
Mu Xuan Yin wore some foundation to cover up her reddened face. She took an umbrella then ran outside toward her own courtyard.

She saw Dongfang Ruyi squat in the park combined with his blank hopeless expression like an abandoned puppy, looks so pitiful even Mu Xuan Yin did not know whether she should laugh or cry for him.

Dongfang Ruyi's mind was too occupied by his despair and since he still stared blankly toward the ground below him, he still did not realize that Mu Xuan Yin already came out from her room.

Mu Xuan Yin giggling while shaking her head helplessly, he was a demon king famous with his cold-blooded and ruthlessness for god sake why he must act pitiful likes this.

Mu Xuan Yin quietly approached Dongfang Ruyi and silently stood by his side.