"What the Hell?"
Luke couldn't believe what he saw in front of him. A woman around his age sleeping on his bed. Covered in golden feathers and blood, she stained the sheets and floor. The red-head's mind jumps to process the image before him, while his bag hanging on his shoulder drops, then suddenly his body finally moves. There was no room for him to be scared. His life was already in a shamble to begin with.
"Who is she? How did she get in?" He quietly asks himself.
The windows were locked and his apartment's new door had no signs of breaking and entering. He moves to his tiny bathroom's medicine cabinet to find bandages and anything useful. His mind rushes back to hours earlier, trying to make sense of this turn of events.
"It's best not to think about anything; the lessons are not going to get any easier." A fellow ballet trainee patted the lanky boy's back with sympathy.
Just looking at his peer made Luke uncomfortable, he did not need a mirror to know he looked like shit. He's sweating buckets from head-to-toe in a tight leotard. His mind reeled between reality and dreamland— bags under his green eyes— he desperately needed a coffee right now. What the Hell was he thinking taking multiple writing courses, a part-time job, and this grueling ballet class!
"Let's go ladies and gents, break time is over! Back to position!" The instructor walked in, clapping her hands, attracting everyone's attention.
Luke moves into position but—
"Luke?" The instructor's frown eased into a more concerning expression, softening her square face.
"Yes, Ms. Karen." Luke replied.
"You look like shit. Go home, kid. I know you want to continue but you're not in the right condition." She bluntly said to him.
At this point, Luke could not argue. He was already seeing his instructor as a set of twos, and unless she had a twin, that's never a good sign.
"Okay," Luke replied as he dragged himself away. Of course, it didn't end there. After a quick shower and change of clothes, he was hit with the usual dosage of misfortune when he left the building.
"I'm sorry, Luke." The man on the other side of the phone express his guilt.
Luke watches the dimming of the sky; the sun slowly moving aside for the moon by the time he reached outside. Tears prepared a jailbreak from his eyes, as he thought about his overdue rent. He really needed this job. Luke wiped his tears away since they never did anything for him, so he manned up.
Luke started to walk his bike home in one hand and the phone in the other.
"Can I ask why I'm being fired," He asked with a quivered voice.
"Some arson-hole put the store on fire after your shift last night. The owner blamed you, because..." The manager hesitated, not knowing how to end it.
"Because of my bad luck, I know." Luke finished the sentence for him. He didn't mind. He was used to this. This horrible kind of misfortune runs deep on his mother's side of the family. Some even went far to call him cursed.
"Look Luke, you're a good kid. Unfortunately, the owner was ready to sue you when hearing it happened after your shift. It was either wasting time in court that neither one of you would win, or get fired."
Luke did not want to hear this but he knew it would not change a thing. "Thank you for telling me," Is all he could say.
"Take care, Luke." His ex-manager ended the call.
Afterward, Luke wanted to ride his bike but the chains broke. He would walked the rest of his way home in misery. He stepped in dog shit, his favorite hoody hit with bird's waste, and he fell in a man-hole (do not ask how he got out). Luckily, no dog or cat came by to piss on him too.
Finally, he made it home. His door covered in warnings to pay the rent. He crumbled the paper, ready to hit the shower once more and sleep. Sleep! He should at least get some sleep before the landlord kicks him out. Then, it happened.
His door slammed closed on him before he could do anything. He turned around to see golden feathers all over the place. Following them to his room, Luke saw a black girl sleeping in his bed like a piece of art from one of those strange festivals.
"What the Hell?"
Currently, he finished bandaging her wounds.
Luke then uses a scarf over his eyes to block the view of her naked body. He pulls out one of his ex's loose shirt and boxer to he cover her with. The experience he must say, is terrifyingly like playing pin the tail on the donkey in a drunken state; he did not waste any time on taking the piece of cloth off his face when he was finished.
He turns, catching a glimpse of her armor and bag in some random corner he left it in. Luke can not help but wonder what he was doing. Sadly, the back of his mind keeps nagging him that if he sent her to the hospital, he would probably be in some deep water.
"You really are an unlucky boy, aren't you?" A smooth voice asks him in amusement.
"Oh, you have no idea," Luke rubs his tired face before looking at the conscious girl.
Her silver eyes somehow working for her dark skin and white hair; it was a magnate that wanted to suck him in.
"I can help you." She replies softly.
"Help?" Luke chuckles at her horrible joke. "I lost my job, I don't have enough time to sleep, and I'm about to be homeless in a couple of days! What can you do that can actually help me!"
Luke snapped for the first time. He snapped at the trespassing stranger, which for some reason, made him feel even more shitty than he already is.
She just looks at him as if he was a joke. Then, she says the most beautiful thing to him. "That's easy. Let's become roommates and split the rent. Everything else we'll figure out one step at a time "
A ray of hope shines in his eyes until a thought comes across his mind. "Do you even have money?"
"Look in my bag."
And so he does, only to find under some clothes a pot of gold (stacks of hundreds) in the bag. The sight was so brilliant that he had a change of heart.
"I apologize for my past transgression, Madam. Please, rest a while and I will change this room to be more presentable."
She chuckles, "No questions asked. You really don't care who you live with as long as they give you money. Humans are such funny creatures."
What can he say? He's an unlucky boy.