Devilish Demon King!

Mu Xuan Yin was riding gale wolf for several days and she already successfully left Wu Mountain safely. Even though there were many strong demonic beasts inside Wu Mountain before but with gale wolf speed along with Mu Xuan Yin strength that beyond nine-star body tempering stage cultivator, they did not have any problem in shaking their pursuer off.

Mu Xuan Yin and the gale wolf arrived at the nearby spring then she decided to take a rest there.

She jumped down from the gale wolf's back and approached the spring then she took a sip of the spring water. The water in the spring feel very refreshing made the fatigue on her body decreased a little.

However, when she raised her head, her gaze met with a bare-chested man in front of her.

Beautiful... No... The man in front of her cannot be described by 'beautiful' word anymore. His perfect feature can only be described as 'peerless'.

He had long silky silver hair with a pair of bright golden eyes glittering like a pair of stars. His bare-chest was very smooth and white like a jade, flawless like they had been carved out by the world's most skilled person.

The scene in front of Mu Xuan Yin was like a CG from the famous movie. However, the cold gaze from the silver-haired guy really made Mu Xuan Yin's mind awake from her daze and she immediately felt a little guilty.

"Uh... I am sorry that I bother you taking a bath. I just passing by here a moment ago and a little thirsty so I decided to take a sip the water from this spring. Ah... I am sorry. Where is my manner?! Let me introduce myself first. My name is Jian Chen." Mu Xuan Yin was trying to smile as friendly as possible to relieve the silver-haired guy's anger.

"You? Jian Chen?" The silver-haired man scanned Mu Xuan Yin from the tip of her head to her toe.

Young girls in her teen with stunning looks and a slender enchanting figure, her moist red seductive lips combined with her white flawless skins and slender appearance is enough to make any man go crazy for her.

Her long dark brown hair fell long enough to reach her waist and her pair of brown eyes was glittering beautifully full of innocent but sharp like a blade. Really made all the people that look at her will easily mistake her for a celestial maiden.

Unfortunately, she wore a pair of man's clothes that was a little too big for her size. It was white Chinese man clothes with a white robe that she took from the main character, Jian Chen before.

"You do not look like him at all!" The white-haired man rebuked Mu Xuan Yin.

"Eh… Really? Eh… EHHHH…" Mu Xuan Yin puzzled with white-haired man's answer and she looked at her own appearance in the spring water then stunned by it herself since she never looks at her own appearance in the mirror after she went into the Wu Mountain but she quickly realized that this must be the effect of the blood pool.

When Mu Xuan Yin tried to explain it again to the white-haired man, she detected several movements from all direction from inside the forest. She quickly scanned their surroundings and spotted several men wearing black clothes with covered face approaching them very fast.

"Mister, you surely have many enemies…" Mu Xuan Yin frowned and said to the white-haired man. Since she only came to this world recently so it is impossible for her to have any enemies right now, at least not yet for now.

"Let's go now! Let me help you escape this time!" Mi Xuan Yin quickly took the white-haired man's clothes nearby and threw it at him. After he wore his clothes, Mu Xuan Yin quickly pulls his hand and carrying him with princess style then ran away as fast as she can from the spring and the black-clothed man.

The white-haired man opened his mouth and stared at Mu Xuan Yin in disbelief. He was really stunned by what Mu Xuan Yin did and he had been petrified since Mu Xuan Yin carried him.


"Ouch… Why did you pinch my arm?" One of the black-clothes men scolded his comrade.

"Oh… So it's real… Not a dream… If this is not a dream how could our most cold-blooded and ruthless demon king let that guy carrying him like that? Isn't our demon king was an extreme mysophobic that hate to be touched by anyone? Our demon king even use more than ten times Dirt Removal Art after took a bath! Ah… My eyes must be playing a trick with me… There must be something wrong with what I just saw right now!" The black-clothes men rubbed his eyes many times.

"Idiot!? Look carefully the one that carrying him is a very beautiful girl! Even our ruthless demon king is a man too! Of course, he will let her touch him! Our demon king must be already falling for that little beauty… Ah, it looks like we will get a little demon prince soon." The black-clothed man's comrade knocked his friends head while grinning.


Mu Xuan Yin ran back inside the forest and dashed as fast as she can to escape from the black-clothes men pursuit but the black-clothes men can still follow her easily. It looks like the cultivation of these black-clothes men was higher than Mu Xuan Yin.

Mu Xuan Yin tried her hardest to shake black-clothes men pursuit like jumped to the top of the tree or hide in the bushes but black-clothes men could still follow her made her even more nervous and panicked. She thought that her cultivation already quite high but who knows that after going out of Wu Mountain, she met with this abnormally strong black-clothes men. It looks like she got into a troublesome opponent now.

When Mu Xuan Yin was cold sweating tried to shake their pursuer, the white-haired man chuckled and his eyes shone with amusement then waved his right hand without being discovered by Mu Xuan Yin.

All the black-clothes men kneeled in unison then bowing their head respectfully. After a moment, all of them vanished into a thin air like an illusion.

Mu Xuan Yin stopped running and looked her surrounding, after making sure that all of the black-clothes men already gone. She quickly let the white-haired man down then sat on the nearby tree to take a breath.

"Luckily, they lost us in the middle of way… Fuhhh… Mister, all of those black-clothes men are very strong. Which clan or sect that you offended before? Mister, you better be careful from now on. If there is no this Young Master today, you will surely be killed!" Mu Xuan Yin talked with an expression a little smug this time.

"Okay, thank you Young Master Jian Chen! Since you already introduce yourself, then now please allow this humble one to introduce myself." The white-haired man was smiling and staring at Mu Xuan Yin full of interest.

"Oh… Then please tell me your name!" Mu Xuan Yin clapped her hands full of curiosity.

"My name is Dongfang Ruyi. I am the current Demon King of the Demon Sect!" Dongfang Ruyi introduced himself while keep staring at Mu Xuan Yin like he is afraid to miss her reaction even for one second.