me about it. Don't ask me how he knows, the fact that he can cross the yellow sand domain which is devoid of spiritual energy is already beyond you and me, asking for anymore information would be asking for death, I suspect that the man was already an immortal."

Now what do you say about hunting the king beast together. We share the spoils 50/50 and the demon core will depend on our abilities since there is only one. Hajimi thought about it for a moment and then nodded his head. Sure but we first need to clear the rank 2 beasts, there are hundreds of them and at those numbers they can heavily obstruct us. "That's easy" replied Akio "we will have our brothers guarded by some of our guards and take our main forces ahead. This is good for them to gain experience." Hajimi was decisive he wouldn't dare miss this chance. "Alright I agree, Lin with me the rest of you go with Haruki and protect him if anything goes wrong take him back home."