Water Dragon Pearl?

Mu Xuan Yin's eyes widened in surprise when she saw Bai Liang Su overreaction. She thought that as the prime minister, Bai Liang Su probably so rich that two or three chests full of gold coins were nothing to him since he gave one chest to her without blinking as if it was nothing at all. So she decided to add two or three chests more and share it all to her supporters.

Mu Xuan Yin did not know that Bai Liang Su actually already planned that he will send some assassins to kill her sooner or later and took his gold coins chest back after she died. That's why he gave it to her without blinking but if Mu Xuan Yin shared her gold coins to her every supporter then his gold coins chest was really gone for good since it's impossible to ask every people here to give the gold coins back to him.