The 'Love' Word

Looking like that, he scratched his head trying to think, but he just quickly responded "Never mind"

She arched an eyebrow saying "Okay..." But what does he really mean by that? Is he asking me or something?

Seeing her perplexed look, he let out a sigh and started talking teasingly with a smile "I know you like it"

Claridad became so bashful. Why does he have to say it out loud? Okay fine! I like it. Clari's ears were also burning in embarrassment, causing her to pinch his thighs to stop him.

"Ouch!" then he laugh out loud and said "I'm joking" Calming himself, he took her hand and continued "I like you, you like me. So it feels good."

If a vampire loves you and you love him back, the pleasure of getting bitten is the same as making love with each other. But if she resist, it will be as painful as a killer bee's sting.

They will also know about how you truly feel for them by sucking your blood. It seems like all of your emotions and memories are flowing together with your blood.

Claridad pushed him hard and got up. She tried to tidy herself up, but Seikatsu grabbed her arm, making her to face him.

Unexpectedly, he buttoned her dress, comb her hair with his fingers, kissed her forehead and said "I want to show you something."

"What is it?" Her face brighten up.

"Himitsu no..." [secret...]

"What did... aaaah!" Claridad hadn't finish asking. In just a second she was already wrapped by his arms and the next thing was so much faster that she could just only scream while closing her eyes.

Seems like he was jumping, and climbing in something. He let her sit into something rough and said "We are here. Open your eyes."

Still she did not dare to open her eyes. "No!"

Seikatsu kissed her lips that made her startle and softened the muscles between her brows. When she opened her eyes Seikatsu's face was covering the bright moon, making a silhouette view. She looked curiously around her, and figured that they were on top of the tallest tree in their village.

She was astonished by the scenery. She can see the whole village, the mountains, there was a lot of tree, and the air was so cold making her shiver.

He moved closer to her and put his arm afound her waist. "You like it?"

Claridad nodded and said "I love it! so much.."

"..More than me?

She chuckled hearing that. I didn't expect that he gets jealous sometimes.

"Of course not. I love you more than anything."

It was the first time she said that word to him, 'love'. For him, it seems like the whole place was silent and it was the only word that was making a sound to his ears.