The Pair of Divine Swords

"Ok then… You must remember once its start you cannot stop in the middle or the consequence will be very grave! Do not think about it too much… Just think about it as the rite to get this divine sword." Nangong Liuchen warned Mu Xuan Yin with a stern tone but his eyes still shone full with expectation and excitement.

"This disciple understand!" Mu Xuan Yin nodded her head with a serious expression.

She knew full well that even though her Master said it was really easy but something that her Master cannot be solved alone and need her help with would never so simple.

All she could do right now was only doing her best so she will not become a burden to her Master even further.

"Good! Then first, erase your disguise art for now. Even though I can see through your disguise but it still weird if the other people see it." Nangong Liuchen tried to sound serious but his mischievous gaze completely betrayed his serious expression. Fortunately, Mu Xuan Yin already fully trusted her Master right now so he did not aware of Nangong Liuchen's strange behavior.

"Erase my disguise art? Weird if the other people? So strange… Whatever." Mu Xuan Yin frowned but she still followed her Master's request and rubbed her forehead three times to erase her disguise spell.

After that Nangong Liuchen brought Mu Xuan Yin and stood in front of the pair of divine swords together. Nangong Liuchen threw some kind of orb on the top of them and his finger began to move.

It looks like Nangong Liuchen started to writing some mystic runes and several golden runes that Nangong Liuchen's written on the air began to spinning around Nangong Liuchen and Mu Xuan Yin. It seems like Nangong Liuchen set up a formation barrier for their safety right now.

"Ok finished! Oh yeah... Who is your real name? It's not Jian Chen, right? I never heard you said it to me before… However, I need to know it if we want this to work." Nangong Liuchen said to Mu Xuan Yin while turned his head toward the other direction and giggled in excitement but when he turned back to facing Mu Xuan Yin, his face already turned stern.

"Ah… Sorry Master! This disciple real name is Mu Xuan Yin." Mu Xuan Yin held her fist together and saluted Nangong Liuchen while gave her name to him.

"Un…My name is Nangong Liuchen. Remember it well! This is actually really simple. You just need to repeat all of my words and each time I mention your name, you need to change it to my name when repeating it and vice versa. Also, Remember! Do not hesitate, wavering, and stopping in the middle or we both will face a tremendous danger! Let's begin!" Nangong Liuchen warned Mu Xuan Yin once more and only after she nodded her head with a firm look that he decided to began it.

After Nangong Liuchen warned Mu Xuan Yin, both of them stood facing up toward the pair of divine swords then Nangong Liuchen began to read his line.

"I, Nangong Liuchen, from now on pledge…"Nangong Liuchen speaks slowly but loud so Mu Xuan Yin can follow his words without any difficulty.

"I, Mu Xuan Yin, from now on pledge…"Mu Xuan Yin followed Nangong Liuchen's words nervously.

"To love Mu Xuan Yin from now on, to have and to hold, from this day forward…"Nangong Liuchen almost laughed out loud when he read this line but he managed to hold it and only smiling.

"To love… Eh… Ehhhhhhhhhhh…" Mu Xuan Yin was shouting in surprise while staring widely at Nangong Liuchen when she heard this part.

'Aren't this almost the same as marriage vows?! What is this?! Love vows?! It's love vows, isn't it?' Mu Xuan Yin's mind almost short-circuited when she thinking about it. However, she quickly regained her awareness when she saw the crimson red divine sword began to trembling and its purple aura of death thickened even more.

"Nangong Liuchen from now on, to have and to hold, from this day forward…" Mu Xuan Yin was cold sweating and began to continue her parts.

"Whether she has sickness or health, poverty or wealth, beauty or plain, in good times and in bad, I, Nangong Liuchen, am willing to love her, to comfort her, to respect her, protect her, and willing to be forever loyal to her until death do us part." Nangong Liuchen's gaze was firm and all of his words come from the deepest part in his hearts, full of sincerity and passionate. He finished his parts with ease without any problem and the green divine sword ringing like expressing his happiness and approval toward him.

"Whether she…Errr… He has sickness or health, poverty or wealth, beauty… Er… handsome or plain, in good times and in bad, I, Mu Xuan Yin… Ummm…" On contrary with Nangong Liuchen, Mu Xuan Yin's words full of uncertainty and insincerity made the red crimson divine sword even more upset and trembling even harder in annoyance.

Nangong Liuchen held Mu Xuan Yin's sweaty hand and when Mu Xuan Yin saw Nangong Liuchen gentle expression, she began to calm down and closed her eyes for a moment.

'Remember Master kindness! All of this is not a lie! I am really planned to be filial and loyal to him for the rest of my life since the very beginning!' Mu Xuan Yin convinced herself.

"am willing to love him, to comfort him, to respect him, protect him, and willing to be forever loyal to him until death do us part." Mu Xuan Yin recited the rest of her parts with firm tone made the crimson red divine sword buzzing in happiness and approval toward her too.

Nangong Liuchen bowed to the pair of the divine swords and Mu Xuan Yin followed him too. Then Nangong Liuchen turned to face Mu Xuan Yin and bowed to her, Mu Xuan Yin also bowed back to him.

Nangong Liuchen held Mu Xuan Yin shoulders tightly and kiss her forehead full of gentleness and affection but Mu Xuan Yin hesitated whether she should kiss him back or not.

"Xuan Yin… If you do not kiss me back, everything that we do will be in vain. The written on the wall did not say anything about where we have to kiss so you can kiss wherever you like…"Nangong Liuchen words were so wise but his smile that full of anticipation betray his wise words.

Mu Xuan Yin was standing on her toe because Nangong Liuchen was so tall and kissed his cheek then quickly turned away with a reddened face. Nangong Liuchen satisfied with her shy expression and laughing heartily.

After their kiss, the two divine swords flew at the same time, the red crimson divine sword toward Mu Xuan Yin and the green divine sword toward Nangong Liuchen.

When Mu Xuan Yin caught the crimson sword's handle, the red crimson divine sword automatically established its connection with Mu Xuan Yin as its owner.

"Nine Phoenix Sword…" Mu Xuan Yin called the name that entered her mind and the crimson sword in her hand let out a domineering phoenix cry then shot out the crimson flame in the form of the legendary phoenix that flew encircling the huge room.

"Nine Dragon Sword…"Nangong Liuchen also called the name of his divine sword and the green sword in his hand also let out an overbearing dragon roar but it was completely on the different level than Mu Xuan Yin's phoenix cry. The dragon roar was so loud and powerful that it made the entire tomb shaking even Mu Xuan Yin felt her head almost burst when she heard it.

Nangong Liuchen's Nine Dragon Sword shot out the green lightning in the form of a legendary dragon that ten times bigger than Mu Xuan Yin crimson phoenix.

The green dragon was chasing the crimson phoenix happily around the huge room and after a few seconds, the two of it entered back into the divine swords. The two divine swords began to vibrate at the same time and draw each other like a pair of the magnet.

When Mu Xuan Yin's Nine Phoenix Sword and Nangong Liuchen's Nine Dragon Sword met each other the terrifying Qi that capable of destroying everything was created.

Nangong Liuchen frowned and withdraws his sword back and the terrifying Qi vanished like a smoke.

"Amazing… So if these two divine swords met each other, it can become even stronger beyond compare! Moreover, the closer they are, the stronger their power will be!" Nangong Liuchen stunned with the power of these divine swords.

"Aww… Unfair! Master's sword is stronger!" Mu Xuan Yin pouted when she saw Nangong Liuchen's sword domineering display of power.

"Pffft… Do you know why these two swords have 'Nine' as its name?" Nangong Liuchen asked while chuckled at Mu Xuan Yin's childish pouting then Mu Xuan Yin shook her head in puzzlement.

"It's because there were nine seals placed in these two swords to restrain its power so it did not kill their owner when they formed the contract with the masters with lesser cultivation. I manage to open five of its seals while you only manage to open two of its seals, which is why my divine sword looks stronger than yours now! Do not worry the stronger your cultivation later on the more seals that will be open in the future." Nangong Liuchen explained to Mu Xuan Yin patiently.

Mu Xuan Yin nodded her head when she heard Nangong Liuchen detailed explanation and then her gaze brightened up once again when she remembers there were other treasures on the Nascent Soul Stage cultivator corpse.

"Who dares to take my treasure away!? Prepare to die!"