A New Day

It was a bright new day. A massive storm had just passed through King manor, leaving a bright rainbow in its wake.

Sofia McAne had finally become Vincent's after much awaiting. His 2 and a half years of patience had come to fruition. She was in his room, sleeping on his bed, in his arms.

The first person to come awake was the man in the room, Vincent. With the morning sunshine directed straight on his bed, being a light sleeper, he was up just as the sunrays had hit him in the face. It was a happy day, and even the interruption to his sleep could not ruin this good mood of his. The feel of Sofia's soft naked body on his was a constant reminder of last night. She had become his. His, and only his.

He knew she would be conflicted when she woke up but till that time arrived, Vincent wanted to keep her in his arms. Safe and warm, from all the harsh realities of life. His and hers, both alike.

Vincent spent his time awake looking and memorizing Sofia's sleeping face in the sun. How her skin looked almost transparent in places where the light came in direct contact, showing her goddess like beauty. Having looked at her long enough, he softly placed his head back on the same pillow as her and began breathing in her sweet secant mixed with his after the activities of last night. A divine smell. One indicating her new status in life.

As the clock struck 10 am, Sofia began showing signs of waking. Her pupils began moving behind closed lids, and her breaths shortened. Noticing how Sofia was coming aware of her surroundings, Vincent slowly loosened his muscles and closed his eyes, faking sleep.


The first thing she noticed was a weight below her chest, a soothing warmth on the back of her neck and a splitting headache. As she slowly opened her eyes to adjust to the sunlight on her face, everything looked different. The room before her eyes was black and white, different from her usual beige and caramel bedroom. And completely different from Ben's, who she was supposed to be with right now.

Looking around at her surroundings in detail, she noticed the decorations and theme of the room looked very manly. The first thing that popped up in her mind was:

~ 'Did Ben change his room decor?'

~ 'But if so? How was he able to afford all this expensive furniture .'

~ 'This is way above his pay grade.'

"Welcome back to the land of the living." said a husky and warm voice in her ear. Even before her brain could make out what was happening and who the voice belonged to, it continued, "Do you remember what you did last night?"

Like magic, vivid pictures morphing into live action scenes began flashing before her eyes. Her ogling Vincent's body, the things going through her perverted mind. Her getting closer to Vincent step by seductive step before sitting on his lap. And the rest just continued to follow.

The shame of her life. She had been the one to go on attack. On none other than her saviour, her boss. The very handsome Vincent King. A person who hired her because all of Johnathan's other nannies wanted to get into his pants. Something she just did herself.

Not understanding how to react in the given situation calmly, Sofia tried to get away from Vincent's hold in a panic. Springing into action, she began sitting up on the bed and trying to get off it in one go. But the light hold on her ribcage preventing it all.

After multiple attempts of moving away and not being successful, Sofia was not able to take it any longer. Turning her head towards the culprit, she angrily asked "Why aren't you letting me go?"

Vincent having fun preventing Sofia's escape, had a smile on his face during the whole time. And when she had finally faced him and seen it, she grew angrier. Not being able to control her temper, "Why are you smiling? Is it fun toying with me like this?"

The angrier Sofia became the bigger Vincent's smile got with it till he broke out into a full blown laughter. And what followed was nothing short of pure entertainment. Sofia started her fight with his hold once more. But this time much more intensely.