How to Drive Away the Love Rival

At first, Mu Xuan Yin wanted to dodge but she never thought that when she shifted her body, the old man also re-adjusted his course and still managed to forcefully hug her.

Mu Xuan Yin quickly used all of her strength to break free from the old man hug but old man's arms were so sturdy like a pair of thick iron chain that binding her and his body was immovable as a mountain so she could only stunned in shock while the shameless old man planted many kisses all over her face.

Mu Xuan Yin gritted her teeth in anger and she swiftly raised her foot a little to kick the old man away. However, it was very clear that the old man is a far more capable fighter than her, he probably already had countless life and death battle experience. Not only he could easily stop Mu Xuan Yin kick before she kicked him but also made her body unsteady and she almost loses her balance so Mu Xuan Yin's body leaning forward and plastered toward the old man.