"Yes. I would love to go to the circle." She said in a happy tone. Her eyes were little arches of bliss.
"Ella, can I look at the map?" She gave me the map, "You see here this number 6 shaped hall, that place is where official trade and ration money is utilized."
"We also have a place like that but smaller but it is scattered." She said with pouted lips. Why am I paired with a childish girl anyway?
"Oh. You see there is an abundance of craftsmen, artisans and merchants in this circle. The Circle was a stone's throw away from the Center so we opt to walk to go there." I directed her and she understood it.
"Okay." She smiled at me and held my hand tight. Her cheeks were little peaches. I want to kiss her there and then.
"My family's permanent home is near here. It's not that big. Our house was wrecked when bombs hit it. It's near the lake. Somehow we managed, but since the first biennial, things got a little rough. My sister was married two years ago in the first bienneal. It was tough for her because she didn't know anything about her pair. She had twins. It was a good news not just for her but for us, her family. We get twice the ration! She occasionally visits us when she is allowed to do so and her house is very far from the center. My father is a war casualty, let's just avoid to talk about that. Now that I'm paired now, the only person living in the house is my mom. I felt sorry for her."
"Sorry to hear about that." She frowned as she fiddled with her watch. I hate that watch.
"Don't be. I'm just sad that we got to stay in a house that is far away from here. How about your family?"
"Both of my parents are still alive. My father registered under the name of my mother. My parents depended on me confirming to the government participation. We only get two rations since I'm eligible for pairing."
"Hmm. I know about that." She's a love child. Her friend told me all about it.
"You know about that?"
He nodded. "Yes. I don't remember who told me that but I wasn't shocked. You're very eccentric. You treated the world owed you something. I guess all of that hatred turned to gratitude when the world conspired to give you back your family."
"I guess so…"
Silence fell. The humming of birds were the only sound we heard. We passed by a garden made from the ruins. It was structured by the artisans that we're paired a few years ago. We saw a pair of birds that are mate-calling by a small tree. Micella seemed amused by it. Her hands were on her hips and I really wondered if they operated on it too. Her dress clinged to her breasts and waist. Is she pure? Was she touched by her boyfriend? What does she like? Does she like to be held in her chest? Does she wanted to be teased? Does she like it fast? I have many questions.
"What do you like in bed?" I blurted out of the blue and I acted out of impulse. That was unheard of. Why did I say that out loud? I almost stumbled near the small bridge made out of recycled wood.
"What? I..." Her face turned red. She turned the opposite direction, averting my gaze.
"Are you a virgin?" I added out of impulse again. She looked at my face and she was looking at me intently as if she was interrogating me or something.
"I'm a virgin." She sternly stated. "I was very busy and I never had the chance to have some time for those things and..."
"I'm not going to force you into anything. Don't worry." I patted her head and whispered in her ears, "It's not that I am an expert or something but they told us to consummate our marriage immediately."
"Can we just talk about something that... can we just talk about it later? I'm not the type of person to talk about intimate things in public. I don't even want to do those things with you...yet." She told me. It appears that I have angered her.
"Okay... " I smiled and walked ahead of her. I was teasing her. There was no way she would catch up to me with her running.
"Hey...wait...wait for me!" She ran in fears of getting lost.
"I am trying my hardest to connect with you." I honestly stated.
"It's not like that though." She frowned again. I don't want to see her frown though. It makes me sad.
I paused to look at her, "Then what?"
"I'm still guilty of marrying you instead of Cray." Her voice was soft but stern.
"That you only imagined doing it with him? Is that correct? As if we had a choice, Micella. One wrong move and we may say goodbye to both of our parents." She looked up at me and I saw that I was crying.
"It's not that I don't want to talk about it. I rather conserve it for a little while. I want to get to now you more. I want to know your personality and such. You're very hard to read though. I have lots of questions to ask you too." She said it calmly.
"We'll get there. They told us to consummate the marriage immediately. If we're not obedient, a friend may lose a finger or a limb." I looked at her with angry eyes, teasing her and smiled at her. I have her a huge hug and sniffed her hair. Her face is planted on my chest. I told her loud and clear, "The war had crushed my desire to love. It took the future I had imagined. I find it difficult to connect with people again. I want to protect my family and friends. Now that you are a part of me, I must take care of you too. I'm sorry about the words I said. I was just, to be honest, excited. I'm human. It's only natural to crave for flesh. I mean everything, as in everything, was suppressed for three years."
"I get you now." She finally said.
We sat at the table near the window in a local restaurant. The place was calm and peaceful. There are a few people dining in it. They were also newly paired couples. The wind-chimes sounded and I can smell the flowers surrounding the restaurant. They were sweet orchids and lilies.
The waiter took our orders.
"One Lasagna Bolognese and a Mango Smoothie. One Fettuccine in White Sauce and a Chocolate Pearl Tea. Is that all?"
"For afters... what do you like?" He looked at me.
"I guess ice cream would do. Cookies and Cream."
"We'll also get two ice creams please."
"You're orders will be served for within an estimated time of twenty minutes."
"Thank you." We both said in chorus.
After 15 minutes, the food arrived. Micella paused for a while while taking in the scenery and glancing back and fourth at the food, the flowers, and then at me. She calmy said, "Why did you made me head of the family?" She took a sip of the smoothie afterwards.
"It was a spur of the moment thing and I don't think that you will like me dominating the home. We will just fight over that decision and I am willing to give my position to you." I took a sip of his bubble tea. I exclaimed a teasing 'ahh' as my thrist was quench. She was staring at me with wide eyes. "Why are you staring at me?"
"Oh. Nothing. I guess so but we could have talked about it."
With a pride like yours? "I know we'll eventually fight over that."
"Okay, but based on the manual, it can be changed during a bienneal registration." She ate a forkful of Bolognese Lasagna.
"I know. I'm willing to endure. Please take care of me, Ella." I took another bite of my pasta.
"Oh. Should you call me based on my code? Is that allowed?"
"We're here inside the Circle. We can say our given names."
"Should I just call you Delf?"
I nodded and gestured her to edge closer and whispered, "Every time I gestured you to edge closer, I want you to laugh or squeak."
"Okay. I get it."
"But at those times, I will tell something important so listen carefully. I'm an Anti."
She was shocked and I know that she might have heard of it. "Noted. Lots of cameras are outside the streets and in our homes. I don't even know what's freedom anymore."
"I know. It feels unreal. How can we break away from this system?" She asked as she took the bite after bite of her meal and started indulging in it.
"I really don't know maybe we just have to plan it." I started indulging it as well.
"How? How can we do it?" She said in disbelief.
"I don't know. A secret language?" I whispered. "Hmm. I know. You plan. I'll create a system of writing or language."
"It seems impossible you know." She said while looking outside the window. Something caught her attention again.
"We'll find a way." I loosen the buttons of my shirt near my neck as I started heating up.
"Without getting caught?" She stated while looking at me unbuttoning the first few buttons of my shirt.
"Yes." I stated as she licked her lips.
"How?" She was learning close.
"Let's go and get some supplies first." I edged closer and kissed her cheeks, "Let's finish eating."
"Hey wanna try my food?"
"I could taste it but... " I frowned.
Instead, she took a forkful of my food. "It's good." Talk about manners.
"You like the sauce?" I menacingly asked her. Not minding if she get the undertone.
"Yes I really like it!" I started laughing and she doesn't know why.
"Why are you laughing?"
She was taking a sip of her drink when I explicitly said, "I guess Micella likes white sauce."
She nearly choked. "You...!"
"What? I'm just joking around here." I laughed at her.
"You better be." She looked at me threateningly.
"You're really beautiful, you know." I touched the tip of her nose.
"Yes. The procedures literally scraped and restructured my jawbone."
"Yes. That's why my face is smaller."
"I like your face better now. It really suits you." I cupped her face and I was really careful not to touch her jaw. I want to make love with her there and then. I touched her cheeks. "How about your cheeks?"
"They were not operated."
"You're eyes?"
"Can you just let me finish eating. Please? Finish eating too! We don't have much time!"
Everything was silent as I ate my meal while looking at her eat heartily. She will caught me glancing at her and pretend that she didn't see that I was staring at her.
After eating, we headed out of the Circle and into the community proper. I held her hand as she went to the counter for the counter to get the things that we need.
"Good afternoon, I am code 4aQ:F136-0001." I swiped the card and a woman assisted us and gave us two sets of keys.
She questioned us, "Do any one of you knows how to drive?"
I raised my hand.
The woman asked us, "Would you like your family to receive a car?"
Micella looked at me and I nodded, "Yes."
"We're going to check if your husband has a driver's license."
She gave us another key. "Please swipe the card again."
Micella's hands were shaking as she swiped the card. "Do not worry. The government will provide what you need. It's a gift for your marriage." The woman at the counter looked at me and was definitely shy when she saw my face.
My hands slipped to her waist and whispered, "Sorry, I'm not sure of this one."
Micella odded.
The woman then handed us a small box. "These are your official phones from now on. You can keep your old phones, the ones that were given from last year. You will be given a new one every year."
"Thanks." I smiled at the woman and nudged Micella's shoulders.
"Oh yes. Thank you very much for the government's kindness."
"Please wait for fifteen minutes in the waiting area. You can configure your phone with your fingerprint."
We sat there in silence after configuring our phones. I looked at her. She looked at me. Micella was angry and formed her hands into the ball in her lap.
"This is weird." I said while I slid my hand on her hands. "They had given us a house, car, supplies…for free?"
"As a gift, they say." Her voice is shaking.
"I do think that this will come at a price."
"I know."
"4aQ:F136-0001 and 4aLM135-0003."
We got to the counter. She gave us an envelope.
"These are the certificates that you might need that can also be downloaded in your phones. Included there are files, contracts and other certificates that you are entitled to keep. Please proceed outside and go to Lot 7, Dock 5. Here is a bag where you can keep all your things. Enjoy your first day as husband and wife."
Oh yes. I'll enjoy it a lot. I wonder if Micella would feel the same. I can't find the urge anymore. I'm torn.
"Thank you very much for your service." We both said in chorus. We aren't really sure if we're thankful. I can sense Micella getting a bit stirred with all the gifts the government gave us.