I cannot read Delf's thoughts as I gazed excessively at his eyes. He had a troubled expression that was the same as yesterday. He looked down at the phone and sat on the chair. He was silent as he locked and unlocked his phone. It was unsettling. He growled a bit before finally looking at me.
"They told me that it would take at least three to six days to get you pregnant. They're urging me to do it with you for the rest of that time frame." He told me nervously.
I was speechless. All I wanted was a normal life. I don't want to live being one of the government's guinea pig. In order to preserve my life, I chose my words correctly.
"Pregnancy doesn't start the same day we did it. The process usually takes up to three to six days after intercourse for the sperm and egg to join and form a fertilized egg."
He continued my response, "Then, it can take another six days for the fertilized egg to completely implant itself in the lining of your uterus."
"Aced biology class?"
"No. I done some research on things when you were asleep."
"I see. You were getting ready." I paused for a while and examined my thoughts, "Delf, I'm not ready yet."
He was silent and asked me, "Are you worried about what would eventually happen?"
"I'm worried about everything."
He took my hand as if to comfort me and asked, "When will you ovulate?"
It dawned on me. Was it romance? Was it self-salvation? Who am I to trust? It took me a while to answer his question. "I believe it's in about two days."
"Hmmmm." He gripped my hand tightly.
"I know what you're thinking." I loosened his grip on my hands and put both of hands on the table.
"I mean we only have a week's time in a month. We have to rush things."
I was silent because of it. It feels that I am not the owner of my own body and that I have no jurisdiction for it. It seems like I was only a tool to be used and discarded by the government. Even Delf had nothing to say about it. He was always upright and justice was always in his mind. I saw our reflection in the dining room mirror.
Delf looked at me with the same expression I was making.
"I don't want to talk about it now though." I looked at my lap and a tear started to fall from my eyes.
"I understand."
I walked towards the staircase and climbed it slowly without taking a second look at him.
I sat on the bed with eyes staring at the ceiling. I looked at my phone and glared at the message I had received.
"Ms. Vicerra Harkesthai,
We would like to inform you that you and your husband are invited for a checkup tomorrow at 9AM at your Local City District Clinic. We would run some tests for your immediate pregnancy. We do not expect a response from you but we expect your compliance tomorrow.
-Local Central Government Office"
Another letter popped into my notifications,
"Ms. Micella Harkesthai and Mr. Aldred Ylterumb,
You are invited to the Annual New World Celebration. We will send you the details regarding the date, time and venue of the event after a few weeks.
Bear in mind that to be able to go to the Annual New World Celebration, the female pair should be pregnant with her firstborn child.
-Central Government"
I gulped at the messages. The Annual New World Celebration is the commemorative week-long event of the Old World wherein everyone is free to do what they want, speak what they want and preach what they want as long as it abides with the old laws.
I quickly got to the bathroom, cleaned, bathed, brushed, and dried myself up. I quickly messaged Delf to come up. I quickly turned off the lights and when he opened the door. I was already sitting at the bed with only a towel on with a feint smile.
He sat down on the bed and held my hand for a minute. He looked at me, let go of my hand, and walked towards the bathroom to clean himself up.
I waited a few minutes and got already bored of waiting. When he come out of the bathroom, he immediately went to find his meds in the drawer and chewed three tablets.
He climbed in the bed and slowly put his hands on my face as if he was examining it.
"Can you keep a secret?"
"What secret?"
"I think that I'm already having feelings for this woman. I am staring at her right now."
"Is this a confession? I don't know how to handle confessions."
"Why did you confess to me all of sudden then? Texting me after a moment of sadness?" He paused and started to imitate how I speak, "Arodelf, I may have been too rash about what happened. It's just that I'm not used to these things and I'm still in a state of shock and I think I'm having a little bit of feelings for you."
He lookee at me intently and kissed me. We were silent and every word that he spoke burned into my mind.
He paused and hugged me, "I want to believe everything that you say is true Vicerra, I mean Micella. I want to believe you. I don't know what to believe anymore."
Soon guilt flooded my mind, am I only doing this for the celebration? Was it for making up to him and apologizing to him? Was it because deep inside my heart I am already harvesting feelings for him? Or we are just fooling ourselves that we are loved in a world where lies are abound?
I rested my head on his shoulders and started to cry. My towel fell off the process and my chest was pressed against his. His cheeks were pressed against my head and our hands were planted on our backs. We were finding comfort and anchorage.
Tears were flowing in my back too.
I found myself subconsciously saying, "I love you, Delf."
I felt his breath tensed a little and replied, "I love you too Ella."
He kissed me again. This time he barely paused for breath. He was hungry for the passion he had always yearned for. I was his empty vessel and no one knows how much he filled me with love.