Engagement Bracelet

"What do you mean by that?" Mu Xuan Yin frowned annoyingly. She really wanted to run far away from this mischievous Demon King as soon as she can if it really possible.

"You are really beautiful… Enough to even make any man you met fall in love with you in the first sight but you know? This king is really narrow-minded and disliking anyone yearning at this king's belonging! So…" Dongfang Ruyi was moving his point finger toward Mu Xian Yin's forehead.

Mu Xian Yin tried to dodge it but her body cannot move, it was as if there is some kind of power that made her froze on her place.

Dongfang Ruyi tapped Mu Xuan Yin's forehead gently then some black fog appeared from all over Mu Xuan Yin's body and enveloped her entire body. When the black fog vanished, Mu Xuan Yin's appearance was already very similar to the real Jian Chen.

Mu Xuan Yin surprised and kept checking and touched her entire body but she found out that her appearance was really changed into Jian Chen and this was not an illusion made by this Demon King.

"Hmm… So this is the real Jian Chen looks like! Sigh… Still is not as good as this king, right? Well, how about it do you like it? Do you feel any discomfort with it? With this kind of appearance, no one will saw your true self!" Dongfang Ruyi keep stared at Mu Xuan Yin then nodded his head in satisfaction with his own art.

"Really thank you very much…"Mu Xuan Yin was smiling brightly and thanked Dongfang Ruyi sincerely while met his gaze with her pair of innocent eyes.

Her smile made Dongfang Ruyi's heart pounding harder and faster than before. He quickly averted his gaze from her and said "You are welcome… You may go now!"

Mu Xuan Yin chuckled when she saw Dongfang Ruyi's reddened face and unsettled gaze while her opinion on him changed quite drastically.

'This Demon King is awkward but not so bad after all…'

"Okay then… I will go now. Take care of yourself, my cute Demon King!" Mu Xuan Yin teased Dongfang Ruyi and laughing while jumped to her gale wolf's back and left the speechless Dongfang Ruyi alone.


"Zhong Yi…" After Mu Xuan Yin left, Dongfang Ruyi called someone name.

Dongfang Ruyi frowned when his call was not heeded by his subordinate.

Dongfang Ruyi walked toward the nearby tree and kicked it then one black-clothed man dropped down from the top of the tree while biting on his own fingers like he had seen something horrible.

"What the hell are you doing?" Dongfang Ruyi deep cold voice that could freeze anyone that heard it made the black-clothed man's mind awoke and he quickly kneeled in front of Dongfang Ruyi.

"Your subordinate is here! My King, please punish this subordinate for his negligence!" Zhong Yi kowtowed to Dongfang Ruyi while asking for punishment.

"Forget about it… Gather the others right now. We are going back!" Dongfang Ruyi ordered Zhong Yin with a stern tone.

"Eh… But My King… We still did not get the item that My King wanted!" Zhong Yin puzzled with Dongfang Ruyi decision.

"There is no need to search for it anymore! That item already in that girl's hand." Dongfang Ruyi explained to Zhong Yi.

"Eh… Ehhhh… EHHHHHH…"Zhong Yi was surprised beyond belief.

"Do you not notice it? She has not cultivated yet but she can run that fast while carrying me. According to her speed, she should be already reached the peak of nine-star body tempering stage but even I cannot detect her cultivation level. So, on the other words, she has not cultivated yet but she already manages to reach the first level of Void God Scripture… Really interesting! This King likes her more and more now…"Dongfang Ruyi was smiling more brilliantly while thinking about Mu Xuan Yin.

"My King… Did the one that My King gave her just now was My King's engagement Bracelet?" Zhong Yi asked Dongfang Ruyi curiously. He already saw it with his own eyes but still cannot believe what he saw and now he decided to ask Dongfang Ruyi for confirmation.

"That is right?! SO??!!" Dongfang Ruyi was getting more irritated. Usually all of his subordinate never asked anything and just do anything that he ordered. Do not know what happened this time, this his right-hand man, Zhong Yi acted like gossiping old lady.

When Zhong Yi heard Dongfang Ruyi admit it, he made the horrible expression again while biting on his own fingers in horror.

'His ruthless and cold-blooded Demon King was blushing while flirting with a girl and put on his engagement bracelet onto her wrist! THERE WILL BE RAIN OF BLOOD TOMORROW!!!' Zhong Yi's mind screamed.

Dongfang Ruyi began to agitate by Zhong Yi's reaction and he kicked Zhong Yi away while ordered him once again to gather all the other subordinates.


Mu Xuan Yin was riding gale wolf and rushed to Dongzhou City as fast as she could. She had six months and ten days before but she spent two months to search for Void God Scripture in Wu Mountain.

Mu Xuan Yin calculated that with gale wolf speed, she will only need two months to arrive at Dongzhou City. Then she will have more or less another two months to begin to cultivate and reach three-star body tempering stage, the minimum requirement to take Holy Light Sect exam.

However, Mu Xian Yin was really frustrated by Dongfang Ruyi's nagging every day. The black bracelet that he gave to her was really able to make them communicate each other through telepathy regardless of any distance. Moreover, the black bracelet cannot be taken off so Mu Xian Yin decided to ignored Dongfang Ruyi's sound in her head every day but he keeps asking to her every day like 'where are you right now?', 'what are you doing right now?', etc.

After two months, Mu Xuan Yin managed to arrive at Dongzhou City without any obstacle.

Dongzhou City's building was like in ancient China. All the houses and stores made from the brown wood. There are many red lanterns hanging on the side of the main street giving some festive atmosphere. Many people wearing ancient Chinese dress walking around filling the road. There are also some salesman and peddler offering their own goods to the passerby.

This is the first time Mu Xuan Yin entered the city full of people like this. Usually, she only entered some small village to buy food and drink supply so she was quite exciting. However, she tried very hard to forbearing herself from her desire to take a stroll around Dongzhou City and search for an inn first.

Her time is not much right now, only a little more than two months. She must begin to cultivate as fast as she could and reach the three-star body tempering stage to take Holy Light Sect exam. If she keeps slacking off then she will not make it in time.