Dark Intentions

When they came back Claridad's eyes were watery seeing her cousin's appearance, dirty and bloody ripped clothes. It made a lot of negative thoughts on her mind. When she was about to cry, Hernando came to his side, hugged her and said in a low voice,

"I told you, I wouldn't let them capture him.." because I shall be the one who will kill him.

Hearing that, Clari let out a sigh. Her tears of sadness turned into joy. She never expected that her cousin would cover up for her. Not knowing what are his true intentions.

Hernando went back to his room. He took a shower, sat down on his table, and smashed it hard. "Maldito seas Kizuko!" [Screw you Kizuko!] Without you I can be powerful, no one is ever going to subjugate me.

Subjugation is one of a vampire's ability. But they can never control their creator. Everyone who is under his lineage will all follow his orders, whether they like it or not.

In Hernando's case, even if he can make his own vampire army Seikatsu will still have the overall control of them. In his dark intentions, Seikatsu is an obstacle that needs to be wipe out.

"I've planned it out well. Tomorrow's the full moon... I'll be strong enough.. Let's see if you can hold back.. Hahaha!"

Laughing out loud, a maidservant heard him, she hesitated but still knocked on his door.

"Estás bien... señor?..." [Are you okay sir?]

Am I that loud?? Sigh. Never mind, I'll make use of her. He opened the door..

"Estoy bien.. [I'm fine] Why don't you come inside for a moment Pacita, I have something to tell you.." Hernando charmingly smiled.

Blushing, Pacita nodded and went inside. But when she turned to face him, he looked straight into her eyes ordered her to "No hagas ningún ruido.." [Do not make any noise].

Pacita was just like a mannequin. She wasn't that stiff, but she's definitely not making any noise. He lay her on the bed, his eyes were bloody red, he opened his mouth and his fangs are coming out slowly. He sucked her blood without mercy. Her veins were constricting and her body was getting pale. When he sensed that she's already dead and can hardly breath due to his excitement, he released her and just set her aside. When he was ready for bed, he kicked the cold body and it just drop on the floor.