World Background:


1. There are no limits in conflict and everything may be decided with games may it be a simple matter or a complicated matter. Only applicable if the other party accepts the challenge.

2. In the games, as long as each person agrees with the other's bet regardless of the wager it is accepted.

3. There is no limit as what could be bet. Even lives could be bet for the sake of the game.

4.No matter who issued the challenge both parties must agree before a game could continue and a light signifies the start of the game.

5. All the members of the game from each party must be of equal number and if any extra person is involved in any side the game is null.

6. If a party cheats, punishment states that they would lose and any bet they made will be doubled and will be the slave of the other party.

7. The other party that is participating is the only one that could declare 'cheating' and if they are false in accusing the other party they will pay the same punishment as pledge seven. But if the cheating was obvious there would be no need.

8. Challenging the God of Games will require the person to enslave the 16 Races. Unless the God of Games is the one to challenge the person which that person may not decline.

9. [Rule Stated by the God of Games, will only take place against the God of Games]

10. Breaking one of the rules will not cause death rather an eternal suffering in the depths of hell where they may never come back unless the God of Games says so.

11. Other than these rules, there aren't anymore and any loophole made will be accepted.

World Name: Etherea


1. Divinity

2. Gods

3. Divine Beings

4. High Humans

5. Angels

6. Ancient Beasts

7. High Demons

8. Hybrids

9. Vampires

10. Low Demons

11. Dwarves

12. Elves

13. Darklings

14. Spirits

15. Humanity

16. Beasts