The Power of Formation ( Part 2 )

Mu Xuan Yin keeps leading in front of Dongfang Ruyi and Zhen Qing and sprinting deeper into Demonic Forest. There were also several other outer disciples that ran in the same direction as them but Mu Xuan Yin's team was a lot faster than any of them and quickly left them far behind.

Demonic Forest is very vast and full of green plants. The natural scent of herb and plant made anyone that entered this forest feels more refreshed. However, this forest also full of countless giant trees that obstructed the vision.

There are also many lush bushes that made demonic beast easy to hide them self and launch an ambush. If someone with mediocre cultivation level got caught off guard by their ambush then only death will await them.

Moreover, all of the demonic beasts inside the forest always made some kind of eerie sound that make anyone that entered this Demonic Forest will shudder and hard to sleep at night.

When Mu Xuan Yin and the others entered deep into the Demonic Forest, she finds there are many different demonic beasts that live inside the forest. Fortunately, all of these demonic beasts are at Body Tempering Stage so it will not possess any threat to Mu Xuan Yin at all.

Suddenly, there are three foxes and two raccoons like demonic beasts that jumped from nearby trees toward Mu Xuan Yin and her team.

Mu Xuan Yin casually jabbed twice in front of her and two foxes that pounced toward her flew backward like a bullet then crashed with a very loud noise to a nearby giant tree and died instantly.

Mu Xuan Yin did not worried about Dongfang Ruyi since it was impossible for a famous Demon King to not be able to handle this kind of easy opponents.

However, Mu Xuan Yin still doubted Zhen Qing's ability since he only joined them just recently so she quickly looked behind her to check on his condition now.

Surprisingly, Zhen Qing only smiled back to Mu Xuan Yin like nothing happen to him at all but there were many demonic beast corpses that littering around where he stood.

Mu Xuan Yin also smiling back to him and gave him a thumbs up for his topnotch skill.

"Eh…Where is Ruyi? Didn't he run with you behind me?" Mu Xuan Yin frowned when she did not see Dongfang Ruyi behind her.

"I do not know too. He ran into some thickets behind so maybe he wanted to take a piss…"Zhen Qing answered Mu Xuan Yin's question nonchalantly.

"Take a piss? Okay, let's extracting these demonic beast cores while waiting for him." Mu Xuan Yin squatted down and began to take the beast core inside the demonic beast body.

However, after waiting for an hour while fought the nearby demonic beasts that attacked them, Dongfang Ruyi still did not come back to them. Mu Xuan Yin frowned even deeper but after thinking for a while, she decided that it was impossible for something to happen to Dongfang Ruyi since with his strength no one could defeat him even if all the sect elders ambushed him, they will not be able to defeat him.

"Sigh… He must have another business to take care off. How about we go first?" Mu Xuan Yin asked for Zhen Qing's opinion. Mu Xuan Yin guessed that Dongfang Ruyi must have some kind of urgent business in Demon Sect so that's why he left in hurry.

"No problem at all… Let's go!" Zhen Qing was smiling and walked beside Mu Xuan Yin and the two of them continue to enter deeper into the forest.


Inside the thick white fog, Dongfang Ruyi stood there with a serious expression on his face.

"A formation? Moreover, this formation is so advance… The one that set it must be someone powerful. Who set a formation like this in the middle of the forest?" Dongfang Ruyi frowned.

He already tried to walk around for an hour but he still cannot come out from this white fog.

Dongfang Ruyi released a portion of his power then struck his palm in front of him. There was a thick black palm shooting out from his palm capable of destroying everything it touches instantly but the black palm completely vanished when it entered the white fog.

This time Dongfang Ruyi released his full strength, the power of high-level Core Formation Stage unleashed instantly made the surroundings ground cracked.

There was a giant black demon's shadow with a scary face that stood behind Dongfang Ruyi and his eyes turned into crimson red like a demon.

Dongfang Ruyi struck his fist in front of him and the giant black demon behind him followed Dongfang Ruyi's movement with the same timing shooting out a frightening black beam.

Heaven Class Evil God's Martial Art Technique – Sundering Earth Splitting Heaven!

However, even this Heaven Class Martial Art Technique still cannot shatter this formation like before it only flew inside the white fog and vanished like a smoke.

Dongfang Ruyi stunned when he saw this formation's power, to think that even his strongest technique was useless against this formation then Nangong Liuchen's shadow quickly flashed in his mind.

"It must be that bastard! I swear the next time I meet him I will be sure to kill him!" Dongfang Ruyi gritted his teeth and clenched his fist harder while his gaze turned even colder.