What kind of proposal was that?

"Hyun?" he heard a voice asked. "Are you even listening to me?"

Hyun-Shik blinked at the person in front of him. "Huh?"

The girl pouted and poked his cheek. "You really weren't listening!"

He shook his head and smiled at his girlfriend apologetically. "Yuri, honey. I'm really sorry. There's just a lot on my mind right now..."

The girl clicked her tongue and crossed her arms in front of her. "Yeah, okay. I get it. Let's just eat."

The food they ordered arrived a few minutes ago while she was talking about her day. He had asked, albeit uninterested, about her work and how everything was working out for her. To answer him, she had launched into a whole narrative of other girls being 'super negative' about her work just because she got picked to be the image on the next packaging of the eyeshadow palette her company had been developing. Apparently, they needed some kind of mysterious and sexy look and she had exhibited all of what the owner wanted during her audition.

He heard her mumbling to herself. It was obvious that she was upset at him for not listening, but he really couldn't bring himself to listen to her wiles right now. So he ate silently, watching her as she grew increasingly irritated.

"I mean," she finally snapped. "You were the one who invited me out today, Hyun. Couldn't you at least pretend that you're listening to what I'm saying? Pretend you're interested!"

"Yuri-ah," Hyun-Shik decided to go the begging route. "I'm sorry about earlier. Things at work have been really hectic. Investors are pulling out at the speed of light and I'm thinking of all sorts of ways to remedy the situation at the company. I apologize for being distracted during our quality time."

The girl just lowered her head and ate. "Whatever..."

Hyun-Shik sighed. Why can't people go easy on him today?

Yuri had suggested they go to this secluded hole-in-the-wall restaurant near the boundary of Main City. As promised in their advertisement, they offer good food and privacy. Most of the patrons here are either big-name celebrities or politicians who want a moment of peace from the public. Surprisingly too, the vicinity of the restaurant was free of paparazzi, so everyone felt relaxed and comfortable.

But not, Hyun-Shik. Being a then-tiered family, Hyun-Shik was treated politely by the staff at the restaurant, but being here, he felt that every now and then, people would look and whisper something about him and the lady he was with. Good or bad comments, he didn't know. Maybe he was just being paranoid.

"Will you marry me?" he failed to realize that he had said this out loud and was startled when his girlfriend started coughing violently, her face turning red.


He looked at her blankly.

"What kind of proposal was that?" She whispered furiously. "Please tell me you're kidding right now!"

He stared at her, confused. What? What did he say?

As he stared at her red, angry face, he recalled his words. Will you marry me?

Ah, Gods! No! He began to flap his mouth helplessly. What the hell...

"Hyun! I do remember telling you that I'm not ready to let go of my place at the company and that I still need more time to prepare. But even so!"

Her shoulder quaked violently.

"Even so...?"

"You shouldn't have half-assed your proposal!"

His mind had been elsewhere, so he could only nod in agreement as she continued to berate him about his so-called 'proposal'. He shook his head. Until now, Ji-Eun's words were on repeat in his head and it drove him to voice out his thoughts. He felt like a complete idiot right then.

"I mean... it was so sudden and you seemed unprepared!" She began to list down his faults.

"I didn't really mean to" he started to say.

"Hyun-Shik," Yuri spoke solemnly. "I know you're having a hard time right now and that's the exact reason why I don't want to add up to your worries. Let's talk about marriage when your family business is once again stable and when I finally make it as a top model at my company. I hope you understand where I'm coming from..."

"Completely," he nodded.

"Good," she shook her head as if clearing away her bad mood.

He stared at her for a while before he resumed to eat.

His girlfriend's reaction disturbed him throughout their meal. From then, to save himself from further damage, he pushed away his negative thoughts about their earlier conversation and focused on eating and providing short, sensible answers to her quips. And when it was time to go home, he had passed on a warm smile as he drove, lovingly said goodbye, and promised to make up for his earlier blunder by meeting her on her next rest day.

"Thank you for making time for me," Yuri said as she removed her seat belt. "And I'm sorry for nagging you a while back."

In turn, he consoled her. "We all have our days, Yuri. It's fine, everything will be okay soon."

"I'll make sure to make it up to you next time, Hyun!" she said happily as she leaned in to kiss him. "When you have time-"

"I'll call you soon, okay?" He responded quickly, surprising her before her lips landed on his own. "Maybe now it's a good idea for you to spend some time with my parents."

She felt wronged at the time, but chose not to say anything unless she wanted for them to end up fighting again. She leaned back instead and patted his hand.

"Alright. I'll think about it," she said as she opened the door and stepped out of his car. "Bye, Honey."

She stepped on the sidewalk and closed the car door. She waited until her boyfriend's car was out of sight before turning around to walk toward the row of classy condominiums behind her. But before she could take more than five steps, she heard a voice call her back.

"Bae Yuri," a male voice drawled. "It's been a long time. How have you been?"

Her back stiffened for a second before she turned around to look at the source of the voice. Somehow, that familiar timbre sent a chill down her spine.

"Brother?" she dropped her hat and bag in surprise.