Restless Night (2)

Entering the kitchen, Sofia quietly asked "Hello?..... Who is there?" Trying to know if it was ok for her to be there at this time of the night.

The person in the dark slowly moved his body to the side, while turning his head completely towards her. The position was good to see his face but the only downside to it was that it was too dark. She could not see his face at all, he was covered in darkness. Asking again to maybe get an answer, "Who is there?... Is it ok for me to get something to drink?"

The person did not answer her. He slowly got out of his seat, walked to the fridge took out to bottles, walked to the shelves and took a cup. Taking both items back to his seat, he emptied the bottles into 2 cups. Picking one of them he walked towords her slowly.

10 steps before reaching Sofia, the person came into the light. His identity finally revealed. It was non other than Vincent King, and in his hand was a cup of clear liquid. It looked like water, and it had a piece of yellow lemon inside.

Offering the cup to her he said, "I did not expect you to be awake. Having a hard time falling asleep? Take this lemon water, it might help you sleep."

Taking the drink in gratitude, she took a small sip. It had a slight acidic ting. Looking at him in question. "It is acidic."

"That would be the lemon inside the cup." he replied calmly.

Drinking the last bit of the water, she kept the cup in the sink and made her way slowly out of the kitchen. Reaching the door she looked back at Vincent and said a quiet "Good night."

As her head touched the pillow, she was already in dreamland. The drink did its trick. She had fallen asleep.

Not every darkness leads to light at the end of the tunnel. Some lead to even darker times. And her coming days might look like the light at the end of the tunnel, but it was all an optical illusion.

The work of a hidden devil.