Chapter 12 Mysteries and Assistance

The tournament's judges were all fully aware of the Golden Egg and the clue that it contained for one reason: They were all a part of the organizing committee. Even Griphook, a late comer to the panel, was privy to it. While the members of the committee had a say, it had always been the hosting school and its headmaster that had final say on any matter of the tournament unless unanimously opposed. The amendment to the rules was necessary after the rampaging cockatrice of the 1792 incarnation of the Tournament.

And considering that cheating always has been and in all likelihood always would be a part of the Triwizard Tournament, Igor Karkaroff made sure that Victor received a clue about listening under water via a Hogwarts owl. Madame Maxine simply let a piece of clearly labeled parchment where Gabrielle Delacour could find it. The young witch had passed it to her sister almost immediately. Griphook's own innate sense of honor meant that the goblin would cut off his sword arm than give Harry any assistance in solving the clue for the second task. The Hogwarts headmaster had not given Cedric any aid in solving the clue to the second task – partly out of a need to play by the rules, but mostly because he knew that whatever aid Cedric received, Harry would get. As it was, Harry had done outstandingly well against his Hungarian Horntail instead of a more sedate Japanese Long-snout. However, the two champions who received anonymous assistance had not hesitated to verify, and then share their clues with each other:

"Come seek us where our voices sound,

We cannot sing above the ground,

And while you're searching, ponder this:

We've taken what you'll sorely miss,

An hour long you'll have to look,

And to recover what we took,

But past an hour - the prospect's black,

Too late, it's gone, it won't come back"

With the lyrics in hand, the task was clear: Retrieve something they valued from the depths of the black lake within an hour, or lose it forever. Therefore, the question was what thing the organizers could take.

"Perhaps," suggested Hermione slowly, "It's not a thing, like a broom. What if they take a person?" If that were the case, it was clear to Harry exactly what they would take. Instinctively, he pulled Hermione close to him. She smiled slightly as her boyfriend was not even aware of what he was doing. Victor noted both their reactions and raised an eyebrow towards Hermione in a deadpan fashion. The witch was barely able to stifle a giggle. The Quidditch star wondered whether Harry had actually said those three all-important words to his girlfriend yet, and mentally shrugged. It was none of his business, but he was curious.

Fleur immediately blanched Gabrielle!

Unfortunately, that premise left Cedric and Victor scratching their heads. However, for the moment, they were wondering about how they would be able to breathe underwater for an hour. The bubblehead charm was the obvious solution, but there would no doubt be various other barriers and obstacles in the way. The charm was also just a bubble, easily popped that would leave the Champion in question more than a little defenseless under water, "Small wonder," said Cedric, "that champions have died in this thing…"

Surprisingly, Neville Longbottom managed to supply the answer, "Gillyweed," he said. The stares of four champions was a little unnerving but he ploughed ahead, "The plant will allow you to breathe underwater for about an hour… the length of the effect varies depending on a number of different factors including your age, weight, whether its fresh or salt water and the quality of the plant." Bubblehead charms and Gillyweed were the solutions to their 24th of February problem.

However, of great worry to Harry, and Colin, was the 14th of February: A day that many men dread, uncertain of what to buy beyond flowers and chocolates and a dinner date. It was also a Saturday, and a Hogsmeade weekend as well. Harry wanted to make the day special, but romance was still – at least for him – a mystery in its own right.

The men of the residence with girlfriends gathered, almost in secret to brainstorm plans and ideas. Colin felt that his best course of action was to let things develop of their own accord and went with the traditional Valentines: Flowers, chocolates, a date in Hogsmeade and a small gift. Cedric stole a page from Harry's book, going with a moonlight dinner. Victor jokingly wondered if it was too late to find a date, to his every lasting regret as Ginny started naming names. Before long, everyone was in on the joke and Viktor had a list of sixty girls. Harry however, was at a loss, and Griphook refused to help, "Apologizing to a witch is one thing. But one cannot romance a witch in the manner one romances a…woman of my species."

"Dog father" Sirius in his own words, "Twelve years in Azkaban and I've forgotten what it's like to go out on a date… but come to think of it," Harry could almost see the roughish grin and wink, "I never was the dating kind. But you can't go far wrong with flowers or chocolates – not both! That's overdoing it! A nice simple date is perfect for your first Valentines together. Get out there, spend the day with your girl and forget about the bloody tournament!" That cinched it.

Hermione awoke that Saturday to find her room in the residence filled with red, long stem roses and her bed covered in red rose petals. She smiled as she slipped out of bed and changed her clothes before going out to meet her boyfriend.

Harry was sitting waiting for her in the living room, and his face broke out in a huge grin as she came in. They came together and, her hands wound their way into his hair, holding him tightly to her. When they finally pulled back, he trailed his nose along her cheek, "Happy Valentine's Day, love." The way that he whispered it sent tingles down her spine. Workout attire, it seemed, hid very little and left little to the imagination.

Hermione had read a little too much for her own good, she knew exactly what she wanted him to do to her. However, she hesitated, even though common sense was rapidly loose to passion and desire as he trailed kisses along her cheek and down the side of her neck, in a fashion that was more than suggestive. "Either you stop or I am going to tear your clothes off!" she growled.

All good relationships involve trust, loyalty and to a lesser extent, the ability to compromise. Suffice to say that the compromise left both of them flushed and out of breath, leaving a trail of clothes from the door of his room to the edge of the bed. The instinctive bond was their guide and though practically naked beneath the sheets and sated, they were not necessarily satisfied. At least Hermione was not, "You know," said Harry with a slightly dreamy tone, "that was not the morning workout I had planned."

Snuggled against him, "Well, if you want, we can still go for our morning run," she sat up, and with a wave of her wand, had her clothes in a pile on the bed. She stood and Harry took a moment to enjoy the view, and sighed wistfully as she pulled on her shirt and pants, "And Harry," she said staring on him over her shoulder, "If you can catch me," she had the look of something or other he could not quite place, "You can have me." That definitely got his attention.

He shrugged, "I'd rather just lie here and enjoy the view."

Wand in hand she grinned, "Guess you need a little incentive to… play…" a wave of her wand conjured a bucket and Harry's eyes widened as he tried to scramble clear. Coiled up in the blanket however, there was no escape as two gallons of ice-cold water drenched him, the blanket, bed and pillows.

Harry was dressed and out the door wand in hand, half wet and in pursuit. He could hear her feet pounding the flagstones as she made her way through the castle, with him hot on her heels. She teased him, slowing down by the front door. He cast a fire hose charm in her direction but she nimbly sidestepped the stream of water and took off at a full sprint with a laugh. "Hermione Jane Granger!" he hollered after her, "I'm gonna get you!"

Back in the residence, Winky emerged from Harry's cupboard with a sigh of relief. She had been cleaning inside the cupboard when Master Harry and Ms. Granger had… stumbled in rather passionately. The pop of apparition would have given her away so she had stayed in the cupboard and done her best to cover her ears with silencing and muffling charms. Though there was now an extra bed to clean, she did not mind. Winky just shook her head, "Winky is not a bad house elf.

Winky is a good house elf. Winky will keep master's secrets," she mumbled to herself.

The couple had exhausted themselves and had curled up at the base of a largish oak tree. It had taken a few drying charms before they were fully dry, content to be with each other, "Love you Harry." She whispered. Harry simply smiled and kissed her. He was not too sure whether that actually described what he was feeling. The concept was more than slightly alien to him. Nevertheless, Sirius was right, he realized, this was their day… tournament be damned.

Hermione had expected a trip to Hogsmeade. Instead, Dobby popped in and popped out, leaving a picnic basket with enough food to feed an army. It was exactly what Sirius suggested and perhaps exactly what the couple needed. They knew each other, almost intimately – no surprise considering what they had been through together. When Hermione thought about it, the key moments in her friendship with Harry had happened when Ron was out cold – after the chess set knocked him out in their first year, and the time turner from the previous year.

Harry was perfectly content with his relationship with his girlfriend, but was not sure if there was something more he could do to make the relationship, better. He knew she was waiting for something, something from him, but he just was not sure what. He was not sure that he could really put in to words how she made him feel. He did not even know whether, whatever it was, had a name, but he just knew, instinctively that something this good, could not be a bad thing.

It was late afternoon when both of them finally retreated to the residence. When Harry suggested going for a swim, she thought he meant the black lake, "I was thinking more the Jacuzzi..."

Hermione had been wondering about how far she could push Harry, he hadn't said it, but then, considering what she knew about his life with the Dursleys, and what Ron had also shared, back when they were friends… it was no surprise to her that love, and exactly what that meant were strange otherworldly ideas to him. Harry had a great capacity to love; she had seen that, experienced it firsthand. She had seen it in the way he cared for others, in the choices he made, had already made. However, how to get him to understand that he deserved what he gave so, easily, so willingly to others. Harry needed to… experience love. She reached in to the bottom drawer of her cupboard.

When Madam Malkin had come to outfit them for the Yule Ball, she had managed to sneak a private word with her and had arranged for certain, clothing items. She had her hand on the bag, and wondered whether now was the right time. Especially since, it was what she wanted. She put the bag back in its drawer. Soon, she decided. Give him a little more time; he will work it out for himself and that would be the right time.

They couple weren't the only one to think of the Jacuzzi, but fortunately, Luna and Colin weren't doing anything more than enjoying Butterbeer and each other's company. As it was, by six in the evening, there was something of party in the making with almost twenty people laughing, and just having a relaxed good time. Harry looked around the room, and wondered at his good fortune: Luna and Colin, the twins, Ginny and Neville, three other champions. Who was Victor talking to? The girl seemed familiar but he could not really place her. Not that it mattered as Gred and Forge cannonballed their way in, soaking everyone with a tidal wave, "Bathtub Tidal Wave!" shouted Fred exuberantly, he clambered out of the Jacuzzi, "Five Sickles each!"

"Potter's Bathtub Tidal Wave Maker Cleaner," shouted Harry with his wand aimed, "On the house!" he summoned Fred back in to the water. There was a moment stunned silence as Fred emerged spluttering, and returned fire with a wave of water. Pandemonium ensued as a water war broke out. Harry grinned as he grabbed his girlfriend around the waist and cast a disillusionment charm over both of them. Let the others have the battle. Harry was more interested in winning the war.

The time between Valentine's Day and the second task passed quickly. Albus Dumbledore, upon reflection, would come to realize that his choices would have next to no influence upon who Harry called friend, confidant or foe. Hindsight as has often been said is perfect. Dumbledore had collected his hostages on the evening of the 23rd as he relaxed by the fire in his office.

Harry however, had his house elves monitoring the Marauder's Map and Dobby reported the odd congregation in the Hospital Wing. A few discrete enquiries confirmed that nobody in the school seemed to know where three Hogwarts and one Beauxbatton student had vanished too. Enquiries to professors, heads of houses and even prefects met with vague, general reassurances that they were safe and were doing just fine. Nobody had any doubts. Hermione had been right all along: They were taking people. It was not something that had to be recovered, but someone to be rescued.

"So much drama," growled Fleur. She was practically vibrating with rage at the liberties taken with Gabrielle. Shaking her head at the situation, she stomped to the dueling area of the residence, where the training dummies were located. The French half Veela blasted her way through half a dozen in a little under half an hour, ramping up the difficulty with each successive dummy she defeated until she had destroyed the seventh using a blend of fire and air magic that is innate to Veela, her wand forgotten on the floor where she'd dropped it.

Harry recalled the temper the Veela at the World Cup had shown, and knew that he would have to tread cautiously, until she calmed down, "Fleur, rescuing Gabrielle is our priority." The other three champions nodded in agreement, "The hostages can't come to any real harm. If they did, Dumbledore would get the axe."

"And if they do?" her tone had a cold, brittle quality, "then what?"

Harry shrugged, "I help you hex Dumbledore." He was calm, incredibly calm in the face of the angry Veela. He silently thanked Vernon Dursely for that, "Now how to distract whoever the old man has guarding the hospital wing…."

There was a knock at the door and one of the goblins entered, kneeling before Harry, and "Zha-las ghuliah-nar Ursh-Kai Potter, "Harry nodded," Two of the castle ghosts wish to speak to you. your orders?"

With Harry permission, the Goblins revealed the secret and both floated in. The castle was host to as many as a hundred different ghosts, but only twenty or thirty had any real regular contact with the students. The two ghosts standing – or rather floating before the gathered Champions and students were perhaps something of an odd couple: Sir Nicholas of Gryffindor and the Bloody Baron of Slytherin, "We come at the behest of the Lady of the Castle," said Nick, "with a message."

The baron sounded a great deal like Victor when he was dealing with members of an opposing Quidditch team, "The Lady has instructed us to cause distractions at the ninth hour of this night to grant you access to the Hogwarts infirmary, and the hostages for the second task of the tournament."

"I thought we were supposed to rescue them tomorrow?" asked Cedric.

"Yes, you are," confirmed Nick, "But the Lady suggests that given the friendships between the champions, that Headmaster Dumbledore will probably complicate the task in some fashion. Perhaps, certain charms could be of use…" The ghosts departed Harry glanced at Hermione and she nodded towards Cedric.

The byplay was not lost on the others, "Cedric, can you cast a tracking charm?" He nodded. Dobby appeared with a sudden pop, placed the marauder's map and his invisibility cloak on the table and with a grin to Harry disapparated. "I need to give that elf a raise," said Harry with smile, "The ghosts will draw the guards out. Cedric, get in there and cast the tracking charm. I'll hang around under the cloak, just in case."

Fleur and Victor both protested but Harry was a step ahead, "Neither of you know your way around the castle. Cedric is a Prefect – he can be out of bed, doing a prefect patrol or something, and if it comes to it, he can catch me, providing a cover of sorts." He glanced at his watch, 'Exploding Snap anyone?"

Two games later, Harry was nursing slightly red fingers as Luna had always managed to place her cards down without setting off the pile. Harry, next in the rotation invariable got snapped. Cedric and Harry were in place a few minutes before the appointed hour. Dumbledore had not been playing around as Professors Snape and Flitwick guarded the door. At precisely nine, there was a crash of metal, followed by another, then a third and a fourth. Flitwick was off like a shot down the corridor, wand drawn. Resident poltergeist and quite possibly the resident evil of the castle appeared, coming up through the floor, floating through Professor Snape. He cursed as he leapt clear of the cackling fiend with a roar that did little to drown out the shrieked singing of Peeves as Snape raised his wand.

The poltergeist nimbly floated aside and hurled a piece of armor at Snape, continuing to sing all the while about a rotten student from house of snakes, wriggling and sniveling underfoot. Harry wished he had time to listen and memorize the original and impressive insults that Peeves continued to rain down on the irate potions master as banishment spells flew from his wand.

The lock on the door would have opened to a simple "Alohamora." The wards were a problem, neither of them had anticipated. Suddenly, the wards vanished. No explanation, not a sound, nothing. It just disappeared. The Gryffindor ghost rose through the floor, with an urgent wave, "The Lady bids you to hurry! The Friar is running out of armored suits to knock over, and Peeves is likewise running low on munitions!"

Harry shook his head as he made a note of the hostages. Cho and Ron made a certain kind of twisted sense from the convoluted headmaster's standpoint. Gabrielle was an obvious choice. However, the fourth hostage was Siobhan Greene. As far as he knew, none of the champion knew the Hufflepuff 5th year. There was a brief glow around each hostage as Cedric cast the spell. They were out of the infirmary when Sir Nicholas locked the door and the wards sprang back in to place as Professor Flitwick was coming up the corridor. Harry vanished under the invisibility cloak and Cedric, who had his wand out was just able to mutter, "Residence. Go!"

Harry slinked off as a shadow down the corridor in the opposite direction as Cedric moved to meet the Ravenclaw head of house, "Professor," greeted Cedric cautiously.

"Is everything alright Mr. Diggory?" asked Professor Flitwick.

"I don't know, sir." He replied, "There was a lot of banging and noise a few minutes ago... heard it all from near the library."

"And what," oiled Snape, "where you doing out of bed, at this hour, wandering around the castle?"

Cedric, to his credit met the potion master's gaze without flinching, "Prefect patrol professor."

"But the normal patrol route of the prefects does not normally encompass the hospital wing," said Snape in the same oily tone.

"As I was just telling Professor Flitwick, I heard a noise – lots of noise. Almost as if somebody was knocking over those suits of armor – or at least, trying to knock them all over," In the shadows of night, it seemed like a reasonable explanation but Snape was not convinced. But then again, considering that the wards upon the infirmary were intact, and no student would be able to breach the wards set by the headmaster himself, and that Professor Flitwick would not support any further detainment of a Triwizard Champion…. Snape sighed inwardly and dismissed the nosey prefect as exactly that: A nosey prefect.

Peeves floated suddenly out of the wall – or at any rate, his arm did as he rammed an arm through Snape midsection, "Upset stomach oh greasy one?" The poltergeist cackled as it zoomed up the corridor, "The Lady of the Castle call to me! I'll answer though she'll never date me! After all, the Lady stands in the Light! And if a greasy git get smeared in the fight…"

Snape snarled much to Flitwick's amusement as Cedric turned, partly to leave and partly to hide his own smirk when the charms professor grabbed his arm, "Yes professor?"

"Tell Mr. Potter," Flitwick whispered conspiratorially, "Ten points to Gryffindor for finding a way past the headmaster's wards. And ten points to Hufflepuff for loyalty!" Leaving Cedric dumbfounded for a moment the charms professor smiled and left. Cedric shook his head. At this rate, Champion Potter would have the support of most of the staff before the end of the school year. He shook his head and made his way back to the residence.

He arrived perhaps five minutes after Harry, who was busy filling in the others on what they had found in the infirmary, when he revealed the identity of the fourth hostage, Siobhan Green. The temperature rose as Victor took a turn at the training dummies, obliterating one after the other with a selection of curses that walked the fine line between light and dark, cursing rather creatively under his breath as he did so. Harry looked at Cedric and Fleur, "Was it something I said?"

Cedric had a dark grin of his own, "You didn't know?"

"Know what?"

"You really didn't know?" echoed Fleur. There was a hint of incredulity in her voice,

"How could you not see it?" emphasized his girlfriend.

"See what?" asked Harry slightly frustrated. It took a moment and a look from Hermione before he figured out what the others were referring to, "Victor and Siobhan? No. I didn't see it." The girls giggled and Harry sighed, "I'll never understand women," that set off another fit of giggles forcing Harry to turn to Cedric, "How do you cope with that?"

"You mean the giggling?" queried Cedric, "You just, kinda do." There was the sound of an express train smashing through a wall, accompanied by a yell. Moments later, Victor stomped in to the room, exuding an aura of anger, "What right does your headmaster have to take students hostage!" he thundered.

Harry eyed the raging Bulgarian critically, and met the man's gaze. Emerald green met black and for a moment, it seemed like the two would trade blows. Smart money was on a draw with two occupied beds in the hospital wing, "As a headmaster, none. His authority stems from his position as principal organizer of the tournament." But if it's any consolation Victor, I'll help you rescue Siobhan, after I help rescue Gabrielle." Harry stood his ground, "I didn't know that you two were close…" Suddenly, he remembered where he had seen her: The Yule Ball. She was the only girl outside their group that Victor had danced with during the evening, "How long have you two been dating?"

"We're not," shrugged Victor, "Her parents and mine are old friends. I have known her for many years. Do I care about her? Yes. But I am not romantically in love with her." Victor shrugged, "You said that you would help hex the headmaster if he harmed one hair on Gabrielle's head. Would you expect me to do any less for my friends?" Harry shook his head, "Then you understand," said Victor quietly as he turned to face Fleur, "I cannot help rescue your sister over Siobhan."

Fleur shook her head, "I… understand, the choice you make. But I do not like," she sighed, "I would choose Gabrielle over any other hostage in a heartbeat." A measure of understanding and respect passed between the two Champions, and Harry was glad that nobody was blowing anybody up tonight. He was not sure but he thought that Dobby and Winky were a little miffed with the amount of clearing up after the impromptu Valentine's party.

The words of the ghosts kept him up, instead of nerves or worry about the second task. Just what did they mean by "Lady of the Castle?" and since when did Peeves listen to anyone besides the Bloody Baron or the current Headmaster of Hogwarts anyway? Cedric was adamant that Peeves had been singing about answering the call of the Lady. Who could that possibly be? Rowena Ravenclaw? His mind weighed down by that question alone, sleep was a long time coming for Harry, even as he protectively curled himself around his girlfriend. He slept best next to her and hoped that the same was true for her. He kissed her gently on the forehead, closed his eyes, and finally let himself drift off to sleep.

The morning of February 24, dawned dark and cloudy. It looked and felt like rain to the Champions as they gathered on the banks of the Black Lake. The stands erected for the second task were already packed. Dumbledore raised his eyebrows in question at Colin and Luna who smiled politely, produced Quibbler press credentials, and more importantly parental permission letters. He nodded to them.

Harry stole a glance and noted that both Karkaroff and Madame Maxime did not look at all pleased to see him… It was obvious from the looks on their faces that they had thought he was not going to turn up. The headmaster nodded. Bagman cast a sonorous charm and turned to address the crowds, "Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen, to the second task of the 1994 Triwizard Tournament!"

He kept his introductory spiel short and to the point, repeating the clue for the benefit of the audience that whispered and mumbled to each other, wondering what each champion would have to recover. "The hostages at the bottom of the lake await rescue by our champions are: Ronald Weaseley by Champion Potter of Gringotts, Cho Chang by Champion Diggory of Hogwarts, Gabrielle Delacour by Champion Delacour of Beauxbatons, and Siobhan Green by Champion Krum of Durmstrang." The headmaster's broad smile failed to break the ice with the gathered champions, "The hostages have been scattered throughout the village of the Merpeople at the bottom of the Black Lake."

That complicated things no end. With the hostages scattered, they could no longer work together. There was no way around that. The headmaster it seemed still had a few tricks left up his sleeve. The champions glanced at each other and realized they were going to have to play it the headmaster's way, "Anyone in distress, red flare" said Harry.

"Success is a gold flare," finished Fleur. Victor nodded.

"Four gold flashes and we're all safe and dry," said Cedric, "Luck."

The champions were glowering at the headmaster. It was clear that the headmaster still had hoped for the past. Harry thought about it and shook his head. Things were changing and the beloved headmaster had his head buried too far in the sand to see it, let alone accept it. Cedric was about to tell Dumbledore where he could shove his choice of hostage when Fleur reigned him in simply by gently taking his hand. He calmed, and offered her a slightly sheepish grin. For the moment at least, Dumbledore would keep his hat and beard.

"But past an hour – the prospect's black. Too late, it's gone, it won't come back," said Harry to himself. He shook his head, hoping it was all dramatic hyperbole. He turned to the other three champions, "Right. Let's get this over with!"