Raid on the Lake Once Again

After spent two days to searched blindly around the Water Dragon Lake, Mu Xuan Yin still did not manage to find any clue about the tsunami. Moreover, the silver-armored guards were patrolling more frequently made Mu Xuan Yin harder to move around now.

It looks like Qing Tian panicked a bit when he found out that Mu Xuan Yin vanished next morning and searched around the entire royal palace to find her but after he did not manage to find any of her traces so he decided to search for her in Qiyang City.

"Aisss... Still no clue at all! Do not tell me that the problem is actually deep inside this Water Dragon Lake?! But I cannot swim! Sigh... What I should do now?" Mu Xuan Yin frowned and put her slim finger on her chin while staring at the lake.

Mu Xuan Yin even almost drowned to death in the blood pool before. Fortunately, the blood pool was not deep so she could jump out from the bottom of the blood pool.