Chapter 13 Droplets

We went out of the room and down the stairs.

I sat on the sofa and waited for his cue. I checked my bag for the needed forms, cards, keys, phone and passes.

I heard the car's honk and went outside. I looked the door and hopped in the car. I quicky closed the door. "Delf." I told him automatically.


I kissed him on the cheeks and then on the lips. It was out of impulse. Delf sighed, "I love you." I replied, "I love you too." I don't know if any of these words are real.

The drive was a bit long but we managed. We stepped out of the car. It just rained so the atmosphere was a bit gloomy. What else isn't?

Delf smiled at me as he took my hand. We walked inside the building and was immediately greeted by a woman. She's a nurse or something. "Good day. I am Nurse Eva. We are expecting you. Please insert the card in this machine and it will tell you which room you will be assigned in."

I inserted the card and it was fed out. A waiting card popped out of the machine. Delf raised his eyebrows about this one. Maybe we were thinking why the designers of these places have to make it all complicated. We were asked to sit down on the waiting area until our number from the waiting card is called.

The place was a striking white. The colors almost burned my eyes with its sharpness. We sat down and waited. Delf sighed and looked at me. "Ella. Things could be simpler right? We have programmed phones for that."

"Maybe not all services are connected with each other Delf. I mean. All of us have different tasks and jobs to deal with and..."

"and? See. Maybe these facilities aren't as sophisticated as it could be." Delf winked at me.


I nodded and said, "Maybe they can hear us too. Programmed phones. Monitoring. By now they should've assaulted us or something."

"I guess so. You see. The serum kept me telling things I'm not supposed to say too." He admitted.

"No escape. We are definitely lab rats." I sighed. Delf leaned his head on my shoulders.

"But you are a cute lab rat." He spoke.

My cheeks burned. It was an awkward statement but I found myself laughing at it. "How can you find humor in a senseless situation?" I joked.

"Whether or not we are lab rats, I would still accept the fact that you're my wife now. It's not that I submit to the government and would accept everything they say wholeheartedly, but it's a matter of submitting to my feelings." Delf stroked my hair.

I was both touched and irritated. Is he really playing on me or is he telling the truth. I cannot tell. "You are handsome lab rat. I'm sure they'll experiment with you a lot." I laughed sarcastically.

"Hope that won't come true." He paused. "Hmmmm. You love experimenting, don't you?" He snickered and hugged me. "How I missed human connection, Ella."

I love this guy. That was my mind is telling, but my soul isn't convinced. Soon, the number was called and we were directed into a room.

The room was freezing cold and a woman in her 50's greeted the two of us. "Good day. I am Dr. Gina. Dear Ms. Micella and Mr. Arodelf, I was assigned to do a blood sample from the two of you and explain the details about it. You will be assigned to a general check-up next month." She gestured us to sit down. She got two machines and let us insert our hands in them.

"This machine will scan the blood in your hands. It will insert a few series of serums in which it will indicate if you are immune to certain serums."

"Ms. Micella, from the database, you are immune to Serum 14255 which stimulates your libido and sexual drive but will also promote fertility and increased pheromones that will help to provide a better intercourse 'action'." The doctor was pokerfaced while telling me that. Delf slightly laughed.

He smirked and told the doctor, "I can't imagine it if that serum actually worked. She's already great in bed."

"Delf!" I was so embarrassed up to the point where my ears and cheeks burned. "That's too TMI!!! I hate you!"

The doctor laughed. "Good thing you get along. Not all pairs worked out you know." Around 10% of couples, don't work." I was not amazed that someone was complaining about the pairing but I was really shocked about the 90% that get along, all of us included. Why were they good at pairing? Or maybe...the happiness we are feeling right now is induced by the practicality and ease it brought to my and Arodelf's life.

Everything is rationed. Everything is requited. Everything is equal. It was a eutopia.

Delf asked her, "What were the common problems?"

The doctor sighed, "We aren't open to state this but it is quite reasonable that homosexuals are not fond of the process. They just cannot put themselves to touch the opposite sex. How much the government tried to pair them with their deepest desires."

The machine feed out a receipt and the doctor read it fast.

"Ms. Micella. You are not compatible with 18 serums for this step but 3 serums were compatible with you but these have turbulent side effects. I'll make you choose one. First, Serum 14250, it can give you mild headaches. Second, Serum 14268, it can give you a mild sensitivity to light and sound, and Third, Serum 14259, it may give you an increased amount of appetite. It will only be given in the course of the days when you are in the process of conceiving. Once you conceive, you will be given another serum for you and your baby next month during your general check-up." The doctor smiled at me. Did she breath while explaining that?

"You on the other hand Mr. Arodelf are not immune to any form of serum as long as its dose is above average." He turned towards my husband.

"So I get more of the effects is it?" He smiled at me.

"That's the only disadvantage." She told him. "You can now both take your hands from the machine."

When they did.

Arodelf's hands were a worse color of violet and mine was blue due to the punctures and the collection of blood.

"There you go. You may now go the next area where you can restore your hands. Thank you for participating." She smiled at the two of us and gave us passcards. "One more thing..."

We turned around to see her face again.

"What is the serum of your choice? I totally forgot it."

I asked Arodelf for his opinion. He looked up as if he was pkaying out in his head the different situations the serum would affect. It took him a minute, "I guess you would rather pick the serum that induces appetite. I mean. You're a bit skinny. Last time I saw you, you were thicc." He smiled.

"I guess I'll take the 3rd Serum. Dr. Gina." I smiled at her.

"Please leave a thumbmark on this paper." She told me. I got to the table again and left my thumbmark.

"Thank you." She calmly said. "Have a great day."