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Yuan Qian's luxurious horse carriage entered Qiyang City gate without any obstruction and it traveled toward the center of the city.

"Eh… Uncle Yuan, where are your residence located?" Mu Xuan Yin asked Yuan Qian with her eyes full of curiosity.

"Haha… My estate located at the center of Qiyang City. There are many residences at my place so Miss Mu can pick whichever Miss Mu fancy!" Yuan Qian was laughing happily as his heart grew more and more fond of Mu Xuan Yin. Of course, it was not romantic feeling like Qing Tian's feeling toward Mu Xuan Yin.

Yuan Qian only had three sons without any daughter and he feels that Mu Xuan Yin bright personality was really adorable so he started to treat Mu Xuan Yin as her own daughter now.

"Eh… Center?" Mu Xuan Yin stunned for a moment. 'Isn't that the direction to the royal palace?' Mu Xuan Yin quickly shook her head and thought that it was impossible since she already asked and Yuan Qian said that he was not a prince or an official.