Chapter 3: Conquer the Past

Tuesday morning was bright and sunny and Harry was sweat soaked. Awake since just before six in the morning, Harry had completed his morning run, exhausted but he kept jogging on the spot; it was a little after 06:30 in the morning and Hermione was not that far behind him. She caught up several minutes later, breathing hard but not out of breath. They had jogged a little over two kilometers and agreed to take it slow and build things up rather than avoid injury before returning for a shower and then descending for breakfast.

When the post owls swooped in from the ceiling as they did every morning, Harry grinned at Hedwig. She landed and walked with the simply majesty of the post owl and presented her leg to Harry. He took the length of parchment and let her have a sip of his pumpkin juice and a rasher of bacon from his plate as Hermione waited, somewhat impatiently for him to unfurl the letter. He scanned through it quickly, his eye widening slightly before he handed in to her. Even in the bustling hall, seated in the middle of the table, the pair had plenty of room, with seats on both sides and opposite them left empty. It was a clear message from Gryffindor House: They would stand with him, because he was one of them, because they chose to do the right thing, not because they wanted to.

"Greetings and Salutation Mr. Potter,

It is to our displeasure that we learn that you are once again in harms' way. Upon receiving the copy of both the tournament contract and retrieving the archive copy of the tournaments rules, regulations and code of conduct for the Tri-wizard Tournament, our legal experts have come to the unanimous conclusion that the contract is legally binding and unbreakable unless you are willing to suffer the consequences.

The binding nature of the contract stems from the assumption that any student who places their name in to the Goblet of Fire understands that they are entering a binding contract with the Goblet. The Goblet is unable to comprehend precisely your situation and chose you to represent your school, sealing the magical contract.

There are numerous legal loopholes that are available for you exploitation, in part due to the fact that the Ministry of Magic's copy of the rules is incomplete. With the Champions drawn and the Tournament underway, the rules are in effect irrevocable until after the current incarnation of the Triwizard Cup.

In essence, you competing in a ministry-sponsored event reserved for witches and wizards of age against your free will. Thus, the Ministry of Magic must recognize you as an adult or more likely, an emancipated minor for the duration of the tournament for you to be eligible to compete in the 1994 Triwizard Tournamnet.

Full emancipation is not possible due to your age, and requires the approval of several different individuals including the current headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Irrespective of this, as an emancipated minor, you would gain immediate access and control of the Potter Family Vault. I would like to invite you to a meeting at your earliest convenience to discuss the possibilities and ramifications of your decisions. Beyond the wards of Hogwarts, this letter will function as a portkey activated by the phrase "Goblin Sanctuary."

Gringotts stands ready to render whatever assistance you require.

Sincerely yours,


Senior Accounts Manager"

Hermione met Harry's gaze and the couple shared a brief smile. Although they had been a couple for only three days, their connection negated the need for words. That evening well before curfew, they met at the statue of Gunhilda and with a tap of a wand and the whispered password, "Dissendium" the teens were walking down the narrow passageway that led to the cellar of Hogsmeade's Honeydukes sweet shop where they activated the portkey.

All branches of Gringotts share a number of similarities, such as in the basic construction of their wards in two principle layers. The first was to keep whatever was inside the bank on the inside. The second layer was to keep the outside world, on the outside. Even the mildest of the wards would be powerful enough to keep even any witch or wizard occupied until the goblins could response with lethal force. It was why there had ever been few attempts to break in to any branch of Gringotts: Every branch of Gringotts rest on Goblin land, where Goblin law rules. The specially designed portkey passed through both layers of wards other security measures to Griphook's office without incident. Even though recognized, the guards tensed slightly until Griphook commanded them to stand at ease, much like the teens standing before him.

Hermione, at any rate was standing. Harry was sprawled across the plush red carpeting. He had never mastered exactly how to keep standing during a portkey trip. The doors swung inwards of their own accord and the Goblin gave a short, half bow to the wizards standing before him. "Greetings and welcome to the Bank of Gringotts, Mr. Potter."

The vast Hogwarts library had contained only a few books on Goblin culture and etiquette. Having read and then studied the teens both bowed from the waist, slightly lower than Griphook had and rose with their right arm crossed over their chest, hand closed in a fist over their shoulder as if clenching the hilt of a Goblin battle-axe. "Greetings Griphook, may your gold forever multiply," replied Harry, taking care to meet the gaze of the slightly astonished Goblin.

"And may your enemies suffer horrible death upon your blade." continued Hermione smoothly.

Griphook broke in to a smile that was all teeth and both teenagers relaxed slightly at the expression of pleasure."Ms. Granger, welcome to Gringotts." He paused for a moment, "I have taken the liberty of arranging some refreshments while we conduct our business. Would that be satisfactory?" Thirty minutes later, both teenagers were somewhat shaken, drinking cups of tea as they struggled to come to terms with several important things: The first was that Harry just beyond incredibly wealthy. Suffice to say his combined assets placed him amongst wealthiest wizards of the world. Griphook explained that it was all his, and would become his when he reached the age of majority – seventeen in the wizarding world. However, due to his involuntary participation in the Triwizard Tournament, he was, effective immediately an emancipated minor. He had access to and control of his trust and family vault. Control of his properties, and other investments would remain in the control of his magical guardian, Albus Dumbledore.

Albus Dumbledore, greatest British wizard in the last century would have a great deal of explaining and accounting to do. For the first time, Harry discovered that his parents had left behind a last will and testament with instructions should their worst fears come to pass. It had been, in a word: Ignored. Remus Lupin was denied custody due to his Lycanthropy. Frank and Alice Longbottom were deemed unfit due to a long-term medical condition that required long-term care. Augusta Longbottom, Matriarch of the Longbottom Clan was never informed.

When Harry revealed that he had never seen the Potter family vault, Griphook stared at him for a long moment. He snapped a series of orders and leading them through the warrens to the carts, "Mr. Potter, a witch or wizard is supposed to be taken to see, and have their blood added to the protections and securities upon their family vault at the age of eleven. Why this has not been done, I do not know." That would be something else for Albus Dumbledore to answer. The wind whistled around them as they hurtled deeper in to the earth until they stopped at a vault numbering in the double digits instead of the usual three of four digits.

The goblin took his time to explain the nature of the blood wards that protected the vaults. A quick cut across the fingertip, three drops of blood later and the runes upon the door glowed gold and red before fading away. The wards kept everyone but those of the bloodline. Even the Goblins access was limited to depositing gold and other items. Despite numerous attempts, bribes, negotiations and blackmail attempts, Dumbledore had never accessed the vault or even found its number. There was money aplenty in the trust vault but twenty trust vaults could fit inside the one he was currently standing in. Harry made a note to come down here some time, to truly explore the vault properly including the furniture, suits of armor and heaven alone knew what else.

When they returned to the Griphook's office, they simply talked, or more accurately, Harry did, venting several years of frustrations and anger and disbelief, and Griphook grew visibly more agitated the more he learned of Harry's misadventures. The mention of the slain Basilisk had the goblin's undivided attention, "Fifty feet? It would be one of the largest specimens on record and worth a several small fortunes!"

Harry just shrugged, "It might be bigger than fifty feet… I didn't have a tape measure on me at the time, just a sword," he said with a slight smile. Griphook stared for a moment and Hermione squeezed his knee somewhat nervously as Harry sallied forth, "Though perhaps, a battle axe would have been preferable." The teenage wizards realized what they were hearing was the sound of Goblin laughter.

Griphook's demeanor changed, going from open and friendly – for a Goblin – to one of professional reserve, "I have a few business propositions." The couple shared a glance and nodded, "Very well, first of all, the Basilisk. As you slew the creature, it is yours to do with, by right of conquest. I would like your permission to gather the apothecary to harvest the creature. A second matter is the tournament. What exactly are your objectives?"

"Survive it, and not look like a complete idiot while doing it." Harry answered easily.

"With Hogwarts already having drawn a champion, in essence you do not represent a school. I would like to propose that you represent the Goblin's in this tournament. We have our own magic school if you will," The name in gobbledegook was long and far too complicated for either of the teenagers to pronounce, "but we refer to it is Urkz-Khou. I would suggest that you allow Gringotts to act as your representative - better than having Wizards butcher the name of one of our finest institutions of learning. We would of course, pay handsomely for both opportunities, especially the honor" there was no sarcasm in the Goblin's manner, "of having a wizard of your fame and stature represent Urkz-Khou, and by extension the interest of the Goblin Nation." Harry seemed to shut down for a few moments, as he gathered a breath and exhaled it slowly. Griphook had seen the sudden flash of panic in the young wizard's eyes, and he was suddenly having visions of the crossed spears in his immediate future, "It would appear, Mr. Potter, that I have touched upon a subject of a sensitive nature…"

Harry shook his head, "Yes. Yes, you have," confirmed Harry, "But it is not your fault. You, just don't know…"

Hermione stepped in, "What Harry means to say Griphook, is that the fame and recognition and its accompanying spotlight, it is not something that he neither craves nor even wants. In the past few days, he has learned that he is in a competition where people have died, found himself a girlfriend," she squeezed his hand gently, "Become the future and possibly last patriarch of his line, discovered he is rich enough to never ever need work again and on top of it all, he is only fourteen years old. The money, the power, the influence, the fame… it's all…"

"Too much," finished Harry, "for any teen, for almost any wizard. I had hoped to have a normal quiet year at Hogwarts, where my biggest problem would have been class assignments, quizzes and examinations and perhaps finding myself a girlfriend," Hermione grinned at the last part, "Fate it seems, just does not want to leave me alone." He said the last without hint of malice or rancor, and it left the goblin stunned. He had yet to meet more than a handful of wizards who did not covet money and power, "If you can get around Albus Dumbledore, you can harvest the Basilisk, and Griphook, I would welcome the backing of the … the backing of Gringotts for the Triwizard Tournament, especially if you can help me have some fun with the ministry. But I have one condition."

"Yes, Mr. Potter?"

"Call me Harry."

Griphook had not been sure what to expect. Griphook was his name in the Wizard tongue. Amongst Goblins, to refer to anyone by just their given name, without title or honorifics was an uncommon honor. He suddenly realized just how much more mature the… young wizard before him was. If a Goblin smile made wizards nervous, then a goblin grin would be a fearsome or perhaps terrifying sight, "Harry, it is." The goblin sipped his tea, "Might I suggest that one of your immediate goals should be to subdue the media?"

They returned to the castle the same way they left, and retrieved the Marauder's map after checking several different clocks and watches. Had they only been in Gringotts for an hour? - It did not take long for them to locate their target in the library.

The library was vast, taking up a great deal of the fourth floor with thousands of books on at least several thousand shelves. It was such a depository of knowledge that there were entire sections devoted to a single subject. Study tables nestled in corners and in between the spread out stacks throughout the red-carpeted rooms and criss-crossed between the full bookshelves. They high vaulted roof of the library gave credence to the theory that it had once been a cathedral as they meandered through the stacks on the balcony that overlooked the main floor, "Luna Lovegood?" Harry whispered.

The blond heard her name called and sighed, pitying whomever it was who wanted to make fun of her, or steal her belongings now. She had been hoping to stay out of the way, beneath notice for as long as possible, what with the drawing of the names for the tournament. The narrow mindedness of some people… her train of thought was abruptly derailed when she realized just who had whispered her name. Introductions were not necessary. Despite her suddenly dry mouth and frozen vocal cords, Luan knew who was standing before her, with his hand outstretched, "I… we understand that your father owns The Quibbler. I have a business proposition: Exclusive rights and access to Harry James Potter." He explained with a smile.

The ever-watchful Madame Pince considered the silence and tranquility of the library sacrosanct. Luna responded with the ferocity and volume of an artillery battery, "My housemates making fun of me and stealing my belongings is one thing!" Her first barrage shattered the peace and tranquility of the library and Hermione could already hear the march of the angry librarian, not that Luna cared, "I half expected something different from the great Harry Potter! When I actually want to be scorned and the butt of another "loony" joke, I will spend my time in the Ravenclaw Common Room!"

Madam Pince was standing stock still, less than three feet from them, when she suddenly turned and walked back the way she had come. Luna blinked, curious about the magical wave she had just felt pass over all three of them.

"Privacy, silencing, and notice me not charms," whispered Hermione. None of them had cast anything. That much was clear: None of the trio were holding a wand, "If it wasn't so helpful, I think I'd be rather scared of what, or who keeps helping like this."

Suddenly a pair of emerald green eyes had locked with her silver grey ones, "Luna," he said simply, "I've been feared, and reviled as the next Dark Lord. I am hated on principal by Malfoy and despised by Snape because I was born. I am famous, for something I don't remember, and didn't even do," he whispered the last; "I spent my summer thinking about it all and realized that it was my mother's sacrifice that saved me. I don't know how or why but whatever she did caused the killing curse to rebound. The hero is Lily Potter. It was never me," he said honestly, "I may tease my friends a little, and sometimes, sometimes I do say things I wish I hadn't said," He was thinking of Ron at that moment, "But I don't do it on purpose. Please. Just give us a minute."

Hermione handed the roll of parchment to Luna. "It's a serious offer Luna. We know The Quibbler is small, family owned and run…"

Luna shook her head, parchment in hand, "Like you said: Small paper, family owned and family run. We can't afford to pay what you want for that kind of an exclusivity deal."

"Not true," grinned Harry, "I forget the exact law," he gently nudged his girlfriend in the ribs, almost as if daring her to interrupt.

She grinned back, "Laws of Magical Trade and Business, Section 31, subsection 10, paragraph O," much to Luna's amusement.

"Yes, what my darling Hermione just said," he confirmed, oblivious to what he'd just said "The minimum rate for such an exclusivity deal is subject to negotiation between the parties concerned. I'm willing to grant exclusivity to The Quibbler until the start of the summer holidays, for the price of one Galleon." It seemed that the offer was not only genuine, but had already received the stamp of approval from the legal department of Gringotts and the Quibbler's own law firm.

Luna had been helping run the paper during the holidays, even writing and contributing her own pieces. Her father had allowed her to join him on the board of directors, making the total number of directors two. This was the opportunity of a lifetime, "This deal is with you, your father and the Quibbler," said Harry.

She pulled a quill from her bag, "I am on the board of directors and my father said I would have the authority to consider any deal, and sign on any valued at less than fifty Galleons. So on behalf of the Quibbler," she paused and scrawled her signature across the veritable dotted line, "It would be an honor to accept this business arrangement and enter in to business with you." With Harry signing the contract and Hermione signing as the legal witness, the parchment glowed a deep ocean blue and copied itself. The original was for Gringotts who would handling the payment, and one copy for each party. With the deal done, she broke in to a smile, 'My father wouldn't sell the Quibbler for all the gold in your vault."

"What about all the gold in Gringotts?" he countered.

She hummed for only a moment, "A tempting offer, but still not enough." A chuckle of laughter broke out as Harry took Hermione's hand in his own and extended his free hand to Luna. She took it surprise written across her face, "Why now?" she whispered, almost afraid to believe what was happening was true.

"I've let others dictate my life, and its time I start to make decisions of my own," said Harry amicably, "making new friends seems like a good place to start." The trio left the library, Luna with her book bag slung over one shoulder.

"Friends," Luna thought, "Yes. That would be a good thing."

The following morning at breakfast, the owls delivered the post as usual. A minute after that, things kicked off. Wizards use owls to deliver their post, and Goblins use them for routine communiqués. However, the purebloods and most of the half bloods could only stare in disbelief. The Fire Sprites appeared in a blaze of flame that had crackles of white lightning running through it. They landed lighted on their clawed feet and delivered the messages, without care for the upset drink, scattered food and in one case a mop and pail before vanishing, leaving four students and Filch holding envelopes.

The cantankerous caretaker was first to tear open his envelope and his expression, Harry was sure, would have been worth a picture. He stomped, more than walked towards Harry and thrust out the letter, "Potter, what, what is this?" his voice was a mix of confusion and fear.

Harry grinned, "Compensation."

Ginny had opened her own letter and gasped at the sum, "Seventy five, thousand Galleons!" she stuttered, rubbing her eyes as she stared at the parchment. "But," Colin Creevey and Justin Finch-Fletchley had opened their own envelopes and confirmed that they all contained the same thing: Notification from Gringotts that they were account holders with a balance of 75,000 Galleons or had the aforementioned amount debited to their existing accounts, "Why? Why now Harry?" asked Ginny.

"It is, what it is," Harry replied evenly, as he raised his voice, "Compensation for those who were attacked by the Basilisk during my second year!" another fire sprite suddenly materialized and delivered a fifth envelope, to Hermione. The exchange rate to the British pound being what it is, the bank draft was worth almost a quarter of a million pounds! He put his hand on her shoulder, "It's only right," he whispered, "Besides, Hagrid should have gotten his by now."

He turned towards the staff table to address his head of house. After everything, he had learned about Albus Dumbledore's dealing and meddling, ignoring him was the least Harry could do, "Professor McGonagall, the remains of the Basilisk which I killed with the Sword of Gordric Gryffindor is still in the Chamber of Secrets. By the laws that govern the wizarding world, it is mine by right of conquest." Snape's mouth hung open for a moment and then snapped shut with a sharp click, "The corpse has already been sold."

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore realized that things were not going according to plan. The boy should be a basket case of nerves and worry. Instead, he was facing down his attack dog. He had planned to step in and play mediator when things began to get out of hand. However, Harry had moved quicker than anticipated. The first step to countering any opponent was knowledge: "Perhaps, Harry," said Dumbledore, with the ever-present twinkle in his eye, "you could explain who you sold the basilisk to?"

The Goblin love of war is no secret; their love of making money as bankers and financiers is a close second to their first love. However, if there is one thing that the art of war and making money have in common, it is the opportunity for spectacular spectacles, as was unfolding in the Great Hall of Hogwarts on that crisp November morning.

When the doors to the Great Hall slammed open, the sound of metal clashing on metal filled the hall, as Griphook marched in flanked by warriors who protected a further dozen Goblins, levitating large cases between them. Albus Dumbledore recognized the silver axe clutched in a red claw insignia of the elite Agaan Gharaar Muukuur Hor or "Axe Master Honor Guard." They were not protecting the lead Goblin; they were protecting the akhuukhaalagec – Apothecaries - who were here for the Basilisk.

"Mr. Potter," the Goblin bowed and then turned to face his companion, "Ms. Granger." Dumbledore was slightly miffed when ignored. Hermione and Harry smiled, and bowed, as they had done before, much to the surprise of everyone, "My apologies for the delay, but it took us somewhat longer than anticipated to enter the grounds of the castle due to some rather unusual enchantments."

"No apologies necessary," said Harry, "I trust that you and you kin are ready to proceed?" the goblin nodded briskly and began barking orders. Harry turned to address Luna, "Triwizard Champions are allowed a retinue of advisers, followers and so forth. As my official press representative, I formally invite you to join my retinue."

Having never been made particularly welcome in the Ravenclaw dorm, she lost her usual dreamy look in a flash and made the decision in a split second, "I accept." she replied without even looking to any of her housemates.

Things were getting a little too far out of control for Dumbledore's taste as he moved to nip things in the bud, "I believe that would not be possible," he said passing judgment, "The rules of the tournament…"

More than one Goblin had dreamed for this moment: To stick it to this particular wizard. Griphook stepped forward, a roll of parchment in hand, "That decision is not yours to make headmaster. The rules and regulations of the Triwizard Tournament are very clear, on a number of points. Firstly, under Section 3, sub-section 5C, the tournament may host as many champions as there are schools, but all schools are limited to have only one champion participating in the tournament. Mr. Potter' participation was coerced as he was entered under the name of a fictitious fourth school. Section 1 clearly states that each school participating in the tournament may have only one Champion. In essence, the Champion of Hogwarts was and is Cedric Diggory." There was a look of surprise on the face of every Hufflepuff present, "Furthermore, Mr. Potter has graciously accepted the offer to represent Urzk-Khou Garabash Huzkagai, or simply Gringotts."

Dumbledore kept his temper firmly in check as he saw several decades of careful planning, manipulation and string pulling wash in to the Black Lake. The misconception that the goblins hated wizards in general was one the purebloods were happy to cultivate, and one that Dumbledore was happy to help perpetuate on the sly. Keeping the Goblins as second-class citizens and at odds with everyone else had prevented them from being a unifying force for other races such as the House Elf, Centaur, and possibly even the Vampire and the Werewolf. Harry had not only undermined but also undone everything he had done to keep these races at odds to avoid them joining Voldemort!

Griphook amusement had become enjoyment, as was clear to those few in the know about the goblin smiles. "As a representative of another school, Mr. Potter is entitled to the same conditions and the privileges as the other three champions, per Section two, subsection one through seven: He is entitled to separate living quarters and training facilities, away from his fellow champions on the grounds or within the hosting school which is in this instance, Hogwarts. Furthermore, Section 2, subsection eight states clearly that family, friends and loved ones can be accommodated with the Champion if they so choose. Subsection 9 extends the same privileges to those who are members of the Champions Retinue, which at present formally includes Ms. Luna Lovegood, Hogwarts, Ravenclaw House, and Hermione Granger, Hogwarts, Gryffindor House. Subsection nine, sub clauses one and two clearly state that champions may alter the composition of their retinues to suit their needs and purposes at any time of their choosing."

Griphook's smile became an all teeth grin, "Finally, Section 27, subsections one through fifteen grant any underage Champion participating in the Triwizard tournament partial emancipation, and a release from the Ministry of Magic's Decree for Underaged Wizardry for the duration of the tournament, and immediate access to their finances and their family vault!" Dumbledore was beyond worried but he managed to keep his poker face intact. Harry had access to his finances, and could possibly take the next step towards full emancipation. The boy now had partial emancipation to participate in the tournament. "Section fourteen, subsection three, clauses two through seven state that an underage wizard chosen to represent his school in the Triwizard Tournament is granted immediate and irrevocable partial emancipation and a waiver to the ministry of magic's restrictions on underage magic." On the inside, the headmaster panicked for a moment at the thought of the Potter Family Vault! A casual glance in to the boy's head with legilimacy revealed that he knew about that too.

Harry was a Champion, backed by the Goblins, and Gringotts. The key was emancipation, Dumbledore decided. So long as the boy did not try for that, he could get him back to the Durseleys for the summer. He would just have to bide his time for the moment. The master manipulator had to admit that he had been out maneuvered and significantly undercut. Magical law was clear that all tournament rules applied unless revoked before the lighting of the Goblet of Fire. No one had been able to find a full copy of the rules because he had altered the rules and destroyed the original. Nevertheless, the goblins had one! The Goblins! Moreover, they were using them against him and there was nothing he could do about it!

Hermione stood speechless at the Harry standing beside her. He was far more confident, more determined and there was an air of direct forthrightness about him. It seemed to be clear that he was becoming something of an unstoppable force that was now studying its fellow Gryffindor, "Colin, I assume that you have your camera on you?"The boy nodded, a little uncertain as to where this particular line of conversation was going as Harry broke in to a smile, "You want to take a picture of the monster that put you in the hospital wing? "

As it so happened, Colin was capable of flying without a broom as Harry turned, and extended a hand to another Gryffindor. His eyes sought hers, and the poor girl was whiter than a sheet in the hospital wing, "Ginny?"

She nodded her jaw had a determined set to it, "…put the past behind me…." the raven-haired boy swept his gaze over the few others who were still holding their letters, and without another word, they joined him. They trooped out of the hall towards Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, only to find that most of the school was following behind them.

"Uh, Harry… we may have a, small problem developing behind us," whispered Hermione.

Luna had spent her years at Hogwarts always listening, watching and observing because people never wanted her participation. However, having spent so long observing without judging, she instinctively slowed her pace, closing with Ginny and gently took the girl's hand, and gave it a comforting squeeze. On Ginny's right, Hermione was doing exactly the same thing. For the first time in her years at Hogwarts, she was on the receiving end of two smiles, and Luna suddenly understood what friendship and acceptance for who you are feels like.

Ginny was visibly shaking, "Ginny. You know that I … we won't let anything happen to you right?" The younger girl could only swallow on a dry throat and nod.

Everyone watched in amazement as a hiss of parseltongue moved the sink aside, and stairs seemed to grow out of the stone sides of the tunnel. The Goblins and a select few students began their descent, with Harry hanging slightly back. Just after Professor McGonagall began to descend, a barrier snapped in to place. Dumbledore literally walked in to it. He blinked and drew his wand. It was an impressive bit of magic, he mused, but Harry could not cast a ward he…. the sheer reserve of power behind the ward meant he would be unable to overpower it, and subverting it would take too much time.

More significantly: This was not something a 14-year-old boy could have cast.