Chapter 5 Command the present

Harry Potter awoke, and something, just did not seem right. It was not that he did not know where he was. He knew he was in the Chamber of Secrets almost a mile in the bedrock and foundations of the castle. Something was in the room. Something in the room was watching him, watching him closely. His hand slid beneath his pillow, wrapping around his wand when the high-pitched overly excited shout erupted in his ear, "Harry Potter! Sir!"

He knew that voice, almost too well. It belonging to the individual that had haunted his entire second year, nearly gotten him expelled, his arm broken, and then also bore part of the responsibility for said broken arm being deboned by Lockhart. "Dobby…. What in Merlin's name are you doing here?" asked the groggy teen, "I thought you were working in the castle kitchens…"

"I was. Sir! Griphook spoke to Dobby yesterday about working for Harry Potter for the tournament! Sir! Dobby works for Harry Potter now! Sir!" The awe and delight in the elf's voice brought a glimmer of a smile to Harry's face. He was wondering just how much of a chuckle and chortle Griphook was having right this instant. It was hard to stay grumpy around such an excited and happy creature and he sat up and stretched, only to find his clothes neatly lain out across the back and seat of a nearby chair. Smacking his lips, he ambled across the room to the ensuite bathroom for quick shower before his morning workout until he glanced at his watch and groaned. He had overslept again. He made a mental note to have Dobby start waking him every day.

Half an hour later, a freshly showered and dressed Harry headed out of his room to explore his home between now and the end of the school year. The residence was already showing signs of life, in the form of Luna and Colin in conversation over the pictures scattered across the dining table in a haphazard yet organized manner. Hermione watched the two with the hint of a smile on her face. "Morning, you sleep alright?"

Harry would need to speak to Griphook about adding Colin to his retinue formally, and to arrange regular private instruction to teach him, and the rest of his retinue if they were interested. While he did not have end of year tests to worry about, the others did and even he had OWLs next year.

Uncertain of how exactly one greets their girlfriend in the morning, he kissed her on the cheek and she turned her head to give him a gentle kiss as well. Definitely, a better way to start the morning than finding an over excitable house elf in your bedroom.

"We're just waiting for the quibbler to arrive, but while we wait, just look at these," Luna handed Harry one of the many short stacks, "Colin's got a great eye for this!" The younger Gryffindor blushed at the praise, and Harry decided not to add anything.

The Ravenclaw had lost none of her dreamy expression as her quill scratched its way across the parchment, "My father was thrilled when he heard that I'd gotten him exclusive access to you. We're considered small time, next to the Prophet because we do more fun, jokey stuff. But this is our chance to drop that kind of thing and become a serious paper."

Letting them carry on, he went exploring and found that the residence lived up to its name. The gym was fully fitted with exercise machines and equipment that Harry had seen in muggle gyms and stores, with a proper dueling area as well. He found the small potions lab well stocked by his rather limited knowledge of the subject and a kitchen occupied by Dobby cooking enough breakfast for twelve.

Another area held a sauna and Jacuzzi big enough for a dozen people. Harry blushed at some of the thoughts flirting through his mind. His last stop was the library and he found a place that would have Hermione and quite possibly Luna drooling. Bookshelves lined the walls and several more ran up and down the middle of the room. Tucked in a corner were a number of comfortable looking arm chairs with a fireplace where a merry blaze crackled away, giving the place a very homey feel.

Rejoining his friends, they debated whether to go up to the castle for breakfast but the mouth water scents of Dobby's cooking convinced them not to disappoint the house elf. Harry did find a quiet moment for a certain friend, "Luna, if you ever want to talk, about … Ravenclaw," Harry quietly found himself wondering why it was so hard to get the words out. He knew what he wanted to say, but still did not quite know how to phrase it, "I, we both know what it's like… so if you ever want to talk about it… I've always got room for more friends." The girl blushed, mumbled her thanks, and hurried to the dining room. "Dobby," The elf appeared with a barely heard pop, "Please inform Griphook that I would like to meet him. Thank you." With a nod, the elf popped away.

Moments later, the goblin appeared in to the living room via the fireplace, "Harry! I am surprised to hear from you so early in the morning. Is everything alright?"

"Everything is fine Griphook. I just wanted to say thank you, for," He waved a hand around the room, "well, for this and also, I want to make certain arrangements, regarding instructors, tutors and classes."

Griphook grinned, "I have already taken the liberty of contacting your former Defense against the Dark Arts Professor: Remus Lupin. He will be arriving this evening. He inquired if it would be alright to bring a dog," the Goblin seemed to be examining a piece of parchment only he could see, "Snuffles." Harry and Hermione broke in to almost identical grins, noted by the Goblin, "I will return this evening, if there is nothing else?"

When they entered the school, there was silence and clearly, he caused it, because of the front page of the Quibbler. Liberating a copy, he let his eyes scan the headline:

"Gringott's Champion Harry Potter.

The pictures highlighted not only the head of the Basilisk, but also himself, Hermione and Luna standing just in front of its slack jaws and lolling tongue. A series of pictures further down the page showed the goblin apothecaries at work and gave a better indication as to the size of the beast. The article was short, almost functionary given that the pictures were worth several thousand words.

Harry Potter, the only known survivor of the Avada Kedeva curse has been bestowed with more titles and accolades than he is years old. Interestingly enough, Mr. Potter or "just call me Harry," shuns the media, limelight and above all else, public scrutiny.

However, his involuntary participation in the Triwizard Tournament means that privacy is no longer an option for the fourteen-year-old wizard who has been granted partial emancipation for the duration of the tournament. However, Harry had only this to say, "The responsible adults, my guardians have failed me for perhaps the last time. Someone entered me against my will in to a competition for adults and all those responsible adults insist I must compete as part of a binding magical contract."

The young man has already faced down a Cerberus (details on page 2), a Basilisk (page 3), and the feared Dementors of Azkaban (page 4) during his three years at Hogwarts. This reporter can confirm the validity of these statements, and if one has any doubts, ask the Goblins. Harry Potter, having acknowledged that Mr. Cedric Diggory of Hufflepuff House as the Hogwarts Triwizard Champion represents the "Urzk-Khou Garabash Huzkagai" or Gringotts in the Triwizard Tournament.

His first act of finding a sponsor, his second was to contact the Quibbler and grant us exclusivity rights and access for the duration of the Triwizard tournament. His third was to sell his Basilisk – by right of conquest – and arrange compensation to be paid to the monster's victims, and for substantial donations to be made to muggle, wizarding and goblin charities of a worthy cause as determined by Senior Accounts Manager Griphook of Gringotts.

Gringotts will also be serving a number of writs on Mr. Potter's behalf to crack down on those minting gold through illegal use of his image and name. "My name, my image, my life story goes in to products that I know nothing about and have no association to me. It ends now. The only publication with the rights to my picture and my story is the Quibbler. Anyone else can face the wrath of Gringotts Wizarding Bank." He added, "And good luck to them," as an afterthought, perhaps even a warning to those who have exploited him in the past.

We at the Quibbler are understandably delighted with this arrangement and believe that it was gold well spent, and look forward to long and mutually beneficial relationship with Mr. Potter. The Quibbler wishes him well for the coming tournament."

Classes that day were somewhat tense for the new trio. Harry and Hermione were somewhat used to the attention or lack thereof but Luna was getting something akin to a wide berth from her housemates, as they realized just whom her friends were. Nevertheless, the day progressed without incident even if they were the subject of numerous stares from the staff table.

Seated at the Slytherin house table, Draco Malfoy was pondering his next move. The split between Potty and Weasely seemed to be permanent. The Mudblood had sided with the famous one so it made sense that Weasely was on his own. Even Draco had grudgingly admitted that standing up to Snape and then Dumbledore had won respect from a great many of the students, including those within his own house. Then, acknowledging that Diggory was Hogwarts champion had swayed more support and then there was the "Goblin Alliance."

Things took a decided turn for the worse as the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs he had working for him, stopped by the table and dropped the galleons on the table, along with a small sack, "Fifty badges and you can have them. We don't your money!" Either they respect Potter more than him, or they did not fear him enough. Neither one was good.

That evening the trio was having a relaxed, easy night, perusing several different tomes from the residence library when Dobby popped in unannounced, "Harry Potter sir, the goblins report that Professor Lupin and Snuffles are waiting outside."

He turned to both Griphook and Luna and took a deep breath, "There are a lot of secrets that, that Hermione, Ron and I used to have. We discussed it," the "we" obviously referred to Harry and Hermione. Ron was back at the burrow, and would remain there for a while yet, "and agreed that you deserve to know the truth about some of the lies in the wizarding world. Just… well do you trust me? I mean us?"

Luna smiled, the same dreamy smile, "I trust you Harry…" It no longer fooled the couple that the dreamy smiles and distant, almost vacant looks in her eyes were more of an act, armor that kept the hurt she felt from showing through. Luna watched as the massive black dog bounded into the room and flattened Harry before attempting to drown him in slobber. Hermione buckled in laughter as the evening became one of reunions between Remus and Harry and to an extent Hermione, "Ms. Lovegood," said Remus, "Harry did not mention that in addition to being a close friend, that you were a strikingly beautiful young lady as well."

She blushed and found that she liked their former Defense against the Dark Arts professor even more, especially since he simply accepted Luna without comment. Simple acceptance was something she had not known from anyone but her father. Within the hour, the four were at ease and Professor Remus Lupin was private instructor and tutor to the Gringotts Champion and his retinue.

"Sirius," he said clearly, talking to the massive black shaggy dog, "You are amongst friends here."

When the unregistered animagus arched his back and stretched, only the sight of the grinning professor and her laughing friend cut Luna's scream short. It was only when the Goblin's of the Agaan Gharaar Muukuur Hor stormed in, weapons drawn with the edges lit by enchantments, did Harry react, "Khlaz dom!" shouted Harry and the Goblins halted in mid-stride but kept their weapons drawn, "All who stand within the residence are welcome as family and friends." The Goblins said nothing, but returned to their posts.

"I didn't know you speak Goblin Harry," said Hermione quietly, wondering what other secrets and surprises her boyfriend had in store for her.

He grinned at his girlfriend, "I don't. Griphook taught me a couple of basic phrases. But," he added thoughtfully, "I wouldn't mind learning to speak the language." He turned to Luna, "Luna… you've just met the Quibbler's next major story."

"Harry," said Luna, eying the shaggy haired man, a touch of fear in her voice, "That is Sirius Black." Then the possibilities dawned, "This is Sirius Black!" She grabbed a parchment and quill and began asking a dozen questions a second. Luna was aware that the Quibbler printing Sirius Black's story would cause more than a little trouble with the ministry. Luna decided she would have to speak to Harry about allowing her father to visit, because this was one story with vast repercussions. It would redefine how people viewed the Quibbler and place them in direct opposition to the Ministry and its fourteen-year long cover up.

They talked last night and decided to wait until lunchtime before entering the castle. They were not worried about missing some classes, with the facilities they had here and now a live-in professor, catching up with anything they missed would require some hard work, but not too much.

Harry came down to breakfast to find his godfather and girlfriend waiting on him, he gave Hermione a good morning kiss and any blush on his cheeks was purely down to remembering the way she had kissed him last night before going to bed. "My breakfast doesn't need any more sugar. So just stop it there," said Sirius, the beginning of a smile on his face. They were a good match he thought, and knew that Harry's parents would approve.

Griphook appeared just to check up on things and Harry invited him to stay for breakfast. Despite the fact that the Goblin had already eaten, he sat and helped himself to a cup of tea content to let the conversation wash over him. Sirius wanted to know what Harry's plan was for the tournament, and his brutal assessment of the situation, "Survive it" gave them all a little something to chew on, which Luna took advantage of, "Harry, could my dad come here and interview Sirius? We should be able to get people asking questions about his imprisonment, which would help him get a trial."

It was Griphook who answered, "Ms. Lovegood, should you print such an interview, the ministry would arrest all of us and interrogate us to ascertain his location. They are desperate to end the "Black Situation." The Goblin had actually used air quotes.

Hermione was quick to offer a possible solution, "What about an interview with Harry and me? We've told the ministry the truth at the end of last year, but they didn't' believe it…. Snape had the Minster convinced we were under the effect of a confundus charm. You can report the truth as the result of our interview, and additional research."

Luan looked pensive for a moment, "Could I send Dobby to ask what my father thinks?" The elf was all smiles as he popped to the office of the Quibbler, to arrange a meeting for later the following morning. Sirius knew he would not be staying for long after the interview. There were just too many risks for everyone and even the Goblins and Gringotts would face censure if discovered. Harry had not liked it, but in the end had accepted his godfather's choice. They exchanged a brief hug, Harry promised to write and the black, grim-like canine vanished in the floo with Griphook by his side.

When the occupants of the residents left that afternoon, the smiling eye twinkling headmaster ambushed them. He was desperate to avoid being at odds with Harry and wanted to smooth over their damaged relationship, "Harry, I am happy to see you still attend some of your classes." Harry flinched slightly at the subtle rebuke, but said nothing. "But I'm afraid that other students are still my responsibility and I cannot in good conscience allow them to live outside their respective house dormitories."

Harry met the twinkling eyes and though 'Mione placed a hand on his harm, he did not pull his verbal punches, "Responsibilities eh? Where was your sense of responsibility when it came to giving my godfather a trial?" The boy was gone, replaced by a wizard who had his eyes open. She realized that he had meant every word about how the adults in his life had not only failed him, but also failed to protect the little family that he had left.

"No charges were brought against my godfather who suffered in Azkaban. Twelve years surrounded by Dementors," Harry shuddered involuntarily, "I know my rights as Champion. I know my responsibilities as Champion – no thanks to you – and I take the well being of my friends, in or out of my retinue, far more seriously than you believe." There was acidity to his words that left Dumbledore speechless, "I have advisors who think about me and those I care about. You have failed my parents and my godfather and then me. Eleven years alone in a place where I am actively hunted and hated! Eleven years without anything to tell me who I am or what I really am. …" he stopped, trying to fight back the wave of emotion that threatened to overwhelm him. "Pick and choose your responsibilities as you please. I will not!"

"Harry there is so much going on at the moment that I feel we could benefit from sitting down and talking to each other, to help clear the air."

It was clear that here would be no fence mending for now, and Dumbledore decided that he had a few owls to send, and a few favors to call in, just in case he needed them. Knowledge is power. Dumbledore studied the backs of the teens, and knew he needed something monumental to get back on their good side.

Exempt from end of term tests though he was, that did not mean that Harry was free from the ignominy of certain classes, and that included a wonderful way to spoil the middle of the week. Wednesday saw divination with Sybil Trelawney, where she dramatically predicted his death. After the three form of death, Harry simply tuned out the rest of the class. Charms went by and he barely noticed, given his poor mood over the headmaster. It was the afternoon lesson that really grated against his nerves: Double Potions, with the Slytherins.

Where the Gryffindors had been mostly supportive, some of the Ravenclaws had come around shortly, but most stood stubbornly to their old ways, and continued to target Luna, having added the justification that she was a traitor to their house. The Hufflepuffs, were unsurprisingly, four square behind their own champion, and clearly were not about to budge in support of Harry which suited him just fine. The Slytherins however, made it clear where they stood. Lining up outside Snape's dungeon, Harry found himself staring down the entire Slytherin 4th years, all of whom bore badges that stated:

"Support Cedric Diggory

The REAL Hogwarts Champion!"

"You like them, Potter?" drawled Malfoy loudly as Harry approached, "And this isn't all they do – Look!" He pressed his badge and the message vanished, replacing by one that glowed bright green:

Potter stinks!

No one can stand some things. And the howling laughter of the gathered Slytherin's caused the heat to rise in Harry's face and neck, "Oh very funny," Hermione said sarcastically to Pansy and her gang of Slytherin girls, laughing louder and harder than anyone else, "I suppose it reflects both the level of intelligence and maturity of Slytherin in general! Cedric is the only Champion for Hogwarts and "Potter stinks?" First Year Ravenclaws help you come up with that?"

Malfoy was still laughing as he mockingly extended a badge, "Care to join the winning team Granger?"

It was her turn to laugh, "Malfoy, the mere presence of a Slytherin in the competition must have made the Goblet toes – if it had any – curl. Even if I wanted to join you, there is no team, to join or support!"

Draco froze up for a second as the Gryffindors burst in to laughter, "Shut up Mudblood!"

Harry's anger, kept very carefully in check by a watchful Hermione, had been building: First against the tournament organizers and then the headmaster, then Snape and now Draco Malfoy seemed to think that he could get his thrills from taking cheap shots. His wand was suddenly in Harry's hand and pointed straight at Draco, who responded in kind, "Go on then, Potter, nobody around to protect you. Do you have the guts? That vaunted Gryffindor courage?"

For a split second, they met each other's eye, and then both of them acted.

"Funnunculus!" shouted Harry

"Densaugeo!" screamed Malfoy.

Snape chose precisely that moment to make his presence felt as the curses intercepted each other and bounced off. Harry's curse struck Goyle in the face, and Malfoy's unfortunate found a better target that Harry: Hermione.

In moments, her teeth were growing, and it would not be long before they went down past her collar as Snape began his usually arbitrary assignment of punishment. "Detention Potter!" Harry was not paying attention, "and fifty points from Gryffindor!" oiled the Potions Master. Harry already had his back on all of them, comforting his girlfriend as he took two steps away, "Either you get in to my classroom, or I'll make it a hundred points and a week's detention!" he froze in mid-step and met Hermione's eye for the barest of moments. His wand vibrated, as something green and black slithered downs its length but no one seemed to notice that, focused as they were on Harry's next move. Hermione shook her head and took off, no doubt to the hospital wing. It took every fiber of his being, not to smash the "professor" in the face as he stalked in to what he knew was going to be a very, very long afternoon.

Fortunately, Colin arrived shortly after the lesson began to pull him Harry out of class for the Weighing of the Wands ceremony where Rita Skeeter hounded him incessantly from the moment he walked in the room. He stayed quiet, well aware of the terms of his agreement with the Quibbler. Rita however, did not know when to quit and she pushed him too far. Harry drew his wand and rounded on the reporter. The other three champions simply stared as his wand rose. Karkaroff and Maxime went for their wands only to witness Harry summon one of Gringotts messenger fire sprites.

Within minutes, a quartet of Goblins warriors with their blades drawn stormed the room and detained Ms. Skeeter at blade point, and forcibly removed the reporter. Everyone, Mr. Olivander included were shocked as Harry stood by and let one of the goblins clobber both Rita and her cameraman across the back of the head with the flat of his axe. "Guess my wand still works," thought Harry as he met the mixed stares that ranged from surprise and shock to mild amusement, "Bitch had it coming," said Harry by way of explanation before running to catch up with the others for dinner.

Dinner was a quiet affair with three Weaselys and Luna – or as quiet and safe as possible with the Prank Master Generals seated at your table. Hermione was still in the Hospital Wing. Fortunately, Luna was a calming influence and the jokes of the twins tuned out the gossiping, whisperings, and finger pointing until Professor McGonagall descended upon his end of the Gryffindor table under orders to move Luna back to the Ravenclaw table.

"Professor McGonagall," said Harry evenly, "I've examined the rules and regulations of Hogwarts, and no where does it say that students must sit at their house tables?" A glance towards the staff table confirmed that Dumbledore was watching, and in rankled that the headmaster did not seem to have anything better to do than stare at him. Harry blinked and grinned, almost evilly, "Professor Flitwick! May I have a few minutes?"

Although Luna was unwilling to admit to anything, Harry's brief explanation of the situation caused more than one raised eyebrow at the Gryffindor table as the diminutive professor glared over at his own house table, "I will conduct a formal investigation in to this matter Harry. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I only wish… it had been brought up sooner."

Luna was quickest off the mark, "You didn't know, sir, and I never said anything to you. I had ample opportunity over the years," the strange, ethereal quality in her voice had swept to the fore, lending her words an air of compassionate understanding, something Harry could very well relate to, "Now that you know, you'll do the right thing. That's what matters most."

Professor Flitwick nodded his thanks and turned to Harry, "Mr. Potter, though I cannot condone your participation in the tournament, I offer to you my services as an instructor, should you require them."

Professor McGonagall found herself in agreement, considering the sheer absurdity of Albus Dumbledore. No fourteen-year-old boy to compete in a tournament against not only those older than him but who also held the edge in spell lore, magical ability and physical strength. "I have no knowledge of the tasks in this tournament Harry. And though it embarrasses me to say that I did not think of it sooner, I extend you the same offer as an instructor in transfiguration or any other area you think I may be of some assistance."

"Thank you both professors, for you kind offers. I am," Harry said with a grin, "a great many things but I am no fool. I most willingly accept." He spared a glance towards the Ravenclaw table and they seemed to realize that they were in trouble, a particular group of girls that had Cho Chang as their ringleader.

Albus seemed to have snap-apparated across the hall, suddenly standing quite close to them, "I would also like to offer my services…" He was suddenly aware that he had just committed a tactical error. The boy's eyes tighten and flash a dangerous shade of green for an instant. There was a subtle twitching in his right hand as well, as if he wanted to go for his wand. Subtle though the motion was no one could have missed it.

"No." You could have dropped a pin in the Great Hall, and heard it land in the aftermath of that single word. "You've done enough," growled Harry, "to make Hogwarts unsafe."

That hit home, and the headmaster was actually hurt by that remark, "Harry, I agree that we have our differences, but how can you say that?"

"Let's see," replied Harry, "On the subject of "defense professors," Harry copied Griphook and employed air quotes, "The first tried to kill me, the second tried to obliviate me." He raised his voice, "The most recent one has used an Imperius Curse on me as part of his idea of "Constant Vigilance," Can someone hit me with a Cruciatus Curse so I can have the Unforgivable Curse Collector Set?"

Despite the silencing charms at the staff table, the hand signals and gestures made it clear that the headmaster was going to have his hands full until well after breakfast.

Sitting at the Ravenclaw table, Fleur Delacour realized that she had sold the young man short. Mr. Potter was a powerful wizard, very, very wealthy with a temper and anger management issues – everyone had heard about what had happened outside Snape's Dungeon. With her Veela blessing, she felt confident that not only could she wrap him around her little finger, but convince him that the Beuaxbatton Academy in France would be perfect to finish his education. Nothing could stand in the way of even a part Veela with an eye for a mate.

Ronald Weasely was blind to all the intrigue at Hogwarts, involving professors, students, headmasters and Veela, on suspension until November 18, one week before the first task. Suspended for two weeks! The redhead was fuming, almost apoplectic with rage. He was unsurprised to find that McGonagall had sided with Harry, but to have both his parents turn on him as well! Was the entire world against him suddenly? The narrow-minded young man could not even contemplate the possibility that all of the injustices were the product of his own skewed perception.

He reasoned that Hermione was not and would never be the most attractive of witches - Lavender Brown, Padma and Patil, Cho Chang, Daphne Greengrass all came to mind - but Hermione should have waited for him. They would have dated for a bit, snogged a lot and then move on. Now Potter had taken her from him. Potter had taken everything he had ever seen or wanted and put in beyond his grasp. He clenched his fists in frustration and punched the wall, adding another crater to the wall. Something else he blamed Potter for: His confinement to his room as if sentenced to Azkaban.

The bottom line, for Ron was that everything he wanted had been stolen or denied by Harry "the bloody git" James "girlfriend stealer" Potter! The same person had turned even his own family against him. Though he was unwilling to admit it, it seemed as if Draco was right, and what made that worse, right all along.

Peter Pettigrew was not having a good day. He had hopes that delivering nothing but good news would allow him to escape Cruciatus free at least this once, "Master, I bring word from your servant. He says that Potter's relationship with the headmaster has taken a dramatic turn for the worst and that the boy no longer trusts him. They even had an argument in public."

The dry chuckle eased some of Peter's fears, as his master was in a good mood, something he infinitely preferred to a bad one, "It took him longer than I thought it would, but he has finally done it. This should not only make it an interesting year but also make out plans that much easier to carry out. The plan, takes priority over everything!" concluded Voldemort.

Peter was beginning to count his blessings when he remembered that when dealing with the Dark Lord, one should not put all their eggs in to one basket as the Cruciatus curse slammed him to the floor where he writhed in agony for only a few moments, "Remember Wormtail. If you have lied to me, you will suffer my full wrath and displeasure."

"Yes master," was all Peter could croak out before crawling from the room, wondering why he had been foolish enough to become a death eater, and why he now still stayed, when he could just run, and never look back.

There were no bright moments, or positive highlights on this particularly trying day, for Harry as he scrubbed the cauldrons out without magic in the potions dungeon. He found himself strangely enjoying the task as it let him burn off a great deal of excess energy, and vent some of his frustrations and anger. By the time, he was done, and Snape was satisfied, the tired teenager retreated to his quarters and collapsed on his bed, not even bothering to say good night or even to change.

Harry slept deeply and dreamlessly unaware of the danger lurking in the wings…