The City of Love (7)

Just as the maid was leaving, Sofia called out to her. "Where would I find Mr. King?"

Having located Vincent's current position, Sofia was astonished. Her room in the castle was on the same floor as Vincent and Johnathan's again. She only needed to walk two rooms down the hallway and she would arrive in front of Vincent's room.

Knocking on the door, Sofia waited to be allowed inside. She did not want a repeat of the scene in his study two months ago, it was a very awkward situation for her to even remember.

The door slowly opened and standing in it's place was a shirtless Vincent. While taking quick glances at his shirtless upper body, Sofia did not notice the gleam in Vincent's eyes at her bluntly checking him out. He was very happy at her actions, this proved that Sofia noticed Vincent as a man and not only as a boss.

"Did you need anything Miss. McAne?" Vincent did not want the staring to end but if she continued any longer, Vincent was not a 100% sure if could stop himself from doing anything.

"I wanted to ask about the dress code for the dinner. What type of formal are we talking about? Cocktail party formal? Office formal? Or something else?" Sofia asked after snapping out of her staring contest with Vincent's bare chest. After which she could not look him in the eyes. She knew he had noticed she staring at him. So Sofia had turned bright red while asking her questions.

Understanding Sofia's dilemma, Vincent made it easier for her, "Just a simple long dress that one can wear during dinner at a 5 star restaurant."

Having understood the formal's context, Sofia grew nervous. She had not brought any such dress for herself, the only formal attire she had was the white dress she had got for herself for when she would meet with Ben on Saturday. But even that dress was not long, it was a short dress that was alittle longer than her mid thigh. It was a dress that people don't wear for dinners, and even if they do, they are not looked at nicely at such places.

Sofia hesitatingly spoke to Vincent "I don't have such an outfit with me on this trip. The only formal attire I have is not really appropriate for such places."

"Don't worry about that. I'll have someone get you something. Just get Johnathan ready and the outfit will be in your room by then." Vincent solved her problem within seconds.

With her problem solved, Sofia said a quick "Thank you" and "Goodbye" before going on her way. She needed to have one of the maids to iron the suit she made for Johnathan so he could wear it for dinner and look like a smart boy.

She had gotten Johnathan bathed and into the new suit and handed him to Vincent in his study with a tablet to keep him distracted till she got ready.

Entering her room, Sofia saw a beautiful black sleeveless dress layed out on her bed.